Regional Hanford ordered to take more precautions Hydrogen buildup may be dangerous RICHLAND. W.ish (AIM Knergv Set rotary James Wat kins has ordered additional safety precautions .it a llanlord nut lear waste storage tank that has a low possibility of explod ing because of hydrogen buildup. Among the disasters Watkins is seeking to prevent is the t hance that workers could he contaminated by radioactive waste oo/ing up through pipes at the top of the giant storage tank, according to a iK)!•'. news release Watkins also ordered that core samples be taken to leartl the composition of the wastes Hanford mu lear reservation of tii ials had shut down sampling .mil most monitoring *n tivities insidi' tin' tiink to prrvcnt tin' .11 i sparking of .in rv plosion The new orders were re le.ised last Thursday after kms was briefed on the issue last week, IK)!-', spokeswoman ( bit lien in- haliniak said Wednesday in Washington DC The orders do not mean that Watkins was dissatisfied with previously announi ed safety prei .ml ions, she said "We don't know enough about the tank and we are i on tinning to learn, Ms kaliniak said, adding that Watkins wanted to liv new things "to address what we are disi ovei i UK The one million-gallon don ble w ailed storage tank, known as tut SV. is located on the IX )l s Hanford reservation in southeastern Washington and operated for the agent \ Its U estinghouse i fanford ('o W atkins orders were • I hat sampling begin to tie termme the composition of the wastes, plus their potential t heuucal reat turns anti options to eliminate gas buildup W estinghouse spokesman \tike Herriot hoa said the sam pling would hkeK ot cur after the next release of through the venting system, expected sometime in late |uh • That .1 sale! \ nnah sis lie pel formed lo determine if .1 sprin kler svstem should lie inserted into the tank, to wet the hard surf.ii e of the i rust formed at the top of the waste The sprin kler svstem would reduce the 1 ham es fluif sodium and am munium nitrates observed in the tanks < ould ignite II the In drogen gas ignites Herrioi hoa said the water would eliminate the 1 ham es of an explosion hv the nitrates hut i ould lead to greater prut) loins if it causes the crust to be come harder • t hat .1 tei hnil al nanel of out side experts he formed to re view Hanford's plans to ad dress lank safety issues • That operational restrictions he started to redui e the 1 ham es that workers would he endan gered hv radioai live waste and toxii fumes that < mild be pushed up through the moni toring .ind ventilation pipes in the event of .in explosion. • I' the DOK's offii es of \u ( I ear Safety and Knvironment. Safe!\ and ifealth i ontinue management review of the problem. Herrioi hoa said that numer ous operational restrictions have been in place since the gas problem was discovered earlier this year. He also sail) that analysis has determined that an explosion inside the tank would not be suffii lent to rupture it and hurl radioactivity into the sky hut could force the waste up through the pipes and onto the surrounding ground Some People Want To Change The World. We Just Want To Change Your Oil. \\ 'r \, • ■. '■ ,i'X :: - .1 Mm it I ;i!x\ . ::a r» !;m !v ft lu .u I'iirUvluiK ians clixi>\tnj£oil\ixomiks urutiiru* th< r . nft.'f the blot sfr.tfipi .arms irrur. Thats .1 f.u t A:\ilt .if.Kl 1 < ft < \t«r!:u !\ pHUldot \\'i i'. j job oil i h.iiuri .utd scrvkt UK hides i,-j'jint: oil ‘'in iU.kN inllatini; mum na^ jik! tilling u>ur i ji «ith Qiuki r Sl.iti one lough moloi oil And \ve do ll \(TV smell' milklcdh Hi. .him to ns .in oil ch-inir is the niti\t ini|H>nam eu»t in the work! \\r ' ll unit With Quaker St.ttl- (MIC tough motel Oil .it these UK.itions -ii.11 Wcel 11th \\c tin liont of ^.K'lius)i>S~ sS.^ s . ‘ l eh ,|J* Ril I.S<