Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 30, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Goldschmidt at a loss
to explain tax rejections
SAI.HM (AP) Gov Neil Goldschmidt said Tuesday tic
doesn't know what to make of the N1a\ la elei tion results on
school tax advisory measures
"I haven’t the foggiest notion. ' lie said when asked what
the outcome of the votes meant
The governor has been out of the country on a l ar hast
trip, including during the primary elet tion. and Tuesday u.e
his first day hack at the (lapitol
Goldschmidt did say the elei tion at least seemed to nai
row the options lor reforming si liool finance
Voters said they wanted change but then defeated all lour
tax proposals on the advisory ballot
Two sales tax plans fared better, however, than two pro
posed ini ome tax increases
Goldschmidt said he didn't know d there should he .111
other spei nil legislative session this year to handle the si bool
tax issue.
"1 used up my quota" in 1 ailing the one-day session held
May 7 that overhauled yvorkers' 1 ornpensation layys. lie said
He said any plan for school finance reform will have to be
fashioned slowly and carefully The plan would need help
from educators and the public and couldn’t be fashioned in
1 losed-door negotiations as was the yvorkers compensation
package. Goldsi hmidt said
He made the remarks after swearing in Keg Madsen as
new superintendent of state police
On another topic . Goldschmidt said he believes Oregon
remains as a possible site tor a branch campus of Tokyo's
\\ aseda 1 ’niversity
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Aryan pair to remain in custody
HI MS It |,\l’| Two members of .1 white sti
premar ist group were ordered to remain in 1 usto
<i\ l'ltesdat alter I-HI agents testified that an in
formant who infiltrated the \ryan Nations sup
plied details ot an alleged plot to burnt) Seattle
area establishments frequented lit homosexuals
and minorities
l S Magistrate Mikel Williams heard more
than 2 1 .■ hours ot !estimon\ before continuing an
order that Kohert I Winslow 2'l. ot I .at lede and
Steven K Nelson 14 of Havden l ake he held
without hail
I'he order initially was issued bv I S Magis
Irate Stephen Avers 111 Seattle before the pair was
transferred to Idaho Williams said he was 1 ontin
uing 1! primarily to ensure publit safety
Winslow and Nelson wane arrested Mat 12 in
Seattle and indie ted by a lederal grant! |iir\ in
Boise six days Liter on one count each of conspir
.it v to bomb, knowingly making receiving or
possessing pipe bombs and carrying firearms in
relation to a violent 1 rime
A third man. Broiler I Baker >' of (aieur
d’Alene was charged in the same indictment
with one count ot conspiracy to homh and one
1 omit of know High making rei eiving in possess
mg pipe bombs
I nal lor all three is si heduled to begin (line
2a in Boise Baker was arrested Mat 12 at Bneur
d AI file and remained in 1 ustody there Tuesday
"These defendants 1 onspired In kill maim
and wound people in the Seattle area. Assistant
! S \ttorney Ronald llnwen told Williams
I his is pureh .uni simply domestic Icrrnrisin
! low cii argued against a request from attnr
levs for Winslow and Nelson that thev lie re
leased hut re(|uired to wear ele< Ironic monitoring
devices lie said prosec utors have more than too
hours of audio and video tape that ini lude hotli
men making blatant and spei itn threats of vio
lem e against various ininorttv groiqis
Some ol the material was obtained with the
help ol Kit o Kenaldo \ ulentmo a former wrestler
whom I HI agents testifying Tuesday identified as
a confidential informant" who infiltrated the
( lion h of |esus ( dirisl ( dirislian (Aryan Nations)
Agents said Valentino wore a wire during
meetings with the defendants and was driving
the van in which Winslow and Nelson were rid
mg when thev were arrested It contained two
guns and vvliat investigators identified as the
makings of a pipe homh
I he I- HI had not previously acknowledged
Valentino's role or continued where he was dm
mg the Seattle arrests
'll is a strong case against the defendants."
I lovven said
Nelson lives at the Aryan Nations i (impound
at llavden hake where he works as an aide to the
Rev Kit hard Butler. "founder and leader ol the
the government alleges the three were part
of an unsuiiesstul conspir e v to homh a guv
nightclub, a synagogue and several burs patron
ized by hlac ks m Seattle, as well as Korean busi
nesses m I'ac omn U ash
The Saga Continues
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