DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTION >‘P \\ hiil is \«nir age? I nder IX is :o :i :4 25 2d M) U I ^ 44 4S S4 * m 4 h** or older 5 b s hO. \re von: Male I I v male h|. \re vou: Single non m.u i u .1 I )im Tt id sc par alcd Married ' \Nid»«Uid 4 h2. How mans persons are there living in vour house hold.’ Number of persons living ir» household Number lhal allend I o| () l»V Move main me-inhei s of vour house hold art tmplmed full (um Household members empioved lull time _ Number emploved full lime lhal aliend I of () I low main member s of \otii household art empiov ed pari Unit .1 Household members emplnved part lime h4. \\ hat is lilt oeeupation «»t the t hit I wa^t t Professional I Managerial 2 I ethnical * Administrative support 4 Sales S Set v k e worker s f» •arner m vour household? u heck one .»nl\ » Aimed fories Precision priKlut lion t raft. icpaii N I arimiu' lorestrv tishme d Ojvrator 10 I aborei I 1 l nhel sin of ( hej.’on emplo\ ee 12 t»5. \N hat is i he /ip code at \ oui home addr ess /ip ( > klc_ t>h. What is *h«- last grade of sehool sou se completed? Some high school (not graduated I High sehiKil graduate i 12th grade) 2 Special or training (not collcgcl 4 Some college t 1 1 \ ear si 4 h~'. Xppniximatelx. «hal "if. sour total famils IndcrSIU(XH) I Nld.txxi to M4 W 2 SI5.0(10 to SIupon 3 szo.tiut) to s;4.wy 4 S25.IKXI to s2d >/>m 5 S4o txxi to S34.444 fi College graduate (from 4 seat college) 5 Some post graduate studs trio advanced degree) 6 Post graduate degree income before taxes in 1484? S Vvtxxi to S do no S4().(XX) to S44.4'W K S4S.(XXI to S44.494 4 SSO.tXK) to S~4.444 1(1 S75.O0O to SW.W II S KXUKXI * 12 t>S. \ppro\imatelx. how mm It diseretionars income (after fixed expensesi do s on hax e on a monlhlx basis? Disetetionars monlhlx income S_ It') Hum long ha'e Mill 11x ell ill the local area? I ess than 6 months I It months to 1 scar 2 I to : X ears 4 ) to 5 seats n to Ids eats Mote than Ids ears 4 It 'll Him mans i liilili cn multi IS x ears old In e si ith sou? None I Three tine 3 Tour I ss > ' I ise or more .1 (i I ss Im h ol i lie Inlloss ing Inst <|i s( runs sum on mars reside nee? k ue oni s Single unit house iunattachedl I I on nhouse or attached home 2 I tuples oi tsso unit building .3 \partment in a multi unit building 4 '2. Do sou ossn or rent sour home? t )ss n I Kent 2 73. \re sou a registered voter? 3 c s I '4 It registered. are sou registered as a: Republican I Demi's rat 2 Mobile home *> Dorm room. 6 I ratcrmts or sororits house Other_ 8 Other ariangement No lnde|sendent To say thank-you for answering the questions we will enter your completed survey for a chance to win... one of the 5 valuable prizes! How $100 FREE GROCERIES $50 UO BOOKSTORE GIFT CERTIFICATE - One \\ inner Two W inners $25 CASH Two W inners RETURN THIS SURVEY NO LATER THAN JUNE 8TH, 5 p.m. You may drop it off at: l O Bookstore, EMI Main Desk, or ODE Office, Room 300 Erb Memorial Union. You may also mail in your copy: EMERALD SURVEY, PO BOX 3159, EUGENE, OR 97403. ANY EMERALD READER IS INVITED TO FILL OUT THIS SURVEY (Including: Student, faculty, staff, and community readers.)