Emerald Er(Llt01*l/- Mav 1!1) that \vr list* a "quality of 111«*'' premise to support Ixith pro i lion e and pro-euthanasia positions tails to make important distinc tions between the beginning and tile ending of life* furthermore. a polic v of predic ating life* as worthy based on its mate hing "a set of c riteria for human ness " rather than the innate sanctity of life, is wide open to abuse There are at least three differ riici’s between the pro c hoice and pro-euthanasia positions outlined b\ Kousseve first, a woman c boosing to abort is de ciding not to end tier own life, but the life in hei womb Sec ond. unborn life is not suffer mg from a "hopeless condition of painful deterioration " Haiti er. the embryo, then fetus, is developing at an astonishing rate heartbeat .it J4 days, brain waves at -f t days complete ears, fingers, toes at 4‘i days etc Third no tec hnoiogic at marvels of modern medi( ino" are needed to support healths life m the womb Besides, induing life, espe cially someone else's life, to be worth living based on a personhood test is a dangerous tai h We know unborn life is subject to extinction The im plii ation for other lives that fail to demonstrate such "qualities ol actual personhood" as the abilitv to "relate i aringh to others, and the life" is obvious In our i ontemporarv American culture which undervalues its women, children. elderly, poor, disabled and rat ial mi norities, thoughtful people should have grave reservations about the quality of life pose t ions Kathleen Freeman (.raduate student Sex work Feminists have been split tor a while on the issue of porting rapln Is it the exploitation of women who have few other good economic i limccs' Or is it