Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 30, 1990, Page 3B, Image 19

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    34 tin" main ti urvn slmi ' ilm-v llu i liu I food tuner "I m»ui Iioiisi Imlil shop mi a
regular basis *
Onl> one store I 1 ■ mr sinu s l
t wo stores 3 More than tour s
I hrec stores 3
35. Have sou or am uiember of sour household purs based am item al am ol the
lolloss me stores iu (tie last inonlli ' (check all tbat appls i
Hi Mart I
Hon Marche 3
I-red Meyer 3
Hirons 4
J C Penney Co 5
I A. I Market h
I arionts
Montgomcrs Vs ants *s
Scars o
target IH
36. Do sou take ads milage ol l nisersity ol (h egon discounts coupons .'
3 os I No
37. \\ hich id the lolloss me is sour pr
Hen Pranklm
t irst Interstate Hank
Selco ( redit l nion
l I ane ()
ai s Hiiaiu ial institution ' s lies k one . oils
I is Hank
Willamette Sas mgs
t ( lllici_
3N. It sou plan to borrow . " bit h of the lolloss
the next 13 months'.' s lies k all dial apply i
Business loan I
Carpeting furniture
(dllege expenses
Debt consolidation I
Home remodeling s
ing ss ill s ou need lo borrow mooes toi in
Purchase home f>
Real estate (othei than |vrson.d hnine i
Vacation K
Ness sehicle ')
Res re.ilion equipment It)
3'). H liieh of the following products or si rs ii es
time? (cheek all that apply I
Bods work *
Brake replace ad|ust 4
Muffler s
(hi change lube (l
do sou need for sour cat at the present
Sin \ ks
I ires
I ransmission
I une up
t pholsierx repau
40. Please indicate which of the following medical sirs ices sou or someone ill soul
household base needed in the last sear: (plea
Allergy I
Cardiovascular 3
Dental '
Dermatology 3
Par. Nose <V I hioat S
Pye care b
family practice
s hei k all that apply i
Geriatrics N
Internal medicine l)
OHCiyn 10
Pediatrics I I
Psychology Psychiatiy 13
S|sirts medicine I )
Surgery 13
41. Which ill I he following sereins or products do you currently need or |il.m to
purchase for your home? teheek .ill that apply I
Building matcnals
( arpetmg IliKir onci
Deck '
Me uieal repair
Fencing b
Heating repau
Hot tuh spa l|
L.andseaping service l(l
Painting I I
Pest control I ?
Plumbing repair I '
Purchase 01 repair air conditioning 14
Root repair 15
Screvn porch lb
Wallpaper I?
VS mdow i overings I S
( able television I1*
42. Do you plan to remodel or repair your home in the nest 12 months? (check all that
Repair home I N>> repair or remodel
Remodel home - Don't own a home
44. W hich of the following law n and garden
the nest f> months? (check all that apply l
Bark dust
Bedding (lowers
(iaiden tools
Gravel *
I andscapmg
products or services do you plan to bus
l awn seed
I aw nmower
Shiublver v
44. Vpprnsiinatelv. how much does tour household spend on groceries in an average
Groceries S_average week
45. \pprosimatclv, how much docs your
services in an ayerage month?
Restaurant dining (not last tood restaurant)
Fast food dining
Mov iv tic kets
V ideo mov ic rental
Barber shop beauty salon
Books (not testbooksi
Snacks alcoholic beverages
household s|M iid on the following products or
s_aveiage motitl
S_average montt
s_average monll
s_average monll
S_average monll
$_average monll
S_average motitl
4fi Vpprovimati Iv. how much dot s
snAno in an average year
»mcn > v I'Mhm ’
\1cM s .. !» »t h I ! I •»
( hildrvn's t lot him*
Sh» v''
Medical SCI i k C '
l ivc entertainment voncciiN
Null* tC|\llls p.llts
muii household sp< ini mi the follown»u products or
s_average sear
s_average vear
S_average veal
S_average vear
S_average vear
S_aveiage vear
S_aveiage vear
4"V \ppr oximatclv how niudi will win spend on tin following products or services in the
next 11 moiitlis ’
( ai repair services s_
Home furnishings s_
\ uati'Mts lone weekends S_
( ollege tuiliot) expenses s_
4<S \ppro\inialelv wli.it perrentage of voiit necessitv item shopping dollars do von spend
mils id, of (In v a in pus area (over a mile f i oin umpusl.'
sjvnl avvav from campus _'»
4‘f. Dot s voiir household subscribe to the Register t.uard.’
'l e > 1 N o
>0. II vmi do not subscribe.
Buy af new ssfainl
I • *i > expensive
No tune t*» lead
Subscribe to read othei pafvr
(ief news from I \ or radio
w liv not * i v ho k all that applv »
I Not mieiestcd m bn al new s
' Subscribed heloie. stopped
* |hh i delivery
4 ( t> t hee pajvr w uh ails
5 ()ther
51 \\ tin li nl these Iik .it |iiitiln .ilnm>. (In sou i cgiilai Is read (read ' mil ul lhe 4 Iasi
issues)? (check all dial apply I
()n gon Dads I tncrald I Springfield Sens I
Register (iuurd 2 W hat 's Happening 4
52. Which id llu following snurns do you ti ls
shopping (II I isinlls I. Ill's k up In 'i
Direct mull I
Newspapers '
< atalogs 4
Magazines 5
nil ilinsl Ini infill'illation In help soil make
Radio h
billow pages
I ice shoppers K
I decision d
I Min i_Id
5.V Which of tile fnllnssing snurees (In soil ids
Oregon Daily linerald I
I ugene Register (iuard 2
(‘able teles is ion '
nil ninsl lur local news? e heck one onls I
I eli vivton (non cablel
54. W Inch of the fnllnssing yellow page dircctoiies do soil use? died all that apply i
Student I msersity Directors I I’acdit \W Hell \l I
Women's yellow Pages 2
55. Ilnw frequently In you refer
( ituple tunes a sseek
( nuplc limes a mouth
lilt- selluss pages?
1 Monthly
2 Couple tunes a seat
< Neser
5<i. W hich ul i he fnl loss ing radio slat inns did you listen In in I he Iasi si eek ? kIi. k all dial
apply I
K/l I 1 KW \\ 6
KI <iN 2 Kl C \
KSM) ' IsRS M s
KICC 1 Other___ “
57. Du sun lead adsertising ni.ileri.il that eunies in the mail?
S es alssas s I Seldom
\ es. sometuiics 2 Nc er
5X Do smi siilist rihe In i able I \ .’
y es