CIRCULATION 12. W hn h of I lie follow inn applies In mil? h, V .ill ihal apply 1 (id paper delivered in im home (dorm, sorority, fralcrmly. etc ) I (id p.i|K’r on the racks located on campus 2 Gel paper from friend ' Ciel paper left behind I ruin previous reader 4 (id paper troiii racks located oft lampus 5 Other_ h CLASSIFIED 1 I Him f lit | mu 11 s do mil refer In I he Oregon Daily filler aid classified.' l-.sery issue I Couple times a month 2 I limes a week 2 ( miple times a term I )ik e a sseek ' Sever 4 s b 14 I Mould like In see more advertising mini folliming pi ndm Is or si'i v ii es: i. Iks k all Ihal Sew i ars irueks I I sed cars trueks 2 I tiloring sen lies I - mans lal set \ u es 4 I v ping sen lees I urmturc h 15. Have mu evei placed a classified ail in tin U's I inlinn in tile elassified seelion on the ipply I I able teles ision I’eisonal ads X Real estate lo buy *4 Real eslale lo renl Id I ravel I I Vacalton rentals 12 I iregon I tails I mi l aid ? So lt>. II ns. him would mu rale the response lo your ad? I veellenl (sold Hem or service advertised) I Salislaciory (reecived calls) 2 Poor deceived very lew calls! I 17. Which paper would you look to first for the folliming ads? Oregon Register Daily f met aid Guard Oregonian Help wanted employ menl Personal ads SCM c.llS l sed cars Real eslale lor renl Real eslale loi sale Mm loi sale Cornpulei electronic ( oupons READER SHOPPINC I Ik- Inlloss mu mlm mat inn atmiil sotu shopping plans ssill help us pla.c ailsertismg useful to SOU II! (Ill- p.ljHT IS. I) I Seldom Ye- sometimes 2 Nisei 2(1. Do sou use coupons sslien Mill shop? All the tune I Sometimes 2 N e s e r 21. Do miii nail ails ertising seel inns 11- mil hall. I arm I racks, \ a lies I nlk f estis al. ete. I inserted into the Oregon Dails Inierald? \lssass 1 Sometimes Must nl the lime 2 22 Do soil use ails in the (tregon Dails I imralil to make shopping decisions or plan sour sseekls shopping? Mss ass I Sometimes < Most nl the time 2 K.uels 4 2 I. What Is }H's ol ails ss on lil soil like lo see more ol in the Oregon Dails h aneroid? u heck all that appls i i omputer levhnnlogs Vutomotise Children's products c luthmg Department store I nterlainment l inaneial sers lees < l roc c r\ Home related proeluels Stereo ele, ironies Medical health .ale X l) 10 11 I’et pinduets sers lee Professional sets ices Real estate S|sort reeieatinn hohhs Restaurant Retail store Sell miprosemen! career .ulsancement v lasses I i.isel 1 ite'al esents enteitatnment t able teles ision 12 I } 14 15 lb IK Id 20 21 '4 \\ hit li of ihi- following items tin you or mm family pl.m to Inn in tin nest I 2 month"-? . !i-. - 1 .iiI apply 1 Real estate I urmlute \nwork \ppluiiKc i mii|oi i Bk v - Ic ( amct.t equipment ( ar stereo i Personal) computer lew eln l awn garden supplies instrument Phone equipment Portable radio cassette Stereo equipment I el - Non VCR I usedo rental purchase Video camera \\ edding supplies 10 I 1 12 II 14 15 It. 17 IX 25. \\ Inch of the following do sou nr sour Tamils plan to Inn In the nest 12 months? nheck all that apply i V a car 1 New pickup ' I sed c nr 2 I sed pickup 4 2f>. \\ ithin M .IKMI, how nun h do you plan on pay for the velude theehed above? Amount will probable pay 5_ 27. \\ hit h of these products do you or your family plan to buy in the nest 5 months? \it supplies \uto parts Baby i lollies Beet B.s'ks (not leslbiKtks) ( imrputer soltware film Greeting cards llcallh toml v itanuns k tiehen items f 4 s b X V) 10 lie ironic equipment Pel food supplies Pharmacy prescription Records CD's tapes Sporting goods Blank recording tape I'll) s \ CK niovics Wine 12 I < 14 15 lb 17 IX 10 2X. \\ hit h id the follow mg recreational items do you plan to buy in the nest 12 months? tehe e k all that apply I All terrain vehic le I Power boat 2 Sail |i.iat t Camping equipment 4 Jet ski 5 Roller blades b Skateboard Motoie ve le moped Pie kup w ith camper Snow mobile I cut trailer I ravel nailer W mdsurfing board Snow board X 0 10 11 12 I ? 14 2d Which of I he billowing sirs ms do you plan lo use or buy in the next 12 months? (chec k all that apple i Resume typesetting I Automotive repair 2 Beauts styling salon 4 Pizza delivery 4 C hild care 5 Continuing education'classes (non college) b 1 xercise aciobic class film processing 8 Loan finance d florist 10 Medical I 1 Health club 12 Counseling mental health I 4 I asvyer 14 1 ong distance carnet 15 Housecleaning lb Pet grooming 17 Realtor IK Tanning salon Id Hies cle repair 20 f ravel agency 21 Veterinarian 22 Apt likatcr service 24 Chuich 24 .40. In the next year, which of the following that apply I Auto I Dental 2 Homeowner 4 insurance needs will you shop for? (check all I lie Medical (health) Renter 4 5 Cl .41 \\ here do you shop? 44 hich of the following shopping areas, towns, or shopping centers have you shop|>ed in in the last .4 months? (check all sou have shopped in the last 4 months) I 4th Avenue area I Oakway Mall Coburg Rd 2 hugene downtown 4 *>tfi Street Public Market 4 ( Mall 5 Valley Riser Center b Spiinglield Mall Portland 8 Horence d Other Oregon Coast 11) .42. Do sou plan to vacation in any of the places listed helow in the next 12 months? teheek all that apply I Oregon Coast I Mexico Bend area Southei ii ()rccon Portland area 44 ashtngton i State) Southern ('ulitormu 2 luiope 4 Asia 4 Canada 5 Hawaii b 1 he Caribbean 8 d 10 11 .4.4. 44 here does sour household Imv most of vour groceries? (check one mils l 4lhertson s I C ostco 2 food 4 alue 4 I red Meyer 4 friendly fmxls 5 (>a is Natural I • khIs (i Safeway 7 Shop N' Sase 8 Sundance d Warcmart 10 Other_ II