Sports MEN Continued from Page 11 hammer lit* owned (Ik* \( A. Vs top mark .ill season ami threw a personal record J 7T>-1 to u in the Pat It) title Hut Met lee isn't expecting to have an eas\ time .it the \( AA meet, w here he was sixth a t ear ago "It's up for grabs at the N( \A meet," McGee said "I think anything hettei than _h"> would win \( 'AAs hut it it onh goes 717 and I u in. I'll take it." l ope/ wasn't the steeple i base favorite at the beginning of the season, but lias sine e turned in an H 7M. ll clocking m a dual meet against Nebras ka's )oe kirl)\. then considered I he \(! \ A favorite One problem hope/ might have is running the race at night hope/, has a depth pert option problem due to blindness in his right eve and it < ost him last year when he misjudged- the water barrier in the \( \.\ meet with three laps in go .1 tiii full iin tin! finish tin' till e hut end ed up .1 non scoring I lth Oregon should .ilso pit k up some points trom Rii k Mestlei in the Steepler hasc .mil hist m i n u t e i| ua I if ie r I \ e V a n Si hoi.n k might also sneak in for a point or two Mestler fin ished eighth Iasi vi’ar as a freshman The Ducks could also pu k up some hig points from fail Pe lerson in the l.aOO and from lour 10 000 meter runners Peter I onseca. Pal I lallei Brad Hudson and Terrain e Mahon The one problem the ( begun distance runners could have is the humidity on the hast I Has! hut Peterson said he isn’t wor tied about the weather having run there before I’ve run .it Durham before m |uI\ in humuiitv and the temperature was tr> degrees with eipial humidity and I ran a PR in the 80(1. ’ he said I he i onditions will have the same effect on everybody.' (VtlTKOn milled I.Vl'Ulllli' Is in the same boat t Jregon might also gel some points from Brian U right in the 100-meter hurdles and from a wealth ot talent on the infield besides \h I lee lavelm thrower \i! Sktppet has (he sixth best mark in the \( A \s this season, lint I'atnk Boden ot Texas who set a world record with a !brow ot 1 m \prii xvill miss the competition with an arm in jury I be best ot the rr'St Is led b\ l loricla s Torn I'uksHs who has thrown J~ i t tins season but it Skipper repeats Ins early sea son m.11 k s w h u b i in, hided throws ot .’11 1 and .’-to a on i onset u 11 y e weekends, be ( otlltl be in the 11>p three \!so looking to be ill the top three is Spencer Williams who w as lourtli a \ear ag■■■ L THURSDAY SONY KVA', FRIDAY PIONEER "AR'T GRAND $200 UO BOOKSTORE PRIZE GIFT CERTIFICATE 20% OFF COUPONS RECEIVE A COUPON FOR 20 OFF MOST ITEMS STORE WIDE WHEN YOU SELL BACK BOOKS _ FAST SERVICE ENTERTAINMENT WHILE YOU WAIT FREE CANDY UO Bookstore Dth & fcmCiHd M f 7 SAT «m»»ri 1464331 HOW FAR WILL YOUR DEGREE TAKE YOU? Work. work, work That's all you've been doing for years1 You've studied all night sat through a zillion and one lectures passed your last pop quiz, and taken your final final Congratulations' It's graduation' Now It's time to see how far your degree can take you But first, why not take your degree somewhere you've always promised yourself you'd go "after graduation " New York. San Diego Cancun, or Paris. Whether you're flying south of the border or across the ocean, start your summer travel at the Eugene Airport Most discount fares are the same as Portland And now. parking costs are less Let your degree be your passport to summer travel. Call your travel agent for reservations today. You've earned it1