Sports Duck women looking for respect in NCAAs Fewer athletes, but more experience By Cam Sivesind I morn id Sports Wepo'.'i " Tom lleinonen .1 simple goal for Ifn- Ore gun women's Ir.K k learn .il the \(. \A 1 (tampion ships A reinstatement of the Dm ks ,is .1 lone to reckon ss ill) m trar k ami held Oregon, whir h had finished in the lop II) nine out ol the previous 111 sears fell hard Iasi sear ss ilh a tie lor l.'nd plai e I he climb bar k is a long one. hut the lein tale merit Heinoneri is looking lor is not first or set ond. or even in I fir top 111 "I scant to shoss sse base i lass alllletes that i an 1 ompele at the national level. Heinunen said los e points ssas all the I )ih ks i ould muster in last veal • \( V\ meet Though lleinonen e- tak illg less el athletes to Durham, \ 1 tile Sill >,t this veal s meet. he expel Is to si ore more points II sse 1 mild go 1(1 or hi |points) it ssnuld pimp us up 1111 redibilits lleinonen said It sse 1 an si ore ,'U it could get ns in the topi 1 1 I he Dm I-, do have an advantage in the expert nine department Of tin sis athletes making the trip east tour cam with them \( AA meet espe riel 11 e 11 mil last s ear or the s ear hetore Senior 1,1/ W ilson si ored lour ol the Dm ks tise points last veal ssitli seventh plain linislies in the t oon and 1.000 meter Wilson sstll likels run in onlv one event this sear I 000 W ilson sat out last tail s i ross countrv season bet arise ot injuries ()tu e again injuries .ire ham pering I lie Mai s laud is e A hip flexor strain had been the problem going into the Par ifii 111 ('.nnferenr e i hampion.shtps List week in Seattle Wilson won the T.(HJt) and the flcvor f<’ll fine but now .1 nearby must le is tin' soon c o( her latest pain l.i/ has been limping along in training lor over ,1 week now I leinonrtn said 'She's getting better and'will be ready to go for the \( AA meet Ibis will be Wilson's third appearance at the N( A A championships having plar ed 1 1th in the tit Ml in l'lHli as well I'he javelin could be the event Oregon stores big in tins \e,ir Itinioi I’aula Merry and sopho more kirn I Iv.itI return to the \< A As alter bn met appearances 11 vat I grabbed the Dui ks final point last year with an eighth piar e finish Hern. who waited until the* l’a< 10 chain pKinships to unleash a ipialifving throw of J Dt 1. failed to (pialifv lor last visit s \( AA meet atlei hav ing done so her freshman vear. The 10‘ttt Par It) 1 hamp 1 unentlv has the third longest throw tn the nation among 1 ollegians Ibis vear Hvatl surprised everyone last vear with her showing at the N( AA meet Her eighth place bn ish earned her all Ameriian honors, and tin I'rtneville native hopes to repeat as an allAmentan Her best effort this vear of I 0 ranks her in a tie tor fourth in the 1 onntn .it the collegiate lev el "kim is 1 (insistent and I'aula had a huge mile stone last week. Heitionen said That was the best single throw and series ever for I'aula t Turn to WOMEN, Page 16 YOUR CHOICE STANDARD SIZE <$► 4" PRINTS cnoosr txiufnr on sinoi f r on <■ rniNts cj Sa»te J’fua Plict UM UUUHLC rMIN I ^ SINGLE on DOUBLE PRINTS 24 EXP. ROLL SINliLC UM yUUDLt KMINIS SINGLE OR DOUBLE PRINTS II 1 GOOD ON S i ANUAMl) Sl/F PRINTS OR 30% IARGFR 4 PRINTS I f ROM r.MM PISC. 1 TO (>R i?fi COt OR PRINT Fit M (C 41 PROTFSS I ONL Y) NO ROLL LIMIT PHOTO SPECIALS coupon GET THE BIG * PICTURE 5X7 Enlargement THURSDAY ONLY SPECIAL MIRONS LOW LOW PRICE MUST HAVE COUPON EFFECTIVE 5-31-90 ONLY' I’holo l»v Martin I hirl Alter missing qualifying for the XCAAs her sophomore year, lunior Paula Hern returns tor her second NCAA appearance in three i ears. V Jewish Students observing Rush Hashanah mas register tor tall term at an alternative time. Please stop In the Ottiee ot the Registrar tor details. I he l Orve.m is .m t\juul npih*itunii\ jlhrnuiixc .k//<>// i nwwtiiUii h> c “Lite Nights” Wednesday nights 9 pm-12 pm The Millcamp 215 Q Street Springfield (Just oft mos)