Daily Emerald SpOftS I’hotn In Martin I'rtlrn dnSilv.i, nho took thr I’m-III i.hmiifiiniishift in thr i.ithlon, is thr hnoritr to t.ikr thr n.ition.il litlr in thr \t i hampionshifi*. hriiinniin; tod.n hi Durham, \ ( I dr \ \ Men could challenge for title Strengths in distances By Ashley Conklin t rnFfHIJ S{X>'!.< fll’plI'V I font lir 1(H) surprised it (he gun men’s t rai k i ivac li Hill Del linger hrnn'i home Ins second national championship team this weekend \tlei finishing tonrth at Iasi s ear ’s \( A A ( hampiouships the I )m ks are pruned to make a run tot the team title at this year's \< A A meet. whil I) ku ks off U e d n e s d as a n d r u n s through Saturday at the Duke Imversils i ampus in Durham \ ( Although Dellinger won’t r ome out and sas it t begun t ould he reads to dethrone de fending i hatnp Louisiana State and trs and outdistam e the rest ol the team favorites \s lot h in eludes sprint strong Morula and Texas A,s\1 All 1 moss about the NCAA meet is what I read Dellingei said I lies say that ! lot uia Louisiana State tind I eve. \.s\l and ourselves are the leading contendei s in the \( A A I just want out guss to go out and compete like they're cap.due ot If the Dm ks do indeed ( oiu pete as they .lie i apahle the I'a c 11 it tn Conference champs should he in the thu k of the battle (hegon ha- 1 1 i|ualitii-rs (or this \imi s meet .uul three iit them hammer thrower Scott \t ( l . ec del at ll I el e IV it ro daSilva and Damn hope/ in the i (tOt)-meter steeplet base ate -.triing favorites to win miii \ llluill titles the i tm k ■. will also lie i iding a surge nl momentum into the \t AA meet which could In-Ip them l ilegon easily lolled ovei the the competition a! I lie I’m 1 It meet almost two weeks igo and sis of the Dm ks 14 ijlialifi . is have met \< \A standards in the last two w eck s Dellinger said that winning the I’.n in title could really help Oregon at the \< \ A meet I think the I’ac 10 meet shows a truer test of a track team than the \( \ A meet where you can win with tom or live outstanding athletes he said I think the I’ac 111 ( on lerctu e is the toughest link i onierent e m the nation \i cording to I i.ii k a / irh! \m s il appear s the Southeast ecu ! i ideieni e is the toughest conference in the nation with 1st and Honda going I in its pie meet torn! r lid ft lol ■ lowed h\ lesas UM Oregon, I lt I A Arkansas and Hay lot Hut most ot I .SI I lot ida and lesas A AM points will come In the sprints while the Dm ks will i on ill it with d istii me strength in lilt’ l.fiUll. steeple i base .mil III l)(H) meters S< in mg is civil lur llic tup eight places oil a II) H li i I I .' I iiil sis. .mil with llii' Tigers, li.ilms .uni Aggies taking |i(iinls .lu.ii Irom one