KRMA to discuss bylaws KKMA Campus Radio will hold a meeting to dis< uss its bylaws tonight at H in KMI (lentury Room K Student Health Insurance Committe*' meets today at H 10 a m m KMI' (ienturv Room I) Et als Students for I'nited Nations will have its filial meeting of the year tonight at 0 in KMI (ledar Room H PT/OT (dull will hold its set ond organizational meeting to day at -1 10 in KMU Dedar Room A SI’KAkKRS AND I.K.I Tl IRKS "Racism and Theology" is tile title of student Mass pie sentation to he given by Tom llaegers of the Koinoma ( entei tonight at o The presentation will he given at the Newman Denier. 1H .0 Kmerald St The Mass u ill he followed In a ode Recycle 4il< paper hurl so< nil MISCKI.I.ANTOrS Wesley Night li e Oram So cial will be In-lei tonight .it 7 15 .it the Wesley • enter. 17 tl> km i aid St Marla Ceil Ibaney for stu dent grievances will he held to night at 5 in KMC Century Room I). sponsored by the Jew ish Student I 'nion Deadline for submittin/t Ft at.s tn fbeKmerald hunt FStl Suite 100 is noon the day bullin' pub! it at ion I t ills run tin• day ul the ei ent unless the event oi l urs before noon /’/ease submit Ft ills the day be fore they .ire to run only. Yu tii es iif events with .i donation or admission i /large n ill not be an opted Campus events and those si heduled nearest the iniblu ation date will be giien l>rinrit\ The Kinerald resenes the unlit to edit nolu es for grammar and six le * tMJNDCRIAND * C»Hl AI » OH PAH T If S AND BIHTHDAVS 5CVIDE0 GAMES Ml GiMliWOBK WITH mentis ADMISSION 1 SO STM STREET PURUC MARKET EUGERE • H3 »«»« CO-OP Continued from Page 1 us would have preferred lo see ( o Id Housing rejuvenate itself SC A will hei ome sole owner of ,i building that was originally designed as a sorority house m the 1'IL‘Us and was operated as a c;o op for the p.isl 211 years Koe said "They were out of money, out of member ship and out of management SC A business manager Tim Mixon said. All three items are ones St A hopes to address when the house reopens this fall NCA. which corporately holds both Campbell ( dub and Janet Smith i ooperatives has already begun solii itmg members to run for board po sitions at the new house to ensure stain 1 itv A quarter of a million dollars will go into the new a< (position. Mixon said. "It's a steal. he said located direr tly across from campus at 1 t>4H Abler Mixon predicts the house will fill a great demand It was an exquisitely designed building, lie said, noting its turret r ircular stain ase arid hardwood floors S( A members w ill spend the summer i lean iiik the house and contracting out lor the rest ot the work . which Mi sou admitted. is cons id enable I he lingerie fire marshal requires that a new lire alarm system he installed to bring the building up to code. Mixon said In addition, a new stairway will have to be limit into the co op's interior to provide easier ai ( ess to the outside in case of lire, he said As ,i recently functioning cooperative. Parr l ower i an easily lie converted to accommo date group living. Janet Smith house president Dondi l ord said A member of the SCA's ex pension committee, lord said that kitchen spar e was only one of the main variables con fronting the group " I his kitchen is bigger than most people's living rooms.'' Ford said. C.ooperatives helping one another also sweetened the pot. according to Mixon SOX was given preference in negotiating with the ailing do l.d Housing, he said H\ assuming Parr l ower's outstanding debts and mortgage, SOX acquired the property tor a mere $‘10,(1(10. Mixon explained "Co-Kd Housing's commitment is to co ops." he said "So we can pit k up the torch and carry on Hydrogen leak postpones shuttle launch ( API ( \\ WTKAI |AP) NASA m rubbed lmi.iv s li of ( ulumtiia ,me( ause ol two hydrogen leaks ami said repairs could liftoff until next u eek f lic 1 2H a in mission was postponed si\ liours before lift otl after sensors detei led rising levels of hydrogen in Co lunihiii's engine compartment during fueling of the roi bet Tuesday with IhiiihI oxygen mill liquid hydrogen Mthough hydrogen is highly • File Edit Uieiu Special _— Hi* ci dime N ifn*- it £ MmJ List Modified Superior Products, Excellent Service! We a)mbine the largest selectk mi of Madnu b\\ & pixilucts with a willingness to satisfy eveiyt>ne we serve! 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NASA spokes woman Lisa Malone said "the vehicle was never in an unsale position at unv time " The sev hi astronauts on the all-scien tifii mission were to have boarded hours later. Repairs are not expel ted to start until tonight, and it will be .it least several davs before launch. Malone said All fuel must be drained Irani (loluin bia s big external tank before workers can return safely to the lautu b pad NASA engineers spent hours opening and i losing valves and watching .i network of sensors before finding the leaks about midnight One was from a 17 inch valve in a pipe that t all ies fuel from the tank to the en gines; the other was in ground equipment. Malone said Shuttles have three mam en gines that burn a propellant of oxygen and hydrogen The pro pellant chilled to a liquid, is loaded into the external tank about five hours before launr h The tank actually contains two vessels, one tor the oxvgen and one tor the hydrogen The two elements .ire combined in the rocket engines, where they ig nite and produce thrust to 4 AV. I ond Hand Clothing NEED CASH? We BUY used clothing >N**w 2 yrs old) (‘.ill Morning i<»r Appl 344 7039 10-6 Mon.-Sat . 360 E. 11th V (H’fWVa 1 M • ,V \ Ik{B HOW ARE WE DOING? Please tell us what you think by fill i ig out the reader survey »n the Ore gon Daily Emerald on Wednesday May 30th —^Oregon Daily- - Emerald