Jewish Students observing Rush Hashanah ma\ register lor taiI term at an alternative time. Please stop In the OlTiee ol the Registrar lor details. If h t fu\rr\it\ >■! f )/i is .in • >f'j*>r!untt\ .»//n insiitutuw » onututted (c < ulfuul di\ct'>il\ Did you take a crash course in neck pain? Hu’ pain vow fool toti.iv could bo caused in an injurv sou suffered years ago - or |ust yesterday Whatever the cause, chiropractic care can pu t' s ou relief without drugs or surgery. All automobile insurance, most health insurance plans and Oregon worker's compensation otter chiropractic coserage Call l raig Halter l).( todav tor consultation I he Chiropractic Healing Center 1872 Willamette . I ugene . OK 342-4520 I nivarsity administrators an* seeking ways to help improve the graduation rate while taining quality education. HI** photo main GRADUATE Continued from Page 7 throughout most of the 15 years she has born working on her degrees I i hols who graduated from high st Into! in 1*175. attended .i small liberal arts college in Ohio for two years before she moved to Oregon at her par ruts’ rri|urst Oru e here she attended community t ollege and then Oregon State I'm vrrsilv ' A lot of iiu time in st hool was interspersed with work ing I ".< hols said Aside from working to pay tuition Ki hols halted her stud ies altogether for two years when she worked in a ('alitor mu hank trying to overcome some bad experiences at OSC and "trying to figure out what I w anted to do." she said Sim e ( oming to Kugene in l'IH-4 I i.hols hits worked and taken ( lasses at the I "Diversity at times both working and at tending st hool lull time She has also postponed com pletiun ol her studies to go to Iliad,Old. work two years lor the Peace (.orps m f.ameroon ,ui(i spend eight months on .i resean li ship, trai king dol phins and whales off the coast of South Amerit a "All along I've known what I want to do." Ki hols said "Hut 1 didn t have the finaiu lal free dom to go straight through I also feel like I have put aside mV edui ation to take advantage of opportunities like going to Thailand even if they didn't work out the wav I planned ' Opportunities offered lake T.i hols many students believe thev should take advan tage of opportunities offered if not the i ham e to work over seas, then at least the ( banco to sample the broad range of i ourses offered bv the l 'niveisi t\ "(Students) tend to get more double majors and add minors to majors and do additional ( oursevvork to make them bet ter job i andidates.' said |oe Wade, director of academic ad vising "Students seem to he sensitive to the meaning of their degree, tiles want it to he as broad arid flexible as possi Die. But not everyone is thinking of the job market junior jurin C.etto, an English major wlio plans on a total of five years in college before he graduates, said he is spending more time in college tor his cm n satisfaction. 'I felt like cramming every thing into four years was too much," he said. An extra veai will allow (letto to t.ike courses in history and religion i nurses that interest him, hut not ones he needs strictly to graduate. (lotto said he believes the need to take advantage of these educational opportunities while lie i an. "One e 1 gradu ate. I doubt 1 11 ever go bee k to si bool, he said (ietto. however, said he is lui k\ Ills parents are paying the bill for his edut ation "it I had to work 1 might think about it differently.'' he said kinanc ial assistant e However, students depen dent on state or federal 11nan i nil .mi for their i ollege educ a Turn to GRADUATE, Page 13 TOYOTA M NAMING LOOK WHAT YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE CAN DO FOR YOU. \K ith your degree at hand you\e proven you c an do something good tor yourself. Mow let Toyota do something good for you. No money down. It you :<■ ,i four yi * olluqe »|Jdduatt\ .•luni student. or j senior who wilt qrddudtr vs ithin 120 du\ s. you tr elitjiblo for I o\ o f.» s spt't id) finance pfoqfam I hr pi tin lots \ou apply up to sik months before or up to a v«* Jtp a»ul IGtiW '■ hiOP'i jfH} I’VC t*c'l! ONLY $3587 ..COUPON, TOYOTA QUALITY SERVICE ANTIFREEZE SERVICE SPECIAL ' t onltmj s\ '.leu .m l rrpi.1. <- .mh \u:r/v tor protection lo 20 lifijuvs b«-io, zero 1 < hr, K ,jll fiuul lev«-U 1 L hr* k t>dlb-(y and >tcii t<•' 1 t Iran .md insjn*< t battery «. ,ibU s irimifuil ONLY $2887 COUPON J TOYOTA I ACTORY MAINTENANCE ! STUDENT & I FACULTY J DISCOUNT 1 ADDITIONAL | 10% OFF ! ALL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS j FXPIRFS 6 8 90 , Excludes Special Coupon Items ® L —mmmmmmmmmCOG PON—— — J