-Jtst f lie |ihotn I in.mi rs. loll i lassrs .mil iniln ision on .1 major .nr just .1 Irn ol thr masons uIn studonts am laknn; lonitrr to I’radiiatr thrsr da\ s. GRADUATE Continued from Page 1 < 111 < I problems not with the I 'iiiversitv itself I'he numhei one reason i ited In students in Morgen's surve\ was indei isiou about choice ol major or < areer field People wind up as juniors ,iml seniors without detailing wlial the\ want to major in." said [ rank Anderson, head of the undergraduate education task force whu h is examining the tai tors that prolong sttr dents' star at the UniversiU “Or thev spend two years as an Knglish major and then decide thev w ant to change to pin s ics." Senior Walter Smith, who plans to graduate this term with a degree nr Knglish changed his major twice after enrolling at the University five years ago lie originally planned to major or leisure studies, then switched to at: counting before settling on Knglish Smith sairl disappointment in college curric ulum was part ol the reason he changed his major "I w.is searching for a kind of ideal.'’ he said Working through s< hoot lor many others, unhiding iiu reusing numbers ot older or returning students, personal is sues often tmauei.d issues interrupt their college progress , More than a third of the stu ^ dents who responded to Mur gen’s survey said tinani nil is sues had prolonged their un dergraduate edut at ion 'People are winking, pulling themselves through school. Anderson said t or example, jennifei la.hols who will graduate this term with bachelor’s degrees in in ternational studies and ei o noniii s. has had to slop and earn money intermittently Turn to GRADUATE. Page 8 We want to know Please tell us what you think t , hi! ,r.(j out th»* reader survey m the Ore o’ ’ Daily Emerald <. • Wednesday May it) _ -Oregon Daily. . Emerald UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 EAST 13TH 683-5577 Toll Free 1-800-888-3799 Hours 8:00 to '»: 30 M l 9:00 to 1:00 N.it Lowest Fares Anywhere All Major Credit Cards Accepted -- We Buy Quality • S;«•!, .]iii|>nu-’ r • \ ' !«'. > IV i : :! i. ! ■ • i’A amp' \ 'ii.M'is • i’olt.:'.. ! - >ijs; 2 blocks tmm campus Stereo Workshop 1621 l ill M I ') #> s.u 10 2 V -/ !«■■■■■■■■ SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon. Sat. i (Jam Of 'in 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield *COPIES* SELF-SERVICE ONLY 21/2C 8' 2 x 11 White NO LIMIT TI«? C^fxj Staf) 539 E. 13th 8:30am 8:00pm IT'S COURSEBOOK BUYBACK TIME JUNE 4-9 MON. FRI. 7:30 A M. TO 6:00 P.M SAT 10:00A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. TWO LOCATIONS MAIN STORE, SECOND FLOOR EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE (MON THURS 9 6, FRIDAY 9 3) INSTANT CASH WE PAY 60% THE NEW STUDENT PRICE ON BOOKS NEEDED FOR SUMMER & FALL TERM.. DAILY PRIZES ENTER TO WIN SUPER PRIZES!! MONDAY OLYMPUS CAMERA TUESDAY SONY BOOMBOX WEDNESDAY PIONEER TAPE DECK A SPEAKERS THURSDAY SONY WALKMAN FRIDAY PIONEER CAR CD CHANGER GRAND S200 UO BOOKSTORE PRIZE GIFT CERTIFICATE 20% OFF COUPONS RECEIVE A COUPON FOR 20% OFF MOST ITEMS STOREWIDE WHEN YOU SELL BACK BOOKS FAST SERVICE ENTERTAINMENT WHILE YOU WAIT WE RE DEDICATED TO GETTING YOU THROUGH THE LINE IN 20 MIN OR LESS' FREE CANDY UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid I M-F 7:306:00 SAT KMX>6«) 346-4331 » Get the word out with an ODE classified t