Community Bed and breakfast inns find ideal location Campus setting preferred By Jill Newsom Emerald i ontnbulor A IhmI ,iihI breakfast inn near the I 'niversits might seem a Ini unusual at tirst glam e. but I ’r sula Mates, owner of Campus (.'ullage at 1 1 ih I: 1 'till Ave said it is tile lies! lo( atioil HI the entire state Mates ( Inims there "couldn't tie a nicer location" or a more pleasant environment lor a year round business Mates pun based the ( unipus ( milage ill 1*181 to open I II gene s lirst tied and breakfast inn The building was con slim ted in PI72. and is deco rated with braided rugs and an tuple furniture The t iaiupus ( aittage is just one of several bed and breakfast inns around the l'niversit\ area Peggy Ward, owner of I )ii( k worth Med and Mreakfast Inn at ')H7 K Pith Ave . who started the business last fall after mm ing from San Diego, said the tbnversily area is an ideal loca lion for a tied and breakfast "I couldn't find anything there (San Diego) that would permit the st\le I wanted with out outrageous pru es she said Ward said she and her Inis hand I rial fidt lh«* housi' in Ku Kent* was a prime Jot alum lur a hud and breakfast inn "II had all the t harm and ( harar lei fur a hud and break fast." she explained, and is in "one of the prettiest neighbor hoods in Ktigene The Mapletree Inn. at 4 III h 1 llh Ave . is another hud and breakfast inn near the I mversi t\ and is owned by Hull and So nja Darling Innkeeper Sharon Alton hofen. said the inn is "in a great walking district and his torn distrii I The Mapletree Inn reopened under new ow nership in l ehru arv after renovations and ruder orating and Altenhofen said her job provides a "wonderful opportunity to share l ugene u ilh tile tourists Altonholen explained that guests mas i house to stay at a bed and breakfast inn "herause they gel to know the < omnium tv and the people, and have someone to share it with we are .1 personalized < ontai t w ith the i omniunits She also said that one ot the attractions of bed and breakfast inns near the I'Diversity is that it offers tourists the "sights and Photo hn Slrv »* ( iint Sharnn Mtenhofen is the innkeeper at the Mapletree Inn bed and breakfast inn at 412 l 13th \\e The Mapletree is one of several bed and breakfast inns loiated in the University campus area. sounds ol hugene ' during thrir sl.l\ (iuests ,il i atnpiis area inns range from parents of I'niversi l\ studenls lo i andidates for professorships to stand up romu s 1.iki■ .ill lied rind breakfast inns m Kugene. the Dm kworth Bed tind Breakfast Inn its own unique home like (nudi ties 1 dr example. guests there may choose to play the piano, read, or seler t one ol 500 video tapes from the inn's collet lion hat h room has a television and VCK (luests may also relax in the Knglish garden behind the house HIM l’S/2 SOLI I ION OLI hlBV A. *»• i w IBM PS/2 LOAN LOR LEARNING AVAILABLE Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center, M - F 9am - 5pm 346-4402 • M< '• 1 - *«••• ■. ' suxfer.ts Vfc ijtfy aoO start w*\j put h**** IBM PS 2s through part* «j>3!*ng campus outlets ■?'- ’«*j i - ' •• .. =■.v •-.!>•••. * P-* »*\ .i-f •w/ffij.-f! 'virsjt* fHM rn,ly ?*hj .at art» rtrrv abce •HV • . »•* r»*, * ».Jer*virv * snkMrwi* * ' ■ i' --i AG C.v'poMVir B0A86 8G386SX ?f- • - ;• * i’* •• ’K% <•*■«*.*vj Mathi cohare rtifc.fc»nwvs of JryversalTechrxt.* f ^ 342-8111 TINO’S • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go -cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours. Mon.-Thurs. 1 1 00 Midnight Frl. 11 00-1 00 a m Sat. 5 00-1 00 a m Sun. 5 00 11 00 p m J Spring Special Oregon West FITNESS 3-Month membership..$99.00 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 No initiation fee full use of facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles Located By Running and Bike Trails BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES HU 6am 11pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 1475 Franklin Blvd Across Irom Campus