ROSES \ I mi .I wnldblr 4f r III *» vjvt Mith Irrn X babtr* breath $17 .‘HI 1)0/ In the Parking Structure by Sacrrd Heart «n 13th St Phan'init#ft wri< urnr • (irlivm ^Mtjefarus \ I I i I IK \N III III x M OW1 KS ANDCins 1 MV J KS| n • Ml I « ith • **'• «*«•*.’ VNJM • I JIM H VMHJ KS • JH-. i/«*t WW- ” BAMBM d) n:? t * Orirnldl Buffet lunch Downstairs I, 1 ry Our Dinner Upstau s Hours Downstairs Hours Upstairs Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Community Dioxin fears prompt paper change Recycling legislation may set standard By Douglas Fuchs I nit’/.I'd Conlr.ruj’O' ihr University Printing lie p a r t in e n I in Allen 11.111 seart lied fur three months lie tore finding .1 company could supply 'll) (Mill sheets ut 100 pen eiit unhle.ii hed re. s 1 led paper I he i Ini ated in Hal tinurre. Maryland imports the paper from (iermans her.ause no manufai Hirer evists m the United States, said Wayne Mer ritt. superintendent of the printing department While punters seal 1 h I he world tor companies that sup pl\ high quality uilhlear hed n i yi led paper most t S corpo rations are slim to recognize the demand and remunufui tore ol used paper fiber into un bleat lied lei yt led prodm t sin h as newsprint and paper for 1 opying machines While mans t S toipora turns produce either bleached recycled 01 unhleai hed fust use paper no US c prodtii es unbleached ret yi led per ' Quincy Sugarman. nr for the Oregon State 1’ulrlu Interest Group in Port 1h ml Sugarman said I hr use ol < hlnrine in the blear limn pro i os., (nr both ret vi led and lust use paper leaves behind main dangerous < hemic al In prod m ts sin li as Dioxin, u Ilirh i arises < .inter in laboratory am ma I s Some Kuropean companies use hydrogen peroxide instead of i hlorine in their blear lung prut.ess. leaving behind no harmful byproducts. Sugarman said I s ( orpuratiuns i omplain alimil the high i ost ul switi li mg from chlorine to hydrogen peroxide, which costs more. Sugarman said Hut industry does not pa\ tor the long term costs of Diox in contaniination she said Pam Hiirnett, plant manager ul the seccind.irs ret yt ling tlivi sion ot Weyerhaeuser Paper in I aigene said rei vi ling bleat lied paper into un bleached paper products will not remove the cliemic als used in the blenching proc ess The ground wood." filler left m the paper from the wood i flips used to manufac lure first use papei retains "some per cent" of the c hemic als from the first tile.idling process. Burnett said It's .impossible to maim f.n tore "(Hire" unhleuc lied pa pel she said When testing unbleached re c vi led paper with hvdrochlork ac id. the paper usually bleeds red. v\ liich only happens when the paper contains i hemic als used to bleach the paper Bur nett said 1 lowevei Sugarman pointed out that it the produc t is un hleac bed, the res vcling process will not leave behind danger ous hvpmdut ts. Unbleached reeve led paper c an make a woriel of difler enc e, she said lei date. Weverhaeuser has no plans to manufacture un bleached ret vch*d paper Bur nett said • \\ e' re keep i ng in touch with the market plat e." she said. OSPIKC. three Oregon legis lators and some local govern ment agencies contend that onlv government action will fore e corporations to mnnulac tore high-cjiialit\ rec yc led products using old paper, plas tic and glass OSPlRCPs Portland branch introduced a proposed ballot initiative earlier this year that would mandate tough recycling standards on produc t pack aging. The (begun Kec yc I ing Ac I. already supported In Sen Dick Springer. D-Portland. Rep Car! llosticka. I)-Kugene and Rep Ron (lease. D-Portland. would impose state-wide recycling standards on prepac kaged products, requiring goods on store shelves be packaged in re i vc lable materials Also three different federal bills working their v\a\ through Congress would mandate the use of rec ycled fiber 111 domes tic and imported new sprint ac c circling to the April edit ion ol fcVsnim r Kt'i vrlini; A/./ga/nie Turn to PAPER. Page 5 Copy shops offering unbleached paper By Carrie Dennett Customer requests and environmental com crus have prompted two i ampin area copy shops tn begin ottering too pen cut re i \i led untile,ii hed paper Meat hed papci products ha\c become ,i concern due to the use ot dioxins in then produi lion Uotnestii alls produced paper is taken from quality white papei has previous lx been bleai hed meaning that the rei yt led produi I ai tualh i ontains some bleat h Kmko's Copies, at HtiO l ast 1 Ith made the det ision to provide this type ot paper about one month ago, said assistant mating er ('liris Murray It was the type ot situation w here it was ,i great nit',i hut there's only one mill ( ur nmllv m tin* t'nited States that this papm, and in nnifi to got It you have to work through sinui* organizations, he said. kinko's was able to get the paper which is a i ream color rather than white through haith lsire 1m a distributor in Wiscon.sin This paper has been a problem, however hei arise of limited supply and shipping costs kinko's and the I'niversitv Printing Department, located in Alien Hall, are joint ly purchasing new paper from a mill in tier many The two papers are both KM) peri ent ret \ tied unbleached, hut while the domestic paper still contains some bleat h, the im ported paper is produced from recycled newspapers and magazines, whir h were not meat lit*(I tin* first filin' .irouiui Murrav said the imported paper. which resembles newsprint, has been slower to i .dt h on. lint customers are having it At the (lampus Copy Center, which is a satellite operation ot Cniversity Printing pmfessni requests lor tliis paper have been low hut is expected to increase, said em plo\ee hatie hrouliolm The increased cost of recycled paper has caused complaints from some customers Murray said that hinko s is onlv c barging more for the paper bet ause it ( O.sts more to supply hinkos is currentK serv ing as a ft-st site for first run. new unbleached papei I he light brow n paper does not come trom re» v i led products, hut it is completelv dioxin tree YOUR CHOICE STANDARD SIZE <$► 4" PRINTS CHOOSF DOURl F OB SINGLE T On V PBINTS at Same Hcua Plice SINGLE OR DOUBLE PRINTS 12 EXP. ROLL SINGLE OR DOUBLE PRINTS 24 EXP. ROLL SINGLE OR DOUBLE PRINTS SINGLE OR DOUBLE PRINTS GOOD ON STANOARD Stff PRINTS OR ,TO% lARGFR 4 PRINIS I ROM 35MM DISC 110 OR i?6 COLOR PRINT Fit M (C 41 PROCFSS ONLY) NO ROLL LIMIT I PHOTO SPECIALS Open 8-Ball Tournament * ijjJ at the EMU Rec Center Wednesday, May 30th 7:00pm Shake off Dead Week £0} Prizes Include: Pizza Pete’s Sam's To Go McDermitt Pool Cue (!) ' ODE - “ ' . • ODE-. . r. .?•••