Letters Not dorms In response to lay Johnson's Ma\ 22 letter. 1 would like to propose that the most popular living accommodations on campus he referred to as clor mitories.'' not dorms A dorm" is often stereo typed .is a large facility lor the imprisonment of new. imma tore, unsophisticated students who spend most of their time sleeping, eating pizza, plaving pranks and destroying them selves as well as their sur roundings A "dormitory." however, is a spec ions environment lor stu dents to come together in a warm, bonding, familv-type or ganization that promotes more intense, high-powered stuck mg c onditions While we are on the' subject whv shorten birth names when that only connotates vouth and immaturity? Why have slang when it involves such chnppv. lineduc ated sounding terms that are not at all proper in ll e/i.s/er'.s? We could go on pondering forever um what v\ as viiur name again ’ Cari t .roghan Physic al Therapy Good images I am interested to know how Valerie Idmer decides what is and what is not exploitation IODI-. Max 18). Are all nude pictures of women exploitive' It so, what about the ones whii h appeared on the walls of the I All' in a rei ent photo ex Inbit'' And what about all ot the nude women in i lassii art' Did Tell us what you think. Please tell us what you think by filling out the reader survey in the Oregon Daily Emerald on Wednesday, May 30. ——Oregon IXuh_ _ Emerald O.iViiK i have exploitation in mind whim he siulpted the Ye mis I)e Milo ' Miner may argue the repre sentations in exhibits are art and the pictures in l’liivhn\ are pornography, hut what criteria could she possibly use to de i ide this r besides. exploitation and objei til a ation go both ways Walk down the floors ol some of our female dorms and one will see plenty ot pit lures ot nude male chests and buttocks pinned to the doors Miner objei Is th.it I’Livhm and f’rnthousr " can lead to a woman's inability to be taken seriously by men in their i.i reers, < lasses, relationships and other aspet ts of life I he problem is mm h more i omplex than this, and making the pur i baser yvalk a ferv more him ks for his magazine is not going to change .1 thing Women yvill continue to he taken more seriously in this so i lety regardless of the arailahil ity ot nude publii ations The Whoopie (inlilbeigx, Molly Yards and Tracy Chapmans are In mg testimony Miller's cause would he mui h better served and respei t ed if she promoted yvhat she feels are good images ol women and didn't ailvoi ate 1 ensorship ot the ones she disliki's Timothy Wetilier TCI Poverty I’overtv is piirtlv reflective partlv subjective Some sav povi'rtv will alvvavs he vvilli us The government should assist the poor iii mss the nation In providing funds and passing laws that guarantee over', suit able dwelling new and old alike, he provided with elet tru llv plumbing and ( lean wa ter t here are plai es in A mem a where families live in shnhhv lints with no bathroom The business of the government should be to help those people Pete Kona Graduate student More scripture And he went up from them e unto Beth el and he was going up In the wav there i iime forth little c hildren out of the citv . and nun ked him, and said unto him. Go up, thou bald head, go up thou bald head And he turned bat k and looked on them, and nursed them in the name of the l ord And there name forth two she bears out of the wood and tare fortv and two i hildren of them (II kings J I■ j41 Si oil Itishnp Kugene _ letters Policy Tin' IjihTtihi will attempt to print .ill Idlers i unlain ing comments on topii s ol interest to the I nirersitv communiH Clomments must be tai tuallv .iii ur.it!' .mil retrain from personal attacks on the character ot others Are You Interested in SELLING YOUR CAR? We will pay Top Dollar for clean used cars • Imports & Domestics • CALL BOB for details • Phone quotes available • 342-7611 TOYOTA "I it h /uh M hi iin for nw" Oregon l)nil\ _ _ Emerald Pll H«.x M*‘» hiiurnr V’401 The Of*'*,;-. . Mv f rt-ul'liihis! 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