JSU meets tonight Druids will have a meeting lor new members tonight .it I! 10 ill Room 1H0 Str.mh (air rent members are also wel come Et als Jewish Student Union meets tonight at a m KMl ' Suite '< Dradlinr for .submitting I t ills In thr hmi'nild front desk I-Ml' So Hr .11)0. is in ion I hr d.i\ hrlorr /iiiblinitinii I t als run thr (lav ol thr rvrnt linlrsn thr rvrnt incurs hrlorr noon I’lrasr submit I t uls thr cln\ br torr tht'Y arr to run only. Vo tiers ol rvrnls with .) donation or admission i h,u\i;r will not hr ai i rfitrd PAPER Continued from Page 5 pi>r< cut ret vcled pradm I made in tin' I 'mti'it Slates instead of helping (lerm.im with their disposal problem. Merritt said At first, a t S plant will struggle to sell the product he i arise of its different look than first rise blear bed paper, he said Rccwled paper also leaves dust behind in printing presses .trui i npving machines raising maintenaru e costs, tie said However, even with all these problems the paper will sell he said "It's almost .i badge of honor when you use re< \c led pa per. "he said Daniel lerrems. president of the Atlantic Kec vi led Paper (Company said the Orman pa per is "hot stuff "We're selling it .is last .is we gel it. even though the pi ii e is 10 pen ent higher (til.ill tirst use paper), he s.iul Correction The (hateful Dear! will perform the weekend of |une 2A .iikI AA at Aut/en Stadium hridav s artii le listed the iiu orrei t dates ES ,J55,*2E!"s£s<%;iSi*££'*S£,'2sS**2i£**5£**i!;02SS**£5,*5c'*5£'*:sS *££**££ ^ — v..V.1?.iV,.V,.Tu”«’I’t'1,uTMT*»7!«i7«»T'»"•*«•*rn'7«i'vmThT«iVh!7uT»»7,i»7»»T'»T«»” DUCK BUCK ^DAY !»•«»• « l»l »_•_» »_».» *-•-* ».«r ».».« »_•_« >,»,* »«H»< >«_■ * •_« >«_!> »■ > »« » « l » 1 TRACK TOWN PIZZA $ 1 • 00 OFF any Medium Pizza f;t ! V .»';(! VUlh otlu r « > -fir "Ijpt 'l ! {>t'f M 484 2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd COUPON TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 FREE DELIVERY limited area t IT S HERE...SPRING! SHOKTS! BODY LANGUAGE! GET SOME COLOR EAST! $5*00 Of f Current Prices I Good thru June 11. 1990 I__ SunShower Tanning Center ON CAMPUS ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALS 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kmko s • 485 2323 SunShower Tanning Center \y, ,ii» thr sum salon most tomrnirntly lotaltd loi students lat utty arul stall I inn Ii study break between t lasses whoitu’i you ha\t a lilllt mtia Inn. you tan tak< a 20 mitnil. vacation and iela\ in oui deeply soothin! musk as you tei|uin that lust ions | stiuiMH i .. 8/4 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kinko s • 485-2323 ttllliJ Aa mduioried Msll 'I WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS ’* r"T6'%OFFANY i SHOES Or CLOVES 1 in Stock ! Laurelwood Golf Course I 2700 Columbia 687-5321 SWING INTO SPRING LAURELWOOD GOLF COURSE Driving Range. Club Rentals, Electric Carts 2700 Columbia 687-5321 *6.99 Any Two Topping Large (I 4") Pizza (.mod ')■>> J‘ICh fv VMM mils Senlood items not ini Ittdetl ! .ike Out Availubk We II a \ t- Kft|s and I’a11 \ Kails In (■»!! 344.447 I ) 14th & Alder (790 I 14(h) Come t njo\ Sun jnd Pi//a On Our Deck! OPEN FOR LUNCH 344-44 7 I 0|h i) II 3U ■ I I IX)pm lUi\\ ftf I It W«» Kc inis Tomorrow you can... WIN: $100 worth Of FREE GROCERIES (onew.nnen $50 UO BOOKSTORE GIFT CERTIFICATE £^ aCU (onewinner) pZ J tndn it wo winners li n all this by answering this simple Question Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald Please take a few moments and tell us what you think of the Ore gon Daily Emerald Just fill out the Readership survey in the Emerald tomorrow May 30th. all returned surveys will be eligible for the drawing on June 6th we want to know - you want to tell us. Please do so on May 30th. I