CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 210 OPPORTUNITIES WINDSURFING CHEAP' le.l" !•'* wmd'V.n Thursday beginning May 31st Thru; jauiwner with the UO Outdoor Pro | igram Transportation to Dorena Lake! available For more info Rm 23.»* !merit EMU O' an 346 4 365 215 HELP WANTED - ARE YOU worn study certified and inter ested m working with foreign students this Summer - Two work study positions are open fh.s summer m International Ser .ices if interested please ■ ail Terry or Sa ran at *6 3206 S5/hr ASUO Student Government iS now accepting applications for } 1 the Events Coordinator position Ap plications and job descriptions may ! !•» KRMA Radio experience recommended but not necessary Pick up job dost rip tions and applications at ASUO off": “ Deadline is 5pm 5/29 AA EOE’ STUDENT MACHINIST WANTED S5 t.. $7/hr DOE Mer.nan".al fabrication ma chining, pick up/delivery stockroom and related work Experience with mill mg and lathe machines hand tools ■..olderm ; and electron" • (instruction Drivers license required 1520 hours week during school, possibly mt.ife during breaks Excellent opportu nity tor motivated person who will be on arnpus tor one to two years Please bong resume to Technical St < Admin Room 15 Par ih Ha' ( O AA institutin' committed to cultur al diversity WATERFRONT DIRECTOR needed fo< Oregon Coast Co Ed Youth Camp 6 16 to late August Tear h . anoemg and su pervise oceankiverfront activities Cur rent WSi and AlS Of Lifeguard t, er'tifi ation plus First Aid and CPR Live on •Me Room board and $115 ah Ages 21 * C'on.tav.t Mark W -ahn YWCA Wes!wind 1111 SW 10th Portland OR 9/205 at 223 6281 WEIGHT LOSS wdh HOMEOPATHY Aver ige 10/22 lbs 1st month Curbs appe Mr Mod Apts 688 5 769 NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMF R AND EAL L LG 1 BDRM apt 1 losn 6> amp.u . • . clean, quiet c ample* Lg walk » >•* et separate vanity an 1 bath n.u covered parking Larry 484 410 1 QUADS, STUDIOS 1 bedroom 2 bed room available June 8lh 343 4109 QUIET 2 BDRM town noi.-,** a-ar v pus' Private patio . overed parking, laundry no pets Leas*' $439-1489 1437 High 344 '4 34 342 8658 Avail able June 10th covered SPACIOUS 2 BDRM apt 13th and F r ry $J75/mo Open June 15 Sept 1 Can 687 9697 Of 346 8466 SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor 1860 Alder Slreel t ,iii "-'kv for summer availability Stu drus 1 2 and 3 bedrooms Don't be 344 6695 Jennings & Co 683 4219 SUMMER RATES Cedarwood Quads An affordable alternative To Campus living AM utilities paid ( ail ■: A ' summer j-..»*iab ill. 14 4 ■).■■>■ Jennings & Co 683 4219 SUMMER RATES Blackstone Manor & Univ Manor t/M) Alder Mr. E 15th Studio i Bedroom $250 S265 2 [icdiuuriu I3'a $395 TAKING RESERVATIONS TOR SUM ME R AND FALL LOW SUMMIR RATES , , ’ *> - ' i 1442 f 18fh Mg' N T AKIN Li RESERVATIONS f SUM MEM AND F Alt large lean -i-I THE Hll YARD APTS 1 Ddrrn furn '.ii' i in Nt Manager Hiiyard 1 342 2303 IS BLOCKS F ROM CAMPUS $2 70/June S2SQ/Juiy & Ain 1 WEST 4th APTS b!«k luf frprr S m P'r.-aU ' • l Manager 666 117/ Bt*nnet! Myall Co 915 Oak 2 APTS FOR ft"’* S29**m.. Jr. ft 1S 2 bdrms 1 block from PLC 66b 9469 o ' 343 /04' 225 APTS -DUPLEXES 2 BORM F URN APT BDftM FU»N 2BFOROOM S44S 1 BEDROOM S325 EtJromiMy Urge LJnfu'ri nh#» j At>m U*t HOC f*»»> flu?' M ab'O no* • Jvji'r 10 VN.\« 48S 8290 or MS 798/ . Bt t )( Kr. » R< 'M Hi •. ‘ A ? bdrm i ease thru August $« '•u Vm nv, . 484 ■ BORM APT • QUADS 230 A • CM R SI RI t T QUADS Jennings A Co 68 1 4219 WILLOW TRF f Quad5 1560 Lincoln Street ‘ Private Bath* * Large Shared Common Areas * Quiet Location * Private and Comfortable • 1233 239 Call 343 5087 Jennings A Co 683 2271 235 HOUSES BIO HOUSE 2.800 SQUARE FEET Groat unfurnished 4 r>**dn>. ,m 2 bath »en!al 10 M - an.pus At•■*-,, dely pels $*WS first last ;>• . . $7fX> If* 1 M-(.f Available July ' 2067 W'li.-ifM .;!!.* 4&6 6290 346 ’98? GALE BY OWNER 2600 hum#* i turn j;vRV ports 4 txlrrn , thflth • -v •* ’ . ■ Mafktt! able timber /46 9869 after 4 prn CAMPUS 2 BLOCKS 2 fMftilf.n ft. I.. a ■■■Ik ■■■.•,f Alt' , f vale bd» baroques’ Sum mm renters guard;' teed F all occupant , 180S Garden A ,enue $396 iX> Jenn.ngs • Co 603 2271 HOUSE FOR THI SUMMl R .] bdrmt. 1 bath 2 car garage t- 16 Sept 16 $600 m- nd LITTLE HOUSE 2 bedroom unfurnished 10 bio« Ks !< am( us 3 bl - Par- -g At vJuieiy no pels $39* f*r$f t. plus $200 deposit Avatiat'June U) 2061 Willamette 486 ’ 146 ?‘)8? ’ HURM . ' . I F W f RA . S i-K • and tast $200 sm d«p $100 nonw fundable »e«? Grad sludenis prof r>89 <626 689 769' 240 ROOMS «•. >OMS A BO V f EXCELSIOR CAFF 250 MOVING SALES APT FURNITURE sew NOW 26 gal! ■ aquarium s« $46 7 d-awt- de-> $6i •worn' $66 r.»a»> 6784 WHAT A BARGAIN $6 ♦ 667 12 250 MOVING SALES N MAKE QUICK CASH! Sell your.. STUFF!!! Uhft f.m©rakl Pay f*J» 4 d4yn d ' 1 PI*C0 .id % *1 02*«Iy Emerald Room 300 E MlJ UO Book* tore 4 The I MU Main D*th or t'i*M u« and charge it at 146 4 34 1 VISA MC IT WILL SELL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 260 ROOMMATES WANTED FEMALE ROOMMATE needed fo< Summer Friendly roommalei large* yard tlMAno .14 2 3822 . MMAr! • •.•■■■* A.I \'- ,-i.ja t 4 K? ‘ <■ Iran and jmpui 2B0 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ■ ART CINEMAS ■ - 492 E. 13th .686-2458 » QlStOUMT SHOWS'- U t* ' A.tiV: ^ ^ ni1 Aii.imi'llti * i ' 300 COUNSELING r‘M )Bl fc MS I. 41' Iho U .‘O Or t,, vjn!'iJ«>' t
Italian resort island 6 Ador Jotin, ol Hoots 7 Common value 8 Croquet trammer 9 Kind ol exam 10 Hindu lire god 11 Swelling 17 do torco 19 It might be electric Solution lime 24 mins Thursday's Answer 22 Inebriate* 23 Sharp knock 24 Ike s i ommand 25 1 hrough 26 i aunch or lily lollowor 27 l awyer s org 78 Propane 29 I ruling lor 499 31 Curve ol ship's planking 34 Highland plaid 35 Desire Under the 36 The heart 37 I ike the ostrich 39 ^ ashions 40 Hoalth resorts 41 Com motion 42 Oltice tHKlk 43 Vane gated 44 Barron 45 Tardy 46 I mil rind 48 Actress Alicia CRYPTOQUIP Q C / K A X Q I X W I X I K VV / X (! K (J 1 < U, (.(AIK H X R V ( \ X R V V H It UK (. R V R V ( W II Thursday’s Crvp<»< >K ll\ I'ROI I s SIONAI MAKI UP ARMS I Will) I Nl IS IS IN 11II \KM\ AIR )U I I A( I loday’s t ryptoquip tlttr; V' ctptals I The (ryptoquip is .1 simple substitution t iphn in which rat h lettci used stands for aiiotticr If you think tliat X equals (), it will equal () Ihrouphtml tlx- puzzle Single let tors, short words, anti words usiiq; an a[>ostrophr t an pivc you clues to locating vowels Solution is at t nmplisbrd by trial and erroi K VVH) try Ki'hj f (MluM'Y '.y'*Ou ,tt«* l<¥ „u-HW can e4r Spaghetti s295 Every Tuesday PIZZA PETE’S 2673 Willamette Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson TNircuiNG TUfTtt) TML , 'T k TOASIl TA*H-< TWM>( A 1'RtD TK»£ft M iU'Tl'KMWt wA\KU 81 CAvIlN THANK 100, Thank iqm V x~ €3 3 SUttSM /