CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. m »id » loor I MU Ham Spm Recycle this 9 ft '< paper. Tell us what you think. Please tell us what you think by tilling out the yellow Reeder survey in the Or eyon Deity Emerald on Wednesday May 30th Your answers will influence the direction we will lake in the future and you will also qualify tor valuable l"^l1()rceon l).iil\ Emerald • JUX) f Mf l GROCI Hit ‘ • ISO gift yrt.I,(.,!»• !■ U>> BOO* STORf • i>*: CASH \T!i Sorry this is late buf the party was great' Was it really that long ago thanks' V*' AMf*US INMlIIMA’m'-j fi ' < If » 1 h*r'k ' h.'l yUu* >r Uljr-M, ,, Men- ' ' •-«t ,**.!' {).'«•• !<•' : .»• * FIJIs Thank you for the Kill ER ASSASSINATION WEEK' The paily *.v> a great bang' \u FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM? Slop t<> '.VI Oregon Hall or I he Olhi *’ ‘If Adm.ssuWl* ONLY $1 A LINE!! HOW DO YOU SAY GOODBYE’ IN FRONT OF 16,500 OF YOUR CLOSEST FRIENDS??? Wilh an ODE personal ad Al l personal line ads will be SI per line m Ihe Iasi two weeks ol May NO MINIMUM NO MAXIMUM JUST A GREAT DEAL'" • Place youi ad* on Ihe phone by charging Ihem lo your account or your charge card1 • Place your ads at Ihe UO Book slore EMU Mam Desk or our office Room 300 l MU from 8 5pm M F Place your ads today they will start running during Ihe last two week* of ONLY A BUCK A LINE! 105 PERSONALS X1J Congratulation* Tin* A John on your • ngagemant* R«i*t «vi*he*' W# lov* you Tour Si»t#r* GREEKS! l**t ch*nc« to order picture* from Greek Week ' Wally Do it today! HOW TO f INO A JOB WITH A GRADUATE DFGREt tot the GhnJ Student* May U • u • ' » M Cal- Cr-a- Planning A Plac ament IT’S READY THE SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE OF CLASSES S. |... k „„r Ui !- <).iy Stop t)y 311 Otrija' Mah the Rog.strar •. Of ** JAMES t'on *ii'. a bias! Oh Happy 0»r1hii I I* Ha-■ • Wh'p Crn.m- Rug* ‘-piker .*•';* |hosr a’ * *r a thanks hi'tr < rnunes lun and love SELL YOUR: STEREOS DIRTY SOCKS YOUR WORKING CAR AN OLD OESK DOUBLE BED LIFE SIZED ELVIS NON WORKING CARS BICYCLES SKATEBOARDS MILK CRATES BRICKS SHELVING UNOPENED PRESENTS Place your ad for four day* If <1 *v» I sold call us and wa ll *un rl Ujt four NO RE FUNDS NO CREDOS IT WILL SELL! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!! EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 346 4343 VISA MC 105 PERSONALS A-!' Congratulation* to all of you laavmg ut Good Luck Graduating Senior* Wa II mi** you* XU AT Congr atulation* Mary E and Chn* S on your pinning! Wf lo»* you Your Sister* AT XU TostTfouno no KRVPTOMTfc : k»y n#ar Gilbert V?? : G' * t >P r! . i#m 115 TYPING SERVICES CYA TYPING SI RVICFS High Quality Typing and Editing f A'.’ . 4 M r Service Call Ann v4' W ' F AST PMQFt V inNAl TYP'S.. ! : "S , l? year*. e*p8n*' - »• Mea%« • rate TYPING UNLIMITED Barbaraland 485 0890 J { N S 7 Y P IN (I ' f R V H I Api.-in «!‘t;ns Paper* 4 as !/<>« r ri>!>3 344 4510 805 I t3th A,# JO THE T YPING PRO 883 8088 IBM W; •!«(> PB<»< t *,sing E: ' » AF*i R\ THESE *> DlSSrBTAtM The WORD SPECIALISTS * 1 itaduatr School Approved ^ * I hNxcrUtun'L ’I h>- sr v Faj*.-r > * IHM l *)fnpat»E»lr.l)j\k i Dnvfi’-ptn * 1 asfi Fnntmy. -taph)‘ • * 1 ditiny. Kr %umc* CAROLYN CINDY laser word processing 1-F ,p.i-* ■ *» i dill' ■ ; 6M : .■ .id ■ ' • .i .-t|>{ ' uni »•’ , Robin 344 0759 Text Scanning Pf n/rtj re>r ro co-"q,jU‘' k*± ++ • f ngi’sn ,»nes (mti iptease Place ads al Daily Emerald Room 300 EMU UO Bookstore A The t Mu Mam l>esk or call us and charge il al 346 4343 :N RHur-ds No Credits : VISA MC IT WILL SELL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CASIO CPS 300 Digit P•an, bu. t m r o. y 6 *u'« c pHuS Sustn pedal A( adaptor NEW S.SSOBO 683 6?4 1 (*MPl E T E * Al ’WATER AQUARIUM ftifl ■ Mi -,T SE i i S C‘ OEM ut. * MAS FOR SAl E Taro Irckets tor sold oul Janet Jackson Concert on June 7 $30 each Call 346 *M• HONDA AERO *»0 runs great *175 Four custom R* 7 whls stud tires $150 Eclipse solid Oak \2 spkrs Marunti t?0W amp Linear turntable dual cassette deck 60 $800 686 1165 KING MjE ell Headboard includes mirror A shelves $165 OO OBO 667 93? I e*es 130 FOR SALE NINI fifth**. • !r*d tank U‘ *89.’ Recreation Ctfltt CAMPUS LOST & FOUND SALE • ,• . • : r II \ M.V • • Bo. * • • V ■*. ■ . ' • ' • DEAD WEEK May 29 & 30 9-5pm Daily R(H AND JUNO 60 Syf>fhefti.*«*f ' *» »■■<»■»* $1H*' N»f3i«fnrto' VicJeo Game Sy H-n W *■ $69 344 .'0*’>d 1 ■! .l«#A MA'f *j- + ” hdfthe aft* S' •* Bo !ypaa'H*» I-:,- $*• Bia..; , ► > Cl ' A ,r '.pease' V- ifi‘> *sG23 SOFA HIDE A BED S17VOBO Gra*t for studio apt Call 34 S 42?1 SOUO OAK • 'M»*f iHt.iif* and and tahic .’)n1»»mpofary styling perfect < onaie $3001080 Full, automat.-: SLR ■ *.»v #• •* : r ng BRAND NEW Sony Tape ft*. Mi- $ jt M>>t {.-I l 4'*‘ ' ’ 4‘J ; : UHt F FUTON CiiM" S ’ h i speed e$?0 Yamaha A. .-usp Ciii lrt! $11*. 144 HUH 135 BUY OR TRADE W ANT i M5 CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS HONDA PASSPORT Scoolei' Greal condition' Just tuned *dh helmet $360/080 .44 3 6706 MUST SELL* Honda f i,it- '*><) Dew $700,080 67 VW FASTBACK Body eicel coml Ail« needs *ofk (it jumps out ol 4th gear) $660 JoAnne 445 6.41 •• VW % AN . A-- • • .V. >i .»ii M- Huns iooks great S. .00 46* 3246 Randy '■**. VW BUS fun- ,f'v strung Mur $1460000 646 9900 ’97*, - W BUU • • iJT.l! •. **• t ;.:r si)' >.-.•* $i3r>OOBO 346 8* '■ STEAL IT iy,'r. mat i.-b < , . g?Cd( rni all* $r ‘- > U3i v45 1 1976 280Z 2 • 2 Unde, 70 000 miifs t n eiient -nien 1978 liURC.UNt.M SAAB .-a • it mag*> sunroo1 funs gieei $2200/080 I960 FIAT BRAVA * speed a • ste-e M-. helm t-es fin e, c end $2200 ' . RENAUl7 Ai L iANCf 4 . , A (. Jvj tumahe 720QC • «-• e, • .norm AM F M ‘a ■Jh cassette $1800.060 4455361 1984 MQNflA SHADOW 600c V Mm, k $800 465t*.' 1984 HONDA SPREE 60c. M.#M sen1 $225/060 687 912’ as* tot T,m K 1986 BLACK HONDA Spree eicellent condition S300/OBO 484 0887 1966 HONDA 80 SCOOTER Ne* 196’ l. ua miifi helmets in. luded $460060 .346 066.' 1988 BLACK SUZUKI Sevege 660 Mint condition 2800 mi $1700/0 60 346 6221 155 CQMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS f-.' f ORD C-AMPER Vi" s’i'.ige tied e •' AM f M •defer system I900.-QBO ?46 951 '• 66 VW van Runs great new brakes $9SO'OBO 666 5569 74 vw SUPC.RBE fni I 11.000 nil I# - ■. *a engine N» a tees pr > n •. • Sharp $2300 6696026 ‘7 RABBIT clutch CV s battery o*i analysis Dependable f abrvergnugan $1600 fm '46 9244 V’W SClROCCO New engine sun ■■ • * •«* arc seals louvois tiffs A -. g $2200 34f 9490 79 VW CAMPER $4250/oHer 344 3934 ft2 HONDA 4V Nighthawk very lev* '•’-•lies Mary e»t»as $1000 080 342 6486 84 HONDA AERO good r u-mii.i a mile-, hairnet mi I $460/OBO Must sell Call 663 4468 64 NISSAN SENTRA wagon 5 speed -» * " A •Titles 1 owner e »- ei ,' ' •» AM AHA ‘>R)' /'il.1 •.{>; ie t $950/080 Cal . .is ‘->683 4837 iso BICYCLES ’-*69 GT PERFORMER an >, an GT pads black mays Mimiung ban. bareiy used $24 9 346 8332 ME hi 12 sp-ee. 1 f- , •• A great !.9c MIYaTa V:d‘D • . ..A ii.H k $ 100-0 BO John 346 8081 Integra Comp Aerr Runs $400 080 346 8282 am s 10 SPEED GREAT . - dS.'OOBO B ... rat K ;.$«d 2» best oRe* 346 9668 Arr.y n‘ . ( NU'Rit >n t.E MANS MS m. >y ! *e 2 1 Cat eye > depute- $260 15b COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS EVEREX 386 •• MU. RAW Hi MA... r-!ay 101 key $2700 J ..« UM180 HP DESKJET Laser qualify print at a fraction of the ■ si In. graph*- s'-dge able and helpful booh *, $4?M)BO 342 )360 HP 41CX UKl new includes '<• .ent.fic Program Pact Paid $386 asking $AK) i BO Nu k 68’ 00* ’ IBM PC 512K . i k altv'der du.ii dish drives ‘lor monitor nrg Word Perfect plu 5 lots of Software Crf" N.. ► 687 005 ’ KAPRO? e«i r-i o’Hl An do omenta l or. S «X) 687 1969 19“ Color TV & VCR $300 683 4824 20 MHZ 030 Accelerator Plus SE $800 726 3501 2400 BD SUPRA MODE V $120 726 3501 160 SOUND SYSTEMS MONEY Purchase ,; uf car stereo system 1 ■ - the U o» O Booh store and get sit u $50 off . ;ir leitbOoh' the f She* *u..J AM f M assent* wdh 6'« st-eahefs $200 yOu get $30 off le*t boo*s Piu-'eer AutO Re. AM I M -.a-, sett* wdh 5 ’« Speahers $4 off textbooks Clarion CD turner with V. speakers $500 $50 off te»t book s NAD 314 AMP $150 NAD 6341 tape $350 Dh* S'vd’id II sutM'f? sate - te spho $250 I'. 485 402 7 or Be.erly 345 5255 160 SOUND SYSTEMS CARVER 900 'rri'ivpi Bose 901 ser VI e.oe's Vamaha K720 (1v< K SI MX) 342 lc>8r Victor research turntable S7S/OBO Receiver amp S8S/OBO Advent Baby II spkrs 1110/080 All items mint1 346 622-1 —UO-Bookstore— SPEAKERS School f nd Close Outs Te-. times SLB36 pr t only $99 9*> pr S.t MU SPX?6 2 pr only $199 9^ l ’ AO TSW M0 1 pr (inly $419 96 O' I Why dove somewhere else when you an shop between classes ijth & Kincard Ml • ,k)6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 BOOH ST OBI 346 4331 165 INSTRUMENTS PIANO UPRIGHT Solid • >«»K >vory Keys Needs timinq $‘ "‘« OEH' Kelly 144 8344 195 TRAVEL HEADING FOR EUROPE This SUM MER Jet there anytime from Seattle i SFO fo( flo more than $269 Or Iron l as! Coast for no more than $160 wth AiRHITCH uis reported m Consumer Reports NT Gmes and Lets Go • f- • details ran 21? 864 2000 ONE WAY EUGENE to- Rochester NY vi.i Portland and Detroit Leaves June ONE WAY Eugene to SF Call 342 8132 $ 100 ' a,)> in Ket Port id to NY i eav*-s June 12 Call 344-6465 210 OPPORTUNITIES serve ah co tors S>» the 5990 19yi ai .i.I.-'t.h year Job des., opium & ap pi,, dfion*, may be T"i fced up and re turned m the ASUO of lice Suite 4 f V SOD •. . jual i ; 'fund, a* ■ . Litage ,»M interested students K ap DID YOU KNOW? i *©m though you are enroned Spun.;; ’• you need to file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD • . ■ . i attend the SUMMER SESSION | 333 Oregon nan or the Office of EXPERIENCED SOCCER COACH - eeded ' U of O Womens Glut i ‘.ports if interested COMa< ! Cud J Sports *3733 or Part Cahill 346 41?'! ANYONE INTERESTED in playing soccer for U of O Women s Club leant m F ail 90 come to intom at-o Wi»> 31 7pn IT’S NOT TOO LATE • INTENT TO REGISTER CARD f • summer session Stop by 333 Oregon Han , » the Office or Admissions SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Tuition aji.i" ;-n.s m»>-th iy stipend for qualified persons inter ested t m Solar Energy mail bo* The Solar Energy Center is an equal opportunity/affirmative at hon employer | SWIM INSTRUCIORS jr»l Quaui- ’ needed Job is in Porfiand Full and i part time available Ca" Sally at ! i 646 6146 for more info Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU i' hV omb to w KfAUX-A. ‘-rCv , .• ’ t .ir.- >>i .' V’ 7P tC£EP * ft A vf' Av 4 flat/ THANKS, A.N'PY. IVJUSTUK3 TOSAy.. \ OFCWRSB, Hi. HA5 TO 05 ! HIS F55SAR5 ■0050*5' HA HA,HA' GOTCM A, POO GEXTEEMAS'S ESC C )RE QUALITY RESALE CLOTHING* FOR ME N AND WOMEN OF DISCRIMINATING TASTE I 1111 WILLAMETTE EUGENE. OR 97401 1 _343-6179 I {mm" -nl