I’Tiiitwln S<-4I1 pinlim Kosie W illiams ('Mi) shook oil an ratl\ -srason hamstriin; injury to /lost a 2011 rnrlrr timv ol 23.till anil quality tor thr \( 11 moot Sports QUALIFIERS Continued from Page 15 sei ond fastest ever behind only her si hoot ret ortl ut -I 1 HI Iasi Year and easily broke the prove sional time ol J t H i (tie biggest surprise ol the season would have to be tin' improvement of Smith in the dist'lis Smith had only a ties! of IV) 1 before this season bul im proved to Hit-.1 in a dual meet against ( aliturnia and then to ]h I 1 at the (iregon Invitational before throwing IT 1 ‘I at the I .nng Iteai h Twilight Invita lional last Thursday That throw is dso the sivtli best in the \'< A \ this veal With then 14 qualifiers, tin men will be well represented at the \< \A meet and are looking to improve on last \ear s fourth plat e tmish \ I so i ompeting in the meet for the Oregon men will or IV ilro daSilva in I lit* <)r< .ithlon. S. lilt Metier in thr h.immri \rt Skipper in the javelin. long jumprr Latin Hrrrv. triplt* jumper Spenrer W illiams, Lrii Peterson in the 1 iim meters ami lirian Wright in the 100 hurdles \llliough the women have olds sis ipialifiers as opposed In nine Iasi seat the Ihn ks should improve on last visit's team performani r which tied them for 12nd 11\ *• ra11 |oining Williams and Smith III the \( ,\.\ meet will hr la/ Wilson in the >,01)0 meters. .Stephanie Wrssrll in thr 10,000 and lavrlin throwers Paula Her i v and him I Ivatt. Wrssrll was onlv a provt ,lonal ipiahfh i in the 10,000 but i oai h Tom 1 Irinonrn has opted to have her run the 10 000 instead ol thr >.000 whirl) she automatically qu.ili lied lot Blazers hope home court advantage continues By Bob Baum A s sot" u i tod Pt &s s PORTLAND Tlit? Portland li.nl Blazers arc witlitn two games nl the NBA lin.ils tor just one reason I fame Sweet 1 fame File Trail Blazers, who beat San \ntonio in a series in which the home team won every game. hope that holds true in their Western (imlerence final against Phoenix It resumes Tuesday night in Portland alter i disastrous turn tor the Blazers in the land ol the Suns In far t Portland has taken the home t nurt advantage to an extreme, going 8-0 in the plavnlls at home just l a on the road Phoenix on the Other hand has won four pl.i\ott road games, although the Suns have lost PI straight games in Portland dating hat k to the t‘184 playoffs The Blazers perlei I home mark has kept their best ut 7 Western Conference tinal series tied 1 1 alter the Suns' two one sided victories in Phoenix that makes Phoenix players optimism about Came i in Portland "We played well enough to win the iiixt two games up there Dan Majerle said, then we had lapses and didn't execute at the end The Blazers were in the same situation against San Antonin Portland won the first two games ol tluit st iles. vv .is beaten si Hind h the next two. hut won ( hunt- . ,il home anil eventuallv won in seven names It s a three name senes with two ot them at our Iil.it e said Portland point guard letrv Porter It we take i are ol hu si ness at home we i e ( )K As long as we continue to win at home we won t have a problem We i an lose ( Mine it as long as we win i .inti at home The Blazers have been winning til home hut pist hands The I a a two v: tones ovri San \ntonio were in dou ble-overtime anil overtime Portland won the series opener ag 11n -1 the Suns 1011-ilH OB a late basket hv he\ in Dm kworth then overcame a 2- point deficit in damn J to win IBM to tin Portias I t-footer ill the final seconds The coll.ipse ohviouslv had no long term eltect on the Suns W hen the series shitted to Phoenix, the Suns won (lame ! in one of the most one sided contests in NBA plavofl historv I.! t Hu Portland hired better inl.ame ) hut couldn't match the offense generated In Kevin johnson and linn Chambers and the Suns pulled avvav in the second halt Portland missed live straight .. throws in the third quarter and the Suns won the rebounding battle |H 111 against ,1 Hl.lZel 11-.Iin lh.lt It’ll lilt- league III til’ll department Pht ..nix hasn't liinl thr In mu- court advantage in ,im siTitts m the 1'i'll I playoffs, hut won twice u.u h oil the load against till’ I 'tall jazz anil I n - Angeles l akers We're not the (dohetrofters vet hut it we'ie going to win everything we have to win one on the road Phoenix coat h (lotion I it/sitnmons said Ur understand that We're the 111 -^t team to win -I games and not get the home court advantage in am se lii" Hut winning two in I tali and two in l.os Angelos makes ns a toughei . (letlel team While the Suns offense was in high gem at home the Hla/.eis have survived despite a lack ot scoring punch Clyde 1 )re\ler whose i old shooting has compounded Portland's prohlems. said the team Itasn t reioveted from the loss ot Duckworth and hat kup i milei Wayne ( ooper to lupines in the opening round Until have re turned to the lineup hut the team has yet to regain the level III pirn that helped it will VI games in the regular season Reserve guard Drazen 1’etrovn whose offense is sorely needed is bothered h\ a right wrist sprained in Sunday 's game hut is expel.ted to play I'uesdav —,-— Engine Service 1000 S Bertelsen Rd #6 fugene OR 97402 One Block North ol W 1 llh Nolan Incl Pla/a Speaai :■<■ Volkswagen Sen ce Fo 342-3952 ■ vea' 10% Student Discount Cakes With Class FALL CREEK BAKERY We hate to see you go, but before you move, give EWEB a call so we can stop your water and electric service in your name. We'll come and read your meter right away. That way you'll be sure to avoid being responsible for service after you move. So call EWEB before you leave, it will give us a chance to transfer your service and say goodbye. 484-6016 500 East Fourth Avenue Office Hours 8 am until 5 pm Monday through Friday