Sports Men’s golf team takes seventh Hval leads team to NCAA appearance The Oregon men's golf team finished seventh in the a-t-hole regional qualifying tournament in Las N M to earn its first lierth in the N't!A A men's golf championships since 1BH7 The Ducks shot a one-over par ilHU on the final day ol i oni petition Saturday to move from Friday’s eighth place to sev enth for the tourney Tim Hval hail a good final round for Ore gon, firing a three-under par tin to finish in a three way tie for ninth individually Oregon's Boh Kaimow scored .in even-par 72 Saturday with Cam Martin finishing at 7:t for the da\ Tom Smith, who was forced to withdraw from com petition Friday due to illness, c ('hris llol/.gang added a four over par 7t> on the dav Nevada-Iuts Vegas took the team title with a three-day total of 812. just nine strokes ahead of Texas Kl I’aso Arizona State, vvhii h led after two (lavs of competition, finished third at 84 i Arizona and Southern Cali fornia finished fourth and fifth, respectively, to join ASt! and (Jregon as Par 10 teams making the N( .AA meet Huh Cioyen of I 'NLV took top individual honors with a three day total of 201 Paul Stankowski of HTTP was set ond at 208 followed bv |im I tirvk of Arizona, Phil Mir kel son of ASH and Derin Osborn of 1 N'l.V tied for third at 208 The Ducks qualified by five shots, with Stanford and Par if ir tied for 10th at 804 The top nine teams in the regional qual ifying tournament qualify for the N< AA inert Oregon forged into a tie for fifth in the in team field on the first day of competition Thursday Individually. Holzgang led the Oregon at tar k. shooting .1 fiveunder f>7 on the dav Smith. Hval. Mar tin and Kannovv had scores of 71), 71, 7:i and 73. respectively Oregon fell to eighth on the second day .it T70 despite los ing Smith for the dav Hval was leading the Ducks at Ml fol lowed by Kannovv at M2 and Martin at M l Oregon will likelv he repre sented at the NCAA meet June tv't at Tarpon Springs. F la by llval. Smith and Holzgang. all seniors Kannovv. a junior and Martin, a sopho more will also join the team START YOUR PROFESSIONAL LIFE OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT AT SAFECO! S A FECI) Corporal ion is one of tin- top diversified financial corporations in North America, and. as such, is an excellent place for new graduates to begin their profes sional life. Our continuing growth ami expansion have created numerous oppor tunities for hard-working, dedicated individuals. 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We an- an equal opportunity employer. -S SAFECO Pierce leads Benson to track championship By Tracy Sumner Etwtald Sports editor List Friday ami Saturday's U.S. Bank Class AAA Tm k and Field Championships in Kugene gave University of Oregon men's track coach Bill Dellinger plenty to be pleased about Dellinger, like the rest of the Hayward Field crowd of 7,500. watt hed an impres sive performance by Benson Techman laivon Pierce, the Oregon recruit who won the 200 meters, the 400 meters, and ran the anchor leg of Benson s 4x400 relay that won with a time of 3: !!> 82 1 tellinger who will be en tering his 10th season as Or egon men's trai k coa< h next season, couldn't have been more pleased with what he saw from Fieri e "I think the outstanding athlete in this meet on the men's side has got to be I,a von Fieri e " he said “I'm happy to see him performing the wav lie is He's just an outstanding athlete '' All totaled. Fierce had a hand in tl> of Benson's 52 meet points to lead the Port land school to its first state title since to tti No award is given lor the meet's out standing athlete but if it were, Pierce would have won easily But what really had Del linger smiling was thinking about having Pierce on his team for the next four years Pierce had several reasons tor choosing Oregon over a number of other schools, in eluding Pac i fie - 10 rival Washington State Most no table for fieri e were the Or egon coaching staff and the atmosphere at Kugene's sto ried Hayward Field "1 came here because 1 like the sprinting coach, deorge Walcott, and for the past three years. I've been interested in the t'O pro gram.'' Pierce said. "I'm fa miliar with the atmosphere of the track so 1 thought that would be the kind of setting that I would perform best in "I love the crowd here," Pierce said "They're very loud and very supportive." Pierce said being close to home made Kugene an espe cially appealing place to continue his track career. "It's close to home so if I bad am kind of homesit k ness. I < ould just drive right up the road 1 12 miles and be home if 1 wanted to." he said. ()regon footba 11 rei ruit 1 le.ith Ilowington. who will also compete in track for the Dm ks. managed to win his third straight title in the shot put with a throw of att-i'i despite losing 25 pounds over the last two weeks be cause of mononui leosis. The Koseburg senior also took second in the discus "He didn't compete the wa\ he would like to com pete because he was silk. Dellinger said "Hut he did get sec ond in the discus and he won the shot We think he's going to be a good addi tion for us next year HOW ARE WE DOING? Please tell us *hat you think by fill mg out the reader survey in the Ore gon Daily Emerald on Wednesday May 30th —-^Oregon Dixh- f Emerald The “20% OFF Storewide” ad that ran Friday, May 25 in correctly stated the final day of the sale. The final day of the sale is June 2. We apologize for any in convenience. UO Bookstore MOMJAVS IHkOl (,H IKIl)\>s Luncheon Specials Phad Thai $3.95 ( Sex/ to l a! < > Book\tt>rt‘ CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 t. 13th 143-2832 CITY VIEW AUTOMOTIVE Volvos A Specialty KUk tri< at Work Alternators. Starters Brakes. Tune ups Reasonable Rates VOLVO) I 145 Oily View Kugem*. OK ‘I74H2 Day 142-5252 STKVKN KU I.M 27 Years (-Aperient e