Daily Emerald^ SpOftS Four track athletes gain NCAA berths Four Oregon track athletics on the NCAA provisional list be c ame N(iAA qualifiers Saturdav night when the N't IAA sells tion committee announced its field for the N't IAA meet ()n the men's side Tye V an Schoiai k (it.000-meter steeple chase) and I’al Haller (10,000 meters) joined Oregon's list that already included 12 auto math: qualifiers for the four-de\ meet which will he held on the campus of Duke University in Durham. N O starting VVednes day. For the women, sprinter Kos ie Williams was added to the NCAA field in the 200 meters as was discus thrower Stepha nie Smith to give the women six qualifiers. Van Schoiai k was added to the list after turning in a per sonal record 8:45.23 at the Ralph Hill Open last VVednes day at Hayward Field. Van Sehoiack joins teammates Dan n\ Lopez and Ku k Mestler in the steeplechase field at the \( :AA meet Haller spent most of his sea son running the a,000 meters, hut he cl id run the 10.000 in 20:08 00 at the Oregon Preview in March. |ust no hundredths off the automate standard of 2*1:08.00 Oregon now has four runners m the 10.000 lor the NCAA meet as Peter Fonseca. Hrad Hudson and Terrance Mellon had already qualified Despite a hamstring injury \vhi( h limited much of her competition this season, Wil liams returned to full strength at the Par ifir 10 (amfereni e meet where she finished third in both the 100 and 200 Her time of 28 00 in the 200 at the conference meet was her Turn to QUALIFIERS, Page I 7 Photo lit Mdf till I tlirl Tve Van Si hni.u k. \ time (H:4.r>. 1.1) in the t.OOO nwter steeplei hast- wav gnotl enough tor the Pat Ills sixth pl.ue finisher to quality tor the \( \.l trai k meet. * tMJNDCRIAND * GREAT FOR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS 54»VinFfl all GAMES WORK ftIIUtU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION M so STH STREET PUIUC MARKET EUGENE • 663-84(4 J We ship your stuff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes ^ PacKaging rs Store 2705 Willamette St 344-3106 FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11*17 • 50-400‘r enlargement or reduction. • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Crest copies Crest people 860 E. 13th 44 W 10th 344-7894 344-3555 * File Edit Uiew Special i-——— I — • ___ -—-— Headline Njm* Sue ► ind l. j*t Modifwd Superior Products, Excellent Service! We et>ml )ine 11 r largest sclectk >n c>t \lacintt >sl i & related products with a willingness to satisfy evetyone we serve! Special Warranty Offer Nam* AppleGrwv Warranty Service Buy () Months (itt 6 Months FRKH j Offer ends May Ms(! ;'*■' <■. RrM'h ■ .ns A:>piv RAM Charge your Mac 2Mb SIMMS installed! __ $185 The Outbound'Laptop for Mai. Plus/M < burners • New dockable 9 lb laptop computer • DouNes CPI peed carrying tax' $2995 GCCs PIP n laser printer • 22 resident fonts • .VKi DPI User pnr.nn# • I year warranty $1399 i J :::• uniuersity Specials Name Size K ind Show Student ID & Save! • MicroNet Hard Disks 20Mb.Save S90 . $419 30Mb.Save $86....$499 46Mb.Save $90 . $549 • Full Page Display + c ard Save $300. .$1190 • Save 25% on All Software 5o W«J -it HmI ml* Kinr IS*_' a ' ^ 6 i*erns l oqo blur k 28,27& in disk ,t>87h jvatlibl* Dedicated exclusively to Apple & related computer products the computer store . Store hours M-F10-6, Sat. 10-5 • 61 West 8th, Eugene 343-1434 ' iIm \p»»*i l"»* Mj» A m fid Ifjifcnurt* •*< Vpi*A <.m»p«H«f im VppM j r