Tuesday. May 29, 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91. Issue 161 Oregon Daily Emerald Briefly The l 'niversit\ Printing I)e partnirnt and loc .1! 1 ope shops art? searching tor wavs to use 100 pen ent unbleached reevi led pa per. See stories. Page 4 Sports Pat Haller The Oregon trank teams added foui more N( AA qualitiers for this week's V.AA ( Tampion ships in Durham \ (k I’he \( :AA allowed both autornatii and provisional qualiliers this year and when the provisional qualifiers w ere at t epted Satur da\. four more Dunks gained ,\( k\ A act eptance I‘he\ are Pat Haller, l've Van St hoiat.k Rosie Williams and Stephanie Smith See stor> , Page 1 a The Oregon men's goll team Inis gained its tiist ,\’(! \A I inn ■ lament bitl sint e 1H87 altei fill Oiling seventh overall m the N't \A West Regional this post weekend See story. Page lti Locally A hetl anil breakfast inn in the 1 adversity rumpus area might seem out of plat e. but local bed anil breakfast inn ow ners t onsitl er the location to be a pertei t set ting. See Story> Page ti Weather .1 1 at leasing clouds with chant e of rain later todav and tonight I liglis in the upper lids Rain at times Wednesday with highs tiO-tifi, Four years no longer the norm Only one in five gets out ‘on time’ By Catherine Hawley t i d Assoc .!!? l\htot Is there such .1 tiling as .1 four year i ollege degree amnwiri'' Nationwide. onlv la percent ol rail lego students complete a hat helor s de gree four rears alter graduating from high school, according to a recent sur ver conducted hv the National Institute ol Independent l olleges and I'nirersi t les Here at the l'Diversity ahout one in lire students graduates within four years ai cording to the registrar's oltii e and the l tltii e ot Student Alt.ms, vr hi< ti Irai k the academit progress of eai h en tering freshman class the tour rear graduation rate has hor ered between 1H and 111 percent lor the last six or seven rears, ai cording to tig ores from the (tllii e of Student Allans So is this had news tor students who want to finish their undergraduate pro grams ,ind hit the job market .in <]tii< kh as possible ' Not net essarilv An iua< t urate pn lure I or one thing, st.itistu s ma\ lie paint ing an mat i nr.ite pit lure of unilergradu ate life at tile University othei surveys show that almost halt of the student bod\ completes undergraduate pro grams here in lour years I’.irt ot the reason for the disparity 111 graduation rules is methodology Hie registrar’s office follows University freshmen and monitors their at ademit progress here at the University the registrar doe- not ini hide students u ho transfer trom othei si bools nor does it take into ,11(011111 students who begin their studies here but graduate from an othei college Also, different si bools have different methods of figuring graduation rates said Anne Leavitt, assistant to the vue provost in the ( )11u e ol Student \ttairs I or instanto, sini ss.int to know ss li.il si bools do sv ith students sshn arc enrolled in live sear programs are tiles ini hilled in the figures or not?" she said A serves of 770 students ss ho filed ssith the registrar to graduate spring term 10H0 showed that 110 or about el peri '.out took more than tour sears to graduate and those numbers uu lode transfer students to the l'iiisersits said |ett Morgen, the graduate student ss ho i ondm ted the serv es \bout the same pen outage a little more than halt of (to students who answered an informal serves in the 1 )t tii e ot Ai adem.it \ds isiug said it would take them more than four sears to glad Hate Indei ision Whs do students lake more than tout sears to earn a lour sear degree' The reasons llies give are sailed but most of them have to do ssith personal desires I urn to GRADUATE, Pacje 1 1 ..Ml In remembrance \ 'rtrr.ms pn\ tribute to < omrndr.s nhu served with them in past wars .it .1 Monday Memorial l),i\ servii r .it Skinner Unite Park This snrvit e was one til mam liehl tbrinifibout hu^ene Photo b\ Audit' Kanirri Transition under way for new ASUO staff By Jolie Andrade t met.ikl Rt‘ixv',1'! (letting ii 11ii.11 nlcil w ilh llif new si.ill .inii adminis t rut mu. .ind making .i smooth transition an? the goals ot the ii™ \SI'() Hxi'i ot lie staff during the Iasi two weeks ol spring term rlii' 1 <1(10■ HI i'ih lit11 !• stall better known as the blond ambition of In e" bv President Kirk Hailei and \ h c President Sheila St ii kel started their official reign last Frida \ "Right now we are ion enrned with getting the new staff on getting them com fortable. and planning lor the summer and next vear liai lev said There will !><• a student .uul .nlministr.ition dinner this I ridav to help ease the new st.ilf into their positions. St it kel s.inl Ihe new < reu will also have their i ham e to ask questions ill a joint meet mg between the old and new stall "Part of the transitioning will also he knowing what it's like to he in office and how to utilize people and re souri es ' Hailey said Stickel said the A SI () lx ecutive will also he having several awareness workshops tor their staff on unlearning r.u ism. sexism, homophobia and disabilities during their mid July retreat "It's real important that folks understand these things due to the nature of our of tn e." Hailey said '' We can't afford to neglei I one group "We also want the new stall to gel familiar with nut style of leudership which will he a little less hierari hi cal than this \ ears.'' St n hel said Both said they are ap pro,u long next year as a team that operates more as a i o president v "Uei .line up with the idea of a i o-president \ so that we both carry equal weight or validity." Sin kel said I he student body voted for Sheila and 1 as a tii ket and we're trying to recognize the till t th.it two i .m (it> .1 hel ter joh th.m une " Hailey said "\Vi hoth have ei|iial liases nt legitimai v and we're trying to mirror that " h irk and I will work .is a team even though some times we ll work a! other tilings she said "We want people to know that dei isions aren't just go mg to tall on one ol our shoulders ' SI n k el said, adding that she and Hailev would he working harder to keep eai.h other apprised on issues they handle separate ly Uotli Hii( kid and Hailev said they have had to do Turn to ASUO, Page 13