'fy AiwllJUl *!>J!s»ic»m3E?ITirioTuS3S« M 0» • TUt HtDIlM M] l»M AIW»TSU1«$S f mout M*r*rmmiKjrcofm ?o*+idmca.*ou> on mtHtuTHr enact! } F'y* rao tio-W^r tao-WMtii WWWI... REMARKABLE, BREATHTAKING, AN EXTRAORDINARY SCREEN EVENTT j ■'aSssaak.T' Stimnina, ramartabte, «n5»artng«»' for Anmrjt©»1 Sf«xt iaji Chcfx r*omrnN» THE COW cxxj a**yrt {•l wrvw>a Ux>rN from * USSft Ccmorla Vugotkr ^v«) Thv# N^thiwlcxvl* Tr\f* jUSA ond rrxxo | IB! nil IP I (MAIIOlUl ioumh or AH IMATIO H Coww T >4 >sA*a»MA’P1> TAi I SWT f T if ^ J f. i 00 • Su Th \0 41V TQM HAWKS • MtQ WTAM ^ Ft n 45-SuTMi Ki FROM TH| CMfcATOFW Of CAft fltSM e E. It c* -etc* is in t HAltii t' > i-.t lt HQ/.t t'AMT V Paraprofessional Experience Available! Peer Advisors Wanted Exciting opportunity to contrib ute to your fellow students academic success while gaining valuable paraprofessional experi ence. Credit available. The following departments are now accepting applications for Spring term: Department Computer & Info. Science Math Education English Journalism Philosophy Human Service Pick up application at 145 DES 333 FEN 112E DUC 118 PLC 211A ALL 311 PLC 115 HEN HUGE PRICE on all Macintosh • Plus • SE • SE/30 mod els Microcomputer S u p port Lab 202 Computing Center Mimd.iv I'riday o a m. ti> 5 p.m. 14h 4402 The power to he your best. A&E New music styles inspire ballroom dancing revival By Layne Lakefish £.metala A&E Rpwiot What goes around conics around from miniskirts to ham uts to dam t> lyverything runs in < (lining twu-da\ *• v t■ 111 siiitl polite l .tp! I)tt k I.(>\fill! Bet arise ill dm sheet volume <>1 people in one plate. Love.ill said, more polite stall will lie present at the stadium as thev are with nth lelit events Hruvidmg [itdit e patrols at a ton tell is easier than tat I a toot ha 11 value ! ,o\ ell said. However, ovet the weekend the tens ot thou saints ot visitors "are not going to he tot Used at Autzen Stadium. Loveall said linn re going to he all over the plat n t in this reason molt- uttiuers will he patrol line the t ampus area ami the rest ot tile t l!\ during that time, he said "We're looking forward to everyone having a gootl time, and ut- will do what we tain to fa t ilitnte that. I.ovealt Saul 'We t ertuinly aren't despising the event m am wn\ It that s what the t it\ wants. that s I me with us Kit hard (Ireene president ot the t diversity Small If list ness Association and owner ot Katnhow Optics ’ta. ! 1 fill \ve said "There's nothing wrung \\ 11h the hand Hut when the hand brings with it illegal and ha rassing behavior, then it s a problem During the du\ s pret edmg and iollowing the show he s.iul Dead I,ms flood tilt* 1 Itli mid Kin< .iid .him l'htdr presente has a damaging effei I on business al a number of i ainptis ansi iiiiTi bants In- said Sands Walton, senior assoi tali* athlete di rci tor Ini tin1 t'liisfisits said a limn rap' shouldn't tall on tin- lli'.ul or llnnr mainstream fans Hie Ians are eass going. and not a bos tile itroiip b\ ans misiiis." she said \ns time sou base tu.illiu people in one plat e unless it's a < bun h i omentum, sou re going to base more problems ' she said l bi'se problems combine with the band’s colorful image to result in misunderstanding she said I’eri eptioli III tin (hateful I lead Is not al ssass favorable ' Walton said However, 1'ei ception and realits aie not alsvavs tile same thing liie Atbletii I lepartmeiit and Aut/en Sladi um base hosted the Dead three times Ibe i on cert is the Al) s biggest non spoils event Wal ton said In PIMA sslu-n Hob Dylan appeared as well the i oin eil dress more Ilian ,1 i.fttMl tans Set lints is heeled up around the stadium during the dass before and after Ibe t inn ert Walton said and a makeshift campground is set up in the parking lot to u< r ommodate s isi tors w lio don't stas in hotels rbe.se steps help minimi/e disturbances around the stadium "We've iust not bad ans problem with them tie)ore. Walton said lose AT 'EStWfto KOIAA u)Wv\r wno^x, coo\A <-joO a*\c £VcP Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 -- r We Buy Quality • Stere< > equipment • Vide<»recoj lers • PA amps ci; mixers • Portable color tv's iusl 2 blin ks from campus Stereo Workshop 1621 I 14th 344 3212 M l 9 6 Sat 10-2 k/ SEXY LEGS SEXY FIGURE SEXY BIKINI * No Topless Allowed Girls 18 & over please. * Minimum 5 contestants. Pays 5 places $400 00 CASH » Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL: 342-2723 or 344 6897 $400 CASH PRIZES CIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERM 2165 West 11th 'specific rules obtained at door “25 Years of ^_ Quality Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 DOS PATOS A Restaurant That Serves Quality Mexican Food Watch for Daily Specials ◄ 1219 Alder ► Engine Service 1000 S Bertclsen Rd #8 Eugene OR 9/40? Onr Block North of W 11th Nolan Ind Pl.i/a Spec j: 'v. ” l dhswjgon Se'i re Fo< \' icarc 342-3952 10% Student Discount Biikemlock I Discover how healthy and comfortable your feel can be m original Birkenstock foot wear And discover the fresh new look ot Birkenstock sandals and shoes in excit ^ mg new colors and styles FOOTWISE mi BIRK1 \STOCK hfORl Milano Mil Klrnul Public M.h kul 342-6107 We ship your stuff home! rtf' 1 to 1000 pounds, computers, stereos. TVs [tf' Insured, custom packing rtf' Boxes for sale hi' UPS. Emery, Motor Freight 2705 Willamette Street • 344-3106 (convenient parking)