Daily Emerald A & E Arts University Museum of Art will host the .tnmi.il exhibition of art work In 1 t fine arts degree < an didates at the l amersitx The ex hibit w ill run from May 20 to June 17. University Museum of Art pre sents an exhibition of id Japanese woodbloi k prints entitled "Airs of Kdo: Japanese lain Prints" from May 2.i to Aug 20. Calendar Jacobs (iallery, located in the llult Outer, will feature pastels hv Satoko and Mixed Media lo st.illations by Kerry Wade I.ane County Historical Muse um. 740 West tilth Avo., will co sponsor the exhibit "Prom Fiber to Fabric from May 15 to June 17. Kerns Art Center. 1910 K 15th Ave., will feature "Chests of Maude" from May 1H to June 17 I.ane Community College Arl Department (iallery will host the I.CC Student Art Show from May 14 to June 1. Return of the Dead worries city officials By Hon Walker t IWV.IW As-;Oi ,i!r t ditot I'll!' (hateful Dead will return to Eu gene next month, hut some community members ,ire less than thankful for the imminent reajipearant e of the band and its followeis Not that the show would he had for business in August ItIKH the Dead played to more than i 1.000 Ians, and the event helped bring an estimated S> million to the lm al ei onomv I his veal the band will perform at Autzen Stadium |une .! 4 and J.a mark mg their only Northwest appearance and then lirst lot al twii-dai set However the Eugene City Collin rl and the I 'niversity Small Husiness Asso i iation .ire two g'' nips that have recent l\ evaluated other msts that are in volved m hosting the Dead "The problems are not really with the i oncert itself, but with some of the ,u tivilies that occur before and after said City Councilor Debra Ehrmail In addition, the problems are not gen erally < aused by local i oncert goers, but instead by hundreds of "Deadheads" who track the band around the < ountrv she said About a yveek before the 1‘IHH slims , tollmvers of the Dead began to Irn kle into toys n Drug related i riminal ai tivi ties went up. as did burglaries ol homes around the stadium, she said At least five to 111 felony prosec utions (irateful Hr.itl fans contributed an estimated $5 million to the local economy last year, hut some are concerned about their return tor this summer ’s two day concert at Aut/.en Stadium. arose from i one ert arrests. Khrman said I lie resulting proset ution. jail ami puli In defender t osls are never recaptured liv tlit- i it\ , she said lor these reasons Khrman last week proposed that the i itv couiu.il obtain a report on the costs the i itv in< urred from past I lead shows "I'm nut trying to say hail tin' Dead I'm suggesting vve take ,i closer look, in ste.nl of saving. here they are again lire Kugene Department ot I’uhlic Safetv has provided extra sei urity at a niimher id Autzen Stadium i mu erts. Turn to DEAD, Page 9 1 Are You Interested in SELLING YOUR CAR? ttlO We will pay Top Dollar for clean used cars • Imports & Domestics • CALL BOB for details • Phone quotes available • 342-7611 Vfc.ALfDNSO TOYOTA 1 tt*r nhat urn do fornu-." 745-8522 • 125 S.W 2nd Corvallis Live * STEVIE LEE & v < KING WAH!! ^ Fri. May 25 & Sat. May 26 WEDNESDAY NIGHT > BLUES JAM!! q May 30 I KM>\\ NKill I .V H«rvci4Kr $395 \UI>. NH.HI Sjntj ( ru/ $395 im Ksim Ml.Ml V 4111 pt A f-cttu*. mi A $495 vkii>\\ NK.II I HWj k K $3?5 S \ I A M N NK.HI Al,. uni