Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Kerans tackles field smoke issue
Ballot measure needs support to survive
By Daralyn Trappe
t met,I'tl Contributor
Oregon SI.tic Sen (ir.iltan Kermis is Imping lu
(oiler t enough signatures In put .1 measure on the
ballot in November tli.it would ban tin- 1 urri'ii!
pr.ii In f of fmld burning In glass seed farmers
In a forum at tin- I ’niversitv Thursday kerans
said the -11) \far old prai In r of burning fluids at
ter a harvest lias taken its toll on tile loi al envi
" I Inn re using our air as their garbage dispos
al." he said ‘"I lies get tile profit ss e get the pol
lotion They get the gain we gel the loss
Keralis reported that JtJ.tMIO tons of I’M HI (par
In ulate matter ol 10 mn runs or less) are released
into the atmosphere every year I’M 10 is a 1 am er
t.ausing substance vsliuli gets embedded in the
lungs s\ hen inhaled
"Smokers do it to themselves, and the grass
farmers do it to us. kermis said
The measure outlines a five year phase down
plan on open field burning in the \V illamelte Val
lev ( inrentlv .11 res ol grass seed are
burned every year in tile valley
It the measure passes in the \ovembei general
elei lion, a .0 pen ent redur tloll in the total mini
bei of ai res burned would be retjuired in lout
I lie redui tion would continue until the pr.n tu e
is \ irtualK phased out
IH l'I’la .ill grass seed tanners would lie re
ijiiired to either tout an alternative to burning
then fields 01 meet the best available environ
mental standards lor it. sm h as the use ol a pro
pane m.11 lone vvhii h burns nun h 1 leaner kermis
sa id
When asked about the feasibility and expense
ol sin h alternatives as the use of a propane burn
ei kermis said the machine is expensive but
farmers would he given a >0 pen fill t.i\ t redlt if
fltev puri h.iseil one
He added tfr.it even family farmers could afford
the mar bine
" There are no poor grass seed farmers. Reruns
said It s lire number one industry in Oregon
And He ir alreads saving we'll pay for half fof
the mar bine)
Hi- added that another alternative is to sell the
leftover grass seed to a enuntrs sue li as japan
Rolans said |a pa nose farmers use it to feed their
livesttK k and some states are alreads selling to
\ni esslls is the molfier of invention." Retails
said If fins measure passes, the farmers w ill fig
me out anothei was to deal with the leftover
I'm not anti farmer I'm anti-pollution." he
said I vs .tut them to silt reed, anti they will I
base faith in the ingeluiits of the Ament an husi
Reruns said the reason grass seed farmers the
Oregon Seetl ('mini il anti the Oregon I most In
dustries (iount.il want to t outiline the prat lit e of
field burning is that it is the cheapest was to gel
i ul of grass after a harvest
lie slaleil that industries and corporations are
sublet t fo ( lean Ait legislation anti otliei pollu
tion control l.isss and farmers should he et|uells
responsible for the environment
Reruns said he did not feel the measure would
have .1 ilegal is e eifet t on Oregon's et ononis
As it is now people don't vs ant to t tune to a
plate that has foul seasons lain rain, rain anti
Reruns and other initiative supporters base t ol
let ted less than half of the required 0.100 signa
lures neoessars In |uls it to put it on the ballot in
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This One ,
C. oos Too Far
Photo b\ Virginia Prart r
Roberts ‘goes too farJ
I ..ini' ( i hi ill \ (Commission
in ).n k Roberts li.id .1 sign in
Ins oflii c w inilnw .il llii'
l„nif (Countv (Courthouse
Thursda\ l hiit rend "This
(Ini* (ini's loo kar! Vote \o
on (In' I nst Amendment II
vv.is .1 doclori'il MTsion ol .1
1 ampaign plai ard opposing
•t tougher inn le.n tree /one
Roberts was one ot two
i iimmissioners w I10 hist
week removed issues of / or
rsl (one magazine from the
1 ourthouse inloi illation
booth The dei ision t ontin
lies to rei eive i ritii is 111. and
Roberts said he put the sign
up as ,1 humorous response
to tin11 ontmversv
"It the 1 list Amendment
brings all ol this, does it go
too far?" he said Ills tiles
sage was a satiric al c ommen
tarv on the fact that rec ent
dec isions at the managerial
level are being elevated to
encompass constitutional is
sues, he said
/'ores/ l ore o was removed
from tin1 courthouse inter
malion booth after a misun
derstanding over which pub
hi .itions u ere allowed at the
booth. Roberts said
The magazine was much
more confrontational than
Turn to ROBERTS, Page 11
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