Community l*holi) lit S«,trt i'tnftin Onlmnn. ilirritnr nt (nnimunit\ I'nllrur s \lohilr I las.sronm, is rv.tdi In lirinx i om/>nlrr rihu .ition on ti hrrls In morr studrnts Classroom travels to students By Marina Swain Emerald Contributor ()n I lif road again rln■ -t()-font trailer winds ils wa\ through lusli forests and i logged i dies Hut don't e\pei ! it to hi* In*.idl'd toward a lavor i11• v,nation spot This vohic li* lioust's eight i omputers and is better known as Lane (iiimnii nits ( ollegt* s Mobile ('lass room ' Kservlhing s battened dow n for travel " said Dave Oatman dim tor of ( ustomizod Train i ng and I )es olopment .it I.( t In operation tin about two years the portable i lassroom has helped update ( omputer skills at businesses throughout I .am* I ounts " i lii-> kind ot gets them start ed. instead ot |nst has mg a i omputer on their desk and he ing intimidated bs it. said as s i s t a n t director J e s s i i a (Kerturt t !nlike a traditional si liool the mobile i lassroom tinsels to its students, a krs adsantage tin its business i lientele I he\ sa\ il1 s lilt! innsl ( ost c?lti*( live wav lo do training. Overturf said of the mam busi nesses have Used ils ser \ a es ( Kerturf said past par11< l pants ha\e ini hided I red Mev er 1 in the I iepartment of l’ul> in Safet\ and Springfield Mid die S( hool Demand is grow ing siie said, with the mobile classroom .dreads scheduling part of its tall itinorary Businesses i ited lac k of trav cling time, low lost and direct application nl computci pro grams to their partii ulai needs .is then primary benefits from the mobile classroom Overturf said I'OI Nate Hales a pun basing agent at Springfield forest Products, computet training was uulamdiai territory "I realls didn't base am computer background at all Hales said I got a lot of one on one w ith the instrut tor Bet ause the company started up in tin' tall, finding time Ini computer training was dilti i ult he said At first the ( tint |i,im \ 1‘inplos its make I in I Irk Id I .( I s l I'lllrdl l .llttpus V\ r h.iil ,i hard lime gelling everyone out ot here Kales s.tul of the aftei hours race to the college l llc iliolu Ir ( l.lssroom I*• f t nodi' ol thr traveling lutsslr .mil perm tiled ,i mote proitui 11v e workdrn Hairs sail! I'rograms tailored to the needs of a particular business vvere also rated highly "(Kinplovees) brought appli cations to the i lassroom and said 1 want to do this and the instrui tin helped them set it up 'said Ann Kenneth train ing i oordmalor tor the \\ illam ette National Forest kenned \ is enlhusiastii when it conies to computer training I like to use the right tool so we can he more etli cient, and when we i an he more eltu lent we i an do our jobs better As lor the mobile i lassroom fsennedv said, "It s like the lu lure has come and it 's i oming oil w heels Villard Street McDonald’s Only V CHEESEBURGER SALE Buy any size soft drink and any size french fry and get a cheeseburger for 1 ^ 5pm til closing Offer good thru 6/ 1fw90 at Viilard Street McDonalds on y check out our other reduced prices Food, Folks & Fun \>RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Kid*- Sh«ir*' binujs ttHji'thor ntvdmq ,uul offvrmq ndo> dnvwh»'fi‘ in Oivqon oi ihrouqhout th»' t ountrv f or moii1 information rail 345 7600 ■i ' t r r BihfBdtf ® CHINf S[ k'f Si AURA NT Oriental Buffet t unch Downstairs G Try Our Dinner (Jpstdir s Hour* Downstair* m i n : ih I i i ft1 .si" Hour* Upstairs M lu \ U) u> • STORE WIDE 15-50o« SALE SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY MAY 26 MAY 27 MAY 28 TABLES PORTFOLIOS AIRBRUSHES PASTELS TECHNICAL PENS PAINTS BRUSHES PAPERS INKS MATBOARDS CANVAS and MORE"'"' t GG32787 ' JIG l ast 13th. Lugeno i', fs in iho Smith Farn.iy Du., i j 8.30-7:00 Monday Fr.Jay 10 00 S 30 Saturday I 12 00 $ 30 Sunday A.l ‘.ALLS AML f •NAl • I'MULO TO STOCK ON 'IAND NEW StlZCIKI SWIFT mm 1990 for only 1 0092* A CLd U a mo. Starting at Just $6659 First Time Buyers Welcome Mid-Oregon ^SUZUKI 686-8111 2200 Centennial Blvd. Eugene, Oregon Having a garage sale? Advertise in the ODE | Classifieds