Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    May 30,1990
You can
be heard.
May 30th take a moment
and pull out the yellow
reader survey from the
Emerald. Please tell us who
you are and what you think
about our publication. Your
answers will influence the
direction we will take in the
future. By returning a
completed survey you will
also qualify for valuable
$25 CASH
Turn your
completed sun/eys
in at the
UO Bookstore,
EMU Main Desk
or our offices
in room 300, EMU.
OSL sets sights on next year
Athletic deficit, financial aid targeted issues
By Birgit S Sivesind
irmratd ■ : ■
(.<■!t»ii 14 the alhlelii depart
iiii iit out i>t debt and lobbying
Ini more tin.mi in! .ml tor mi
norities are two of the ( Iregon
Student l-ohby s goals lor the
next si liool year said new
\SI '() vil e president Sfieiia
Stii kel
Shi kel said the ()S1. is i in
tenth organizing its agenda
tut I he 1440 41 year
himi.ems the 0S1. feel are
most worthy <>t attention are
i olleglale athlelu funding, ft
nniiMnl aid disabled access
and family salaties
It is going to !m- very on
portant this suininei to get in
i ont.ii I with legislators and to
make sure we're pushing
funding for higher edu< a
lion Shekel said
Student parlii ipation is also
import.mt to at complish t)SI.
goals she sail I
When vou have mnnhers
il really savs something she
said |ust getting invohed
before it's ton late is very ini
portant ( tin e v on lose some
thing the struggle to get it
hai k is so mm h hardet
\lhli’ti< Department
A( i ordtiig to an i )SI, infill
(ir.iniium, tin total Athli'tii
Iteparlment defii it in (liritmi
i‘. approxunatels Si * million
Oregon Stale Ibiiversitv is
$2 o million in debt, followed
In Cortland State Hniversits
with SI ‘l million and this
l nisersits s\ ilh $ 0 million
hasten! (trefoil Stale ( 'ollegr
is less than $*!(),000 in debt
while Oregon Institute ol
l ei Imologv . Southern ()regon
State ( ail lege and Western Or
egon State College together
lire less than SIU.O(H) m debt
The (begun Stale Hoard of
I ligher I dm at ion will meet
June 1 I to determine him Or
egon i.alleges and universities
w ill pas nil their delit its
"It's up to the state hoard
said Steve Hells er I hliversits
sports inlorination direi tor
'The hall's in then 1 ourt
I las e \\ illiford sports jnlor
malum assistant directm said
the hoard s\ dl decide on a so
lotion tor all the si hools in
the slate system and not just
loi the I nisei sit s
I le said the hoard is 1 onsid
enng many options hum
waning the delit its entirels
to muk mg si In mis i nine up
u ilh solutions for themselves
As .ill the schools in
vulved. ivr re hoping for .is
sistance ot some sort." W illi
fun I s.iiil
Stii kcl said the ()SI. is oil
vocating for ouch school to
i onlinuo being responsible for
its imn debt r.ither than hav
mg smaller si bools help pa\
off the deficit for larger
si bools.
'sla ke! added that the ONI
does not want to see tfie bur
den of a larget debt plai ed on
(lie whole slate whether it lie
u till so lilt ions foi themseh es
"We have some control
through our poi ketbooks "
she said She said approsi
mately S ill pel student per
term goes to the Incidental
I ee ( 'ommittee Hie li t !. in
I urn. cl I locates funds to the
Alhletii Department
Although tlie I I t granted
tfie Athletic Department's re
quested zero percent increase
in funds to match last veai \s
S I 1 million budget. St a kel
said. "Sometimes the\ have
trouble i hallenging the Ath
letic Department because
t h e v re s u i h ,i pirn erI u I
Turn to OSL, Page 11
Forum to discuss affirmative action
mi i riN< ;s
Women's Sexual lilenlilv (imup meets todav
Irotn noon In ! p m in I MI ’ (ledai Room I)
Korean (.Kristian l-ellowship meets today .it
■) .it the Wesley Tenter. IJ.tti Kmi .ml St
Et als
Sl'l Akl.KS AM) 1.1 I I I IRKS
"(aimbattini; Discrimination: Affirming
Your Action" is the title ol .1 speakers forum on
affirmative action and disi riitunalion to he held
today from 1 HI to t p m at the lastrui titmal Me
din ( enter
"A Friendly Message on the Wall: Spcrifn
Kei ugnition in the Fstahlishment ol a Fun
SUs/Tre«‘-F.ndophtyic Symbiosis" is the title ol a
presentation to he presented todav hy III Ignat in
t.'hapela (mm the Hinter.hnology l.ahoratorv in
Basel Switzerland Tin- lecture w ill l)c given at
i ill in Room I In Willamette
Misi :i:i.i.am:oi’s
Faith Center Bible Study w ill hr held tonight
at 7 III at the Faith (a'ntri . 11)57 Patterson St
Deadliru> for submitting Ft als lo f/ieKmerald
front desk. t:\tl ’ Suite HU). i,s noon the du\ hetore
publication Ft a/s run the dav of the even/ unless
the dent incurs helort' noon Please submit Ft
als the dm hetore they are to run only. Xotii es ot
ev en/s with a donation or admission i harge will
not hr at i opted Campus events and those si hed
tiled nearest the publh ation date will he given
priortl\ The Kmerald reserves the right to edit
note es tor grammar and st\le
Recreation Center
"Umbrellas "Gloves/Hats
"Coats/Sweaters "Books
"Misc. Goodies
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