University Salvadoran sets up mobile health care Hospital structures often targets By Stephanie Mencimer Benito Y ivai , ,i Salvadoran physician who lias developed mobile medic a! units for the 1 iirebuiido Marti Fib eration Front spoke Ihursdas aiiout his work to provide rural health i are Vivar greeted an audience in the I Alt ’ Ben I .iniler Koom on behalf ot wounded FMI.N vet eran I’edro Ortiz. who had been si heduled to speak but was de nit'd a tras el visa b\ tbe I S Kmbassv in FI Salvador Although not a member of the FMI.N Vivar said through a translator that "the sast major it\ ot Salvadoran people are ideologic ally in solidarity with I lie I 'M I .N but organic alls do not function as part ot the reset lutionary trout In lttBI Vivar left Ins private medical practice in San Salsa dor to help the FMl.N set up an infrastrut lure to pros ide health c are to i ombatants in the i is il Ir,lined volunteers work .1 rt* rough. nu! |ust bet ause of the I,it k ol It'i hnologv .mil infr.i slrui tint' bill also on an null v irlual basis In sm\ i\ r in I ho middle nl a w ar /.uni1 Wo hove passed days when we i oil Id not eat Ur u bo were i 11\ dwellers have learned whal it is like to travel through the mount.ii 11s t ai rving on our hai ks the supplies In set tip a hospital in the Held. Vivai said lo us. a hospital has noth ing to do \\ dh buildings It is preciselv the tail that we i an not set up strut tores bei ause d lie do it her.nines a favorite government target I or us bus pital means personnel the pen pie w ho i an i air\ out the sei with the supplies thev i am on their hai ks he said In ordet to better respond to i ivilian needs Vivai and othei volunteers set up a mobile health i linn slatted In w hat are essenliallv parameilii s lo serve two or three villages ‘The right to health is one of the most basic fundamental human rights, the right precisely most violated by the government and the army. ’ — Benito Vivar v\ ,ir and .ilsu In ( ivilians Thu mt,il srrviirs have Ih'i'ii st‘t up hft iiiist* ihi'm>\<‘iii infill dot's not providf am soi v it is in arras disputed brUvrrn I In- army and thf I Ml \ Vn at sa itl I hr right to lmaltll is our ol llir most bilsit tundnnienlal tin man lights Itlr light pint ist-K most violated by thf govern innnt and thf army Vivai sa it I Vivar sanl thr t onditions nil dm y\ i11< h thr tint tors and Ihen .1 network nl people vvlui live in the villages are li,lined to provided lush ser v a es \ iv ai said e\ eryone in the village knows who these people in hut thev III notion ( lundestiilelv hei ause the gov eminent would arrest and eve i ute anyone prov idmg medic al servil es I he Salvadoran government has never been interested in prov tiling niedii al serv 11 es out side the i ilv Viv ar said add mg that the government has t lit nit services during the war \\ e tnok it upon ourselv es knowing that people nt tire world would support our el torts." said solidarity networks lie said have provided the majority ol tiinds lor the ntmlii al services set up In tile 1 Ml.\ "One obvious thing I must su\ is the government owes people he.11th care V i var said her.ause at cording to the Salvadoran ((institution the government must protei t the health ot the people Hut on the i outrarv the government gives its people bombs bullets and killing \ said I arlv m the \ ear. Vtvar said the government dropped bombs on everv major i il\ in the < hum I i \ le.iv mg 2.000 to t ,000 pen pie dead ill ev erv i 11V I le said photos were published ot tret Trvut ) inirsclt To Sonw Tun The pVJM SHOP * (hunt's & (lifts * Trit ks K |uk«‘s * Juggling * Hnllnons * I’u/./lcs * (iostumu Sii|)[)lit*s “Fun For Everyone!" Chazpro Family Fun Shop tun l: t ub :t45-oo:t2 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON OK, Mr. Dittman, remember Thai brain is only a temporary so don't think too hard with it.” Ims pushing bodies into m.iss craves . 1111 ■ i (In' ollensive .mil mini' nl llit* InhIit's were i’\ i*f llll'lltllll'll till l.llllllll'S Vital said thi> gover11 rncilt denied .ill nritani /.itlDIIS .III CSS III till' .IIIMS til i f > o,i> •• At“f* I" f V.H .* f '»}?>•- Py If'*' ( '»***%;• [ •. * I i V f ; i Ur ■ f Ok*ij«.><> f og»?r*« Oregon Thr £rtftu.fl 1 i*. >[i» ' »r»>.K;p<*ndenfly of I ho Univoo. i> *v>th .Mi ♦ t». 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