Emerald fC(lltOri£ll Daily Three Sisters logging deserves punishment Oih c again, the Threw Sisters \\ ihierness is back in the news, and once again, it com erns illegal logging On Tuesday. Willamette National Forest sources revealed that seven at ies of the protected wilderness were logged in 1985 This is the second such an nouncement made in the spat e of a month F.arlier, ot lit.ials said 12 at res wen; inadvertently logged around the same time as the 1985 tail The Three Sisters Wilderness is protected under a 1984 law sponsored by Sen. Mark Hatfield It estab lished strict rules governing logging around the wil derness. and spet ifically prohibited some areas from being touched Now it seems the Forest Service has violated that law not once, but twice. WNF officials t laim the mistakes were uninten tional, that the exact logging boundary was unclear. It doesn't matter if the specifications were lost in a bu reaucratic shuffle If there were any doubt over what should and should not have been logged, the prudent course would have been to not cut at all. Mistakes will happen, and to their credit, the For est Service has tried to rectify their errors by replanting the logged areas. But the "inadvertent mistake” plea wears thin A pair of such errors, revealed within a month of each other, doesn't exactly lead one to think it's a coincidenc e. hnvironmentalists are calling lor a Tull congres sional investigation of the two incidents, and they are right it may be too early to say the logging was done deliberately, as some people are charging, but the For est Service should be held accountable- for what hap pened. At .1 time when the entire timber industry is suffer ing from vast quantities of negative PH. the recent de Luu les will not t aim the waters This is just another ex ample of public timberland abuse. The entire Oregon timber industry needs to ( hange What is needed is simple, though it will be a strain for a while No more old growth logging Han exports of raw timber. Give tax incentives to mill own ers to retool for second-growth Preserve the sanctity of state and federal parks and wilderness areas Oregon can no longer afford the current timber in dustry practices. If the state is going to make it in the 21st century, other, more stable sources of revenue must be found. Any more mistakes like the ones in the Three Sis ters Wilderness should be dealt with in the strictest means possible orge Bush in the Virginia [louse of Boipesses KNOW MOT WHAT COURSE OTHERS MAY TAKE. BUT AS TOR ME. I J . ’• * 3 *> V ■ *« ruv-. Ok »,>> IS 'jf'MSWIVrjly Give me libertv. or give me A MUTUALLY ACCEPTABLE Compromise amenable and COMMENSURATE TO OPPOSING INTERESTS AND CONCERNS' —/?^— . LUN i COi It SOAEOME write that doujw. T Egg throwing incident not an accident Former University student (iolleen Smith max have lieen hlimied in one eve last weekend when someone lot her with an egg from .1 vehicle Smith has undergone sur ges to repair the damage to her eve and she u ill still need further treatment No one has been arrested in the ini ident and police have little inform.ition on the ease The most likeh method of the polic e! finding the perpetrator is it someone c nines forward with spec ifie information besides the obvious senselessness of the mi ident a 22-year-old woman may lose* sight in one eye bee ause of a thoughtless ac t by some irresponsible moron there is a less obvious problem. Smith has no medical insurance and cannot afford the cost of her needed treat ment The comtnuniH has responded to Smith's dilemma m more than an appropri ate munnei ()11 Tuesdax a hank acc ount was opened in her name to help pa\ for lieu med ic a! expense's It is more than sad to sec* me idents of this kind in Kugene. Many people see this area as unique and special Hut in reality we are still plagued with the same problems as other American cities. A Springfield man on Tuesday spoke up and offered a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons involved in the egg throwing. He also is concerned about responsibilitv He does not even know Smith hut he was so outraged at the incident that he felt compelled to do something We should also feel compelled to con tribute in some wav. Hundreds of I'niversity students ride their hikes dail\ It could have been am one of us If it had. we would want and need the support of our communih Donations to Smith's medical expenses (.in he dropped off at any Willamette Sa\ h»gs Sf Loan in the area Medical expenses .ire extremely high, so any contribution will help. Also, anyone with information about the iiu ident or similar episodes should contact the polic e at 121. Speech I 1 nullin'! believe III! eves when I read that an issue 'tar outweighs ,iu mdustrv’s right Id freedom of spent li I spe i i.ilIv w lu'ii H w as w rilten h\ a inurnaiisivi maioi \ alerii' l.bnei IUDi Ma\ IH) How i an anything outweigh the freedom to speak' Ktiliei ,ls ,i journalism major, von should know all ot the important t, n to ries that freedom ot spent h lias given to w omen W ithout this freedom, worn en wouldn't he voting wolk mg attending mmersities or wi it mg editorials While I agree that I don't like having /'/av/xn and I’rntlunisr in the I Ml I'm t ontent to al low it to present the freedom of spent h so essential to our dem ot ratit s\ stem Also, pornograpln does not "lead women's ilidbilitv to he taken serioush he men " It is women that do Women must vormnand and earn respect to he taken serioush rathei than posing lor I’rnthousr lust reinemher that "worn en'.x iights In live *lisi nmin.i tion free Ii\i's ili'iiends iin U|ll‘ll 111 11III S ,11 111 till' tll'l'lllllll III s|H»l'i ll I i'll ii \ Kane Imirii.ilisin Having fun I mu Kibe |01)1- \l,n 17) Min uw nt it hum I in your lettei th.it tin' gri'i'ks have nothing hi'tti'r In ilo hnl Im> h,ip|i\ sing .nut il.iin f I or vonr inforin.i lion tin' gri'i-k svsti'in is in volvi'll in tin' politii ,iI issues .1 rollnii us ,iiul vm' do slum up In listen In speakers oil t .on pus I don't think that the fun \on witnessed h.is ,in\thing to do with llif politii.il issuers you mentioneil Iliere .ire .1 lot ot pi'oplf .ill around us who aren't involvi'd w ith politii s I iocs that give you the light to hl.inii' lhi‘ gret'ks |iisl bi'i ausi' w e worn h.n mg a nioinitnt ot fun? Tammy Kri-nton \ i« p president (•amnia Phi Beta Mural I 11kt• the beautiful new mural on the me//,mine floor o! the I AH' Have you (June a bai k ground story on it vet' I'd be Interested in finding out more about the artist (Marta 8*1) and v\ hat she depit ted 1 understand "Azllan" is the mvthii al plai e u here tile Az tei s supposedly < ,imi' trom, hut I ( ouldn't find ' 1 opiali/tli in Keilii Simeons Du tinniuniv r/e Li hnifiiw Xaliuatl Who c an en lighten me? Helmut Plant Herman department 25 cents I )o you have .ill sei omJs to spare? Consider being abduct ed. tortured imprisoned and killed by vour government It s not pretty It's not fun Hut give it a trv tor just Jl) sei onds There \o so hard, huh ' \ovv cainsidei life in HI Salvador and dealing with this all day. every dav Vour friends disappear our famiK is tortured before your ey es If you < omplain. you're next As good. loyal i S taxpay ers. "e all have a part ill this brutality We supply the mon ey mins cattle prods ami other fun toy s Out ( l.\ teai lies then government the best wavs to torture "subversives ' Do you have 25 cents to spare' Write to Pete Defazio, Mark Hatfield, Hob Paikwood. or our pal (leurge Kxplain that you don't like to support tortur ers I his y\ill lost you several minutes and all of 25 cents for .i stamp Or do nothing Ignore it Maybe our government will suddenly realize the error of their ways 0-1111 And maybe (.eorge yxill dye his hair pur pie |ou Knight Fine Arts Good work I want to express my appre ciation to William Moore for Letters Ins thoughtful contributions to tlic Ore,go/i Daily Emerald |M>u Iti) and the Oregon l.'ommenla tor 1 enjoy his rational and ar ticulate presentations of consei vative opinion and find Ins re lleetions to be a refreshing counterpoint to the rhetorical din of those among the socially and politically "correct Thanks and keep up the good work Mark Watson library Read on d ry reading beyond Leviticus you'll find some interesting stub yvhen lesus speaks in the Neyy Testament "Neither do men put new yvine into old bot tles, else thc> bottles break" (Matthew "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; condemn not. and ye shall not be condemned " (l.uketl 17) Jeff Harrison Knglish