CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. ?10 OPPORTUNITIES NANNt NEEDED P'OffcV, v V t . •* ' itv ages ft f md 3 No- • • W love Kids Refer..t>s Ca.J ■ u ie<: <. 1301 >484•0005 tm Su.-.v’-'P rSWIM INSTRUCTORS .v ! •. ..<■ needed Jot', s m Portland Full and part time available Ca Salty a? 646-6146 ‘of frit.rt* "fr WANTED • ; i 5 ( ,v,h 344 7634 215 HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMER JOBS Help yourself Help your school The UofO Telefund want-. > i i i" $»•• • • shifts Call 346 3433 or slop by 2001 Franklin Blvd today ARE YOU a ';V study - eddied » ! t*” ested m working with *o'e>g''. studm-ls this Summer’’ Two work study are open this summer • » inten e picked up in the ASUO off < » Suite 4 EMU Deadline for appl a tions is Friday. June 1 1990 at 500 j pm The ASUO is an Affirmative A« lion;Equal Opportunity Employer i Women people of color, lesbians ! and gays, people wdh disabilities ! and people of all ages ethnic fell j gious political marital and veteran \ status are encouraged to apply DANCERS WANTED for "jiggles Tav ern. Oregon s nicest first class club High earnings potential Full or part (•me 18 years plus Call Jim or Corma for personal interview 2165 W 11th 344-6897_ EXPERIENCED DEU help wanted Morning shift 8 30 2pm Apply >n per son 207 F 5th Ave KRMA i.'.ampus Radio is looking for two hard working individuals to serve as (Jirec tor and assistant director Positions i ommence immediately and will run thru Spring 91 Must be outspoken personable and willing to adme istrate all .aspects of the i realtor* of KRMA Radio experience recommended bu! not necessary Pick up job lions and applications at ASUO offite Deadline is 5pm. 5'29 AA EOE STUDENT MACHINIST WANTED lb to $7'hr DOE Mechanical fabrication. ma chining, pick up delivery st ► and related work E*perienr« wdh mm mg and lathe mat times ha’ t b soldering and electron*, construction Dovers license required 15 20 hours week during school poss-biy room during breaks E xt eilent oppi>f1u mty for motivated person wh w’1 be on Campus tor one to twi years Please bong resume to Technical S< i ence Admin Room 15 Pa-, dn Mai [ o aa m committed to cultur al diversity The Deity Emerald wants to know CAN YOU SOLVE THE PUZZLE? 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS EMU CRAFT CENTER seek’, a irk study eddied individuals ♦ < Summer and tali openings Apply ,un,j f11>.>r E MU 146 4 V) ’ WORK STUDY Nl f DE D SUMME R Tf RM • i• ■ m i l- > • , , Ml.le posd.OM ? >r dining s h. hji '! year Dean s office Of An hde. lute • and Allied Arts 198 Law m >■ 225 flPTS.-DllPLEXES NOW REN TINC. 630 E I4tn 500 E 18th 1930 On y» •’*44 946 l 19 ?25 APTS.DUPLEXES ANTIQUE OAK 1 v Hi,; a • a . . ' .» i - -'v spacious studio « *0' lumm0t Only 2 bkx ks to am pus $3 76 mu 346 6691 APTS TOW RENT 5 pr wMurn Ifc: - * •' t-i u of O 686 2461 apt row WENT suvi-ng from . an . P '■'*>; •- .. was'-* NIC I m ♦ • e-gn ■ - CAMPUS PLAZA 7SO E 18th ; BEDROOM $445 1 BEDROOM $345 iv’j'-vshpil At s ‘-i?**1, no pets f i »t $300 fee $300 deposit A>a 1 close TO CAMPUS Eugene Manor Studio & ! bedroom units starting .it $326 .ill utd.tie*. 'MOud«*!l V.« Beneet M i agemont 016 Oak suite ZOO Realtor 486 6991 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 2 bdrm apt avail June Sept $425'mo 17th and Patterson Heather 346 8640 FEATURING The Milirace Apartments STARRING Low Summer Rales ON LOCATION AT 1805 Garden Ave * Flowered Courtyards * Laundry Facilities * Friendly Management 2 Bedrooms from $375 Call Gary 345 7275 Jennings & Co 883 2271 HOUSE FOR rent Summer 16/12 9/15) Locati-" Hark-w Hd 05 min by bus to UOi Fa< ibbes Ref' g eratOf. laundry garage backyard bas ketbaii hoop Only $500/mo 486 7897 HUGE i BDRM t bi«>< m Ic r’ i : . B'g windows parking. om.J flour $ 126 484 48.38 LOOKING HIGH & LOW Pi k 1331 H*gh St Campus living al it s best Select studios starting at $260 Cali manager at 484 1166 Bennet Mgml Co 9t6 Oak. 200_ NOW LEASING The Collegian. U ot O 18th A Alder The best in student living1 j 19 home cooked meals per week Pr i .ale bathrooms Air conditioning r 1 j more' Call John or Bob 344 3684 NOW RENTING fur summer ami '.til Fum 1 and 2 txl»m units near must bldg Call after 5pm Ridgewood Apts 688 5769 NOW TARING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND F All iG 1 BORM apt cl use t* ..ampin « r»an quiet irr.ple* ig *alk m et separate vanity and bath n."dry ivered parRmg Larry 484 410.1 SPACIOUS BORM apt 13th and Km ry $375iidy Stu dius. 1 2 and 3 bedrooms Don t be .u.ghl u the a* mo at Kali up 6 .14 4 5695 Jennings & Co 683 4219 SUMMER RATES Cedarwood Quads • Jennings 8 Co 683 4219 SUMMER RATES Blackstone Manor & Univ Manor irso Aid*. r4S £ nih Studio 1 Bedroom $250 $266 2 Bedrooms $375 $396 TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUM MER AND KALI LOW SUMMt R RATES . ' *. !AkiNG HI si HVA Tk»N ??5 APTS DUPLEXES QUADS STUOIOS 1 bedroom 2 bed loom available June 8th 343 4’09 QUif T 2 WORM • a • .. »'■ tn,V Private pat8 A. i able Jun f 1 7m 344 i Ml 343 .M *4 1 ’•> BLOCKS f ROM CAMPUS Studio on vie tAunclfy ’V 5? 'tVJune S?S0 Ju!y 4 August 484 7 39.3 1 WEST 4th APTS 1 bed u»il a private pat' ‘i f * plon* Eugene !)<•*.t* trails A park at you' ba. * ‘loot from sms Pie-me no p«tn i t.p*' ■ V . • t • M- . .1* Heal tot 48S 6091 ? APTS FOR rent S l20»m 8 Sep IS 2 bd»n\s 1 Mock from Pi C Can 686 946 1 14 3 7041 . BDRM API .. •»!.» ’*■> • -use • pet I f ;i* , .i'<3 ;}ui»*! M'd N • , i N pets smokt»s June is $42*> U3 .9^ even ? BDRM FURN APT Available June 10 through August . BDRM FURN apt ' ■ ■»•"* 486S210 2 BEDROOM S44S 1 BEDROOM $32*> ( vlremeiy irge Campus in Mo.*-, ■ uteway ? Mo. k\ Pa"» " ; » Unfurnished Absolutely nn jutls f Us! $100 trie plus S MX) dep< 629(' >f )4‘> 7987 2 BLOCKS E ROM UO f um Mud. • % ’ A 2 bdrrn Lease thru August Summer pool oft street parking no pet*» $310 thru SSOOimo 464 9922 3 BDRM APT >' impus 1a>.- .»-i lea*»e No leposd No r.f m >nthn rent Save $1 100 ( P 4H4 2460 230 QUADS ALDER STREET QUAOS Nil* ,|i < rptmij ,.:1 IN' 'fS«fV4b • •. N#* .1T t>*¥f dfltpes ut.l‘h«»S J on Slip laundry prime jmpus itxa (u>n $ 149rmv.>nth Reserved >*ered pd'K o'vj avail Able (.all today 145 *>949 ampul Twins Apts 735 E Uih Summon in ju'in 15 Aug .11 $200 deposit .ha> e kit; hen with on* other person 143 1009 Of 72b 5459 rvt ( R PARK QUADS 52B Tyler Street targe furnished quads with private baths ah utilities paid Oft Site laundry off Street part* 1 j ( .el brf.l 1009 to see $225 Jennings & Co M3 4219 WILLOW 1 REE Quad* 1560 Lincoln Street • Private Bath* * Large Shared Common Area* * Quiet location ' Private and Comlorlable * S2 33 239 Call 343 5067 Jennings & Co 663 2271 235 HOUSES BIG HOUSE 2 800 SQUARE. FEET Great unfurnished 4 In? I'OOi’i 2 bath 'liege rental 10 hi. * ■> '••• Jf'Pui Safeway 3 Mocks Parking Ah-. ut#ly pets $995 hist last plus $700 de . ,-v* AitHe J..S 1 .**'"• ’ .V M" e!!e 405 0290 >w J45 7907 CAMPUS 2 BLOCKS comes Ideat for those summer tend f an ... upa'»- y 1805 Garden Avenue $395 rKJ Jennmgs • Co 803 2271 LITTLE MOUSE Absolutely pets $395 ••■■•it ust plus $200 deposd Ava.tabre June IQ WANTED . ’ • ■ «• . - ’ r.>T Vt AK L AW HOUSES A, ‘ B> JWNlR . - * ‘ ' • lum f MV J). .11*1 4 !k1--' r>4?n • I • ■■ ' • *-t'‘ • a* »• M ,r ,• ' • fvi- ‘4*' J?«' J .*• J ; • • H »>V . 4 t Mfe HA S' , .1 V^X3 nr» ChU' $t V ■ n .• ? » S’«'- 344 .S>8„' 4 ! .*• «r »■•. .,*.«* >d J $t70«n<-r!tP! ». • \m) f.« if ■'•ih.f 1 • • ; t m So« Jl 34 S 4.H4 SlJBlET HOust fwrn 6.18/1*3 J • ■ * 1 iinpuil ! <01 ONI %.'■ • N •• -Ait'* 4M4 0)2 \ SUMMF R ROOMS AV All AIU l l«% than WOOfn’K* HAIL CO MS 4155 250 MOVING SALES Al*t I UMNI ’ i«f ■ , • 1 ’ •«> fypr* *ut©i .i'nK>l < ,juhI tftdili-.ut Can i esi:«t at 4rts 2272 MAKE QUICK CASH! Sell your... STUFF!!! j A«1v«»»tisc 1 v( l»*m i|«m% *o< lal** jtht* 04‘iy 1 C.iv ' ' 4 lays i': <**gu;;*i«*’. and t th® item ru>I, ).*' •! f( r 4 iff. iff l»inijlf* party ads Placa ad* at Daily tmarald Room 300 f MU UO Book»tora A Tha f MU Main D«**k Of call u» and eharga it al 346 4343 N' Meti.nd5 Ni> (.foditn j VISA MC IT WILL SELL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHAT A BARGAIN SS ♦ It. i.ior TV 7 t! cow h 2 easy chan•» -.Aiyel chatf vacuum S ft shelves end table dining table wool sweater Cali 6t\r 1277 ?60 ROOMMATES WftMTED FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for Sommer F trend I y roommate* Urge yard )180imo 342 3U22 M OH F HAVE i.i )*• 1 tHjf'j. bath with yard H) mm I'oif ampus A, n NOW s , -.M.f' and t.n, n-j J i ».’ ■ j.i H1 !• i ostia bHrt 4211 NEE D ■ ■■• in f ALL TERM ONLY T‘< ltd'- r . 142 H.tSW ROOMMATES NEEDED1 ■ « 1 b , .nd 4 txJrrri houvj $ 1 10 t 'mi !,jin wv.ume Jennifer 741 tBOSr.r-s »'*< • iMMAIf f .(» <’ »•• tern war ' $1*>6 plus 1 4 util lean jr..l f,l‘ AfV pus 4it*> 2471 Jui’C Am, .diet Bpn> 2 FEMALES t ' » • . • .v 4 ixjrm nouse June and beyond *. Bl I'M M()t1ST Wes! ■■■■/ •■■ 1 S.’OOrrn., A,JJQ U»li> t: l?S 747 6697 ?75 EVENTS - TETRIS TOURNAMENT Saturday. May 26 12:00 NOON EMU Game Room and Arcade Prizes from The Record Garden F ranco Fellini s Pizza Play it Again Sports Mu&icland Graphic Innovators S3 00 to enter ?75 EVENTS Open 8-Ball Tournament At th*» EMU Rec Center Wednesday May 30th 7:00 pm Shake off Dead Week! include Pitt* Pete * S*m» To Go McO*»mitt Pool Cue (') Entry Fee: S3 280 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pocfcrtl PI»ytlou»» Pf«4ltnll A GIRLS GUIDE TO CHAOS a play by Cynthia Heimel 5PM THURS, FRI, SAT MAY 24, 25, 26 P Im*! ID*' viiiaM I indlion dppf»*« University Theatre presents KABUKI BACCHAE May 11. 12. 17, 18, 19 25, 26 Robinson Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346 4191 $6.00 General Public S4.00 Students University Theatre Second Season presents BAD GIRLS an original play by Lorilyn Jirges May 23, 24, 25, 26 May 31, June 1, 2 Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346 4191 S3.50 General Public $2 50 Students 210 ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 BSCOUffT SHOWS Su Mu |1 Tu VNf* %i VD '.V i WVV, Yk 1 ■>" t ' ‘-V*- U*l 4 HI XXII IMTBNATTONAI TOURNEE OF 3=:*animation ’ .X) 9 tOSu Th Ml 4 OO'iu Mat 4 M TH* UtHMATf ADVIMTUAI STORY FOR ALL MANKIND .■ ,-»tw>a ?►* nASl'-UA--'". tAt F SAT (Ti, rr. n oc • v, th to4i ^ f. >• 11 00 • **/ Th 10 41 UK HANKS MIO RYAN IJOE VS. THE VOLCANOJ ate Night Kim Th-Ss $3 So We W SO I 41 • Sw Th • 1 >0 from *e (THlori *4 CAI I FlISM [«T DR. CALIGARI HARO TO KAt IS CuttuAiit I otum FcCmi [international cinema J T" — >'1 dPpLEwAR Sunday, May 27 8 pm 180 PLC .Students with ID $2 00 t General $ 2 SO WOW HALL Friday NINE DAYS WONDER f Icctric Hoogi* & Blu«» SATURDAY FUGAZI BEAT HAPPENING ttlh & Lincoln 68/ i/46 ?BS FOOD & DRINK miner roe mum I >uuim«i It* ( i*arn f ugenp ■, om'i • < e < »*• .tm 4nd y lo/tMi Yogurt HOT FUDGE SUNDAES $1 25 Every Tuesday !*»th & Arj.ilo 344 441M Ojhiii d.fily 1 * M pm 295 MASSAGE & BODY WORK TMf RAPEUHC SWJ OISH MASSAGI Jt ANiNf VAN VACTOR l M T Phona 48 £> 8927 AFFORDABLE 300 COUNSELING >m \ ms .. I u. " -■' EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT DROPOFF LAUNDRY 70c/Pound 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT MWF 1430 Orchard St. 345 6133 A Dozen Roses Daisies s Z. "5 0 / l luitu l» Rhythm & Blooms 1 Jth «Si Kincaid "Under ^ the Umbrella" Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson NHM \*it 1ou . "T ■*». •’ i % / 4 ■. i\ *, < k •> •'•' A { I ’ J'M : v*V 1 I HkAr Dr A *. It \ U‘~> ( MVMi * HO. < Ajl tAvk^ : t<* un •” : M V/JM \ A. ML j Ml VI ** •,• -v .» . ; '■* *tA' U *- 'tM ' '*\ ' t i\ VI A-i\ W‘iii ja* >n ; ’UtVl N ^V< I TUkRl ' —i . * i < i f.iA'A N > "i. XJH AV'+\ > UfvA’ ■ »,V.\ V 'r< WW* *v , ITa' . K f.k'mi -Hi my \U .m :•» sPisv. tVK‘.WV , - '* ' *' Hu'j QUli