Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1990, Page 13, Image 12

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    Daily Emerald Sp01*tS
Trail Blazers closing in on finals
Phoenix hoping for home court win Friday
PI lOF.N'IX (API File P..rt
I,mil Trail Blazers are halfua\
In I lirir I list \ H A tin.ils licit h in
I ;j vears. while the Phoenix
Suns might he down In their fi
niil two games. jusl like Inst
\ ear.
I he Frail Blazers m eriante a
22-poitlt iletli it to he.it Phoenix
1 OH 107 Weilnesilax night in
Portland for a 2-0 lead in the
best ul 7 series for the Western
( onterem e championship
I've never been involved in
a i oimthai k like this eitliei ,e. a
player or a i oai h said Port
land's set ond year head co.u h
ol V' t 1 m the Sim olid 1)11.11 Irr
ri'l II :i! hi!!ft imr .uni '(I ill in
iin- third ipiartei
l ilt' Mazers 18 point hall
tilin' i oniehai k eipialed tin' -n
olid lnm;est m \HA plavott In -
"It w as \ on stiange said
forward Toni ('hnnibers. who
pat ed Phoenix with Jit points
and I i rebounds We tried to
protei I tile lead instead .if plus
ing aggressively and atlai kins:
like ue did m the Iirst hall V. e
got passive Maybe we thought
we i mild roast through but
you should novel do that to a
‘I've never been involved in a comeback
like this, either as a player or a coach.'
— Kick Adelman
Kit k Adelman. w ho plaved tm
the Blazers from PI70 7.1. 1
keep saving il about this Iimiii
tlie\ don’t quit 1 don't t are
w hat the tin umst.int e is."
Portland, tdiininatt'd Iron) tlit■
playoffs in the first round the
past tour scars, last non a i on
ference t.rown in PI77 In
sweeping tin1 l.os Annulus Pah
urs 1 o. then taking thu \HA ti
llu In heating Philadelphia in
si\ games
Phoenix was swept 4 0 In the
Lakers in last year's conference
finals and hopes to avoid i re
I'he series shitts to the Ari'/.o
na \ elerans Memorial (loh.se
tun in Phoenix tor (.amt* t I ri
dav night and (iame 4 Sunday
"'We haven't lost three games
in .i row all season, and we re
not going to let it happen I ri
day eitliei, Suns i oat h ( ot
ton I il/.simmons said 1 am
confident th.it we will bourne
His team's i out idem.e has to
he shaken after blowing leads
Iimiii ill tli.it i aliber
' We Irt them idlin' li.it k .mil
I It. I k i * it ( Inst' .Kill tll.lt s .ill thcv
wanted ” Suns guard |ett
I lorn,n i'k s.iiil lhe\ well'
si rambling .ill ini'i the plai e
.iii.l vnu vr gut In destroy .1
Iimiii ih.il's doing that We
didn't rotate the hall tn take ad
vantage ol that We played
right into their hands In taking
long shots
Portland guard lent I’ortei
si ored 2 I ol his gtl points in
the set.ond hall, itu hiding a I
point giiiil to tie the snore at
loo with 21! -I set onds remain
mg and a det isive I t loot
jumper with 12 ~ seconds left
I think we got kind ot a
w ake-up t all at halttime I’iir
ter said 'Out worst eneim was
our Inst halt offense We were
really taking a lot ol long shots
W e turned things around in the
second hall It s got to altei.t
Phoenix a little hit to give up
such a lug lead I’ll is will deti
niteli leave a had taste ill then
"\\ r stole this one and we're
not going to i.iil tor it '■■ml
Pnitlaud forward Irromr kri
m'\ who had J'l points .uni 11
[rhoumls Now thru hat ks .*rr
to the wall .uni Hr if .ihlr to
hliwthr .1 I it t If 1'ilMrl
The Ir.ut Hluzrrx h.ivr
dropprd both pervious plavoft
sorb's attains! Phornix losing
J 1 III ! • I. • I .mil t Ill ItIH t
I hr Suns' t 1 7- til l virlorv in
( laillr i o| thill lust rourul >r
Mrs nil \ | n 11 .'!> PIH-1 Was thru
last w hi at Port lain! Nlrinoi la!
( ulisriim i hr losing slrrak
now stands .it PI g.mirs
IVr still frrl \ rrv good
about imi I ll.llli r to w in
thru- ‘ said Suns guard ktivin
Johnson Hut first, wr li.ur to
worry about winning in Pbor
We hope tu nu tunin’ iiml
get uursi’lvi’s mi .1 mil Ilk** ui*
hail going in tin* In’ll twill
( ill.llllluTN "..I id ' I liipt’l II11\ ill!’.
tilin’ well in,unt.un it
I'lvn things (1 nl us in. l it/
simiiions said U i- tin nril III*
bull urn |IZ 11mi’s resulting in
I * ♦ I1, III 1,1 111 I points) ,111(1 Hl‘ li’t
tlit’m Ikivi■ Inn nwuiv nllfiisivi’
ri’liouiuls (IK lin I Minimi
i Iwiih i■ points) U r wouldn't
Slop tIll-nil I hill 's till’ still \ Its
,i lough loss loi us but it's not
Ihr i'liil ol tin* worhl
It w.is I'ortliind s t ith w in m
till’ lust 111 g,lint's ,l>g,11 list rilin'
ih\ however ,iinl 11ii<\ signal
tin1 beginning ol thf <-ntI tm tin
Suns season
I bis iliicsn I Inn\ iIumii hr
i ,iu si’ I hi’v if .i vers good bull
i lull, mid I in surf they lit onif
lull k strong ,il holin' " I’ortfi
s.iid We know tin”, ve hi'i'ii
playing wi'lt on thf otlwu
Itsmi s i ourl .ind Ihi'V ,tlwuvs
sffin to spill We if,illy wanted
to keep tin- hunifi ourl advan
lugf nnd put souif doubt in
tlifii minds going I wit k to I’tlOf
Hist us thnnim 'sli’/ih.inir 'smith f/ircu .1 iirrsiiii.il in uni
I " I ■') ,it thr 11 mi; Hr,11 h tin 1t.1t11m.il it lui h .11 must .issurrs hoi
.111 \( \ \ 1 fii.ilit\ / /it,* hrrtli
Smith PRs in discus;
Cullen suffers injury
( )| l lit' loin (lii'gun I i n k .11!i
ll'Il'S M'lll smith 11 > I IVVII I llllls
>I.is mi'i'is uilli \( AA 11u.tills
ing Imjit". unr v irtualh as
surril in \( A \ liiil, Iwti falli’ti
In improve mi previous season
basis tinil uni' i ami' auav with
a season end mg in|iii \
Si'iijiu Sti• |il«.iiiit* Smith slip
plli'il till* Min' bill at ilia Long
!it'iii b invitational uilli a throw
tit I 7 I *l ill Ilia tllsi us rhi- loss
the sixth best collegiate murk
this yuai snip.ism's hue lumii'i
bast ill Ilia I sat .it tbr t begun
liivil.itiim.il April .'II
"Strphanii* is a sun* lift for
tin- \< AAs l begun women's
i iiai h I nin 1 leinimen said
She's sixth now and that
m mi's m thi' \l A A mi'i l
Smith has made a i use lor
herself as a i undulate for (be
gnu's must improved Irat k ath
lele tills season She improved
111 the event bs more than Hi
feet this veal
She's made huge improve
ini'iils this \isii . " I leiiiimen
said ' She s mine i imluleut
than she s ever been She s
thrown more innsislenth than
evei and a lot farlhel
( )U thr men s sinr pom
\ Hi t • 111 ( III 14 * 1! I<>« >krd til
hr nil ills VV.n ovri I III- 1M loot
bani**r .i( I ifsiin Stab* i laving
all rad V i liMird a PK bright «>1
1 'ii ( aillrn i • • | m u t«*< 11 \ silt
bat'd a dislotatrd kin * during
an at trin|it at t H <1 11hr \( A A
automata ijunlitving standard)
t in* Pat it it 10 ( onlrrrnt r
t hampion w,is looking to rr
turn 11 > liir M A As altri no
hnghting tiirrr last \ rat ( ul
h*n inatlr thr trip to I irsno
with si bool iri.ot'il hotilrr kor\
junior sprmtrr Knsir W il
iiams amt sophomore high
imnpri l.alirrt Kobrrts t.olrd to
impi t »v *• mi prr\ it ms srason
hrsts at I .mig Hear h Williams
won thr 2(H) in a tinir t»I 24 14
and grabbed second in thr 100
w ith a w mt! antrtt 11 'll i.lot k
Williams is 14th m the
\( A As m thr 200 •» mark
good enough to get brr into thr
top 1H takrn hu thr \< A As
1 hr drt ision proi rss tor atb
b*trs nn tin* \( AA provisional
list will hr matt** S.iturdav
rrwrvwT* ■ ittiy« ■ » «■ wgga.a.a.n
Hey Women!
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I \ ell 111 i nir i Ii lli;hltm 11m - l'il
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Sec sou thrrr'
• (;M 1 1 UIA* NWJoUIKS II \M >1 US
• WAS! 11 N( i I c )N S( )l AU1 • \ AM I V Ul\ 1 IU I N I I U