Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1990, Page 11, Image 10

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Fans cheer cl iff hanger
episode of Twin Peaks
By Luis Cabrera
Associated Press
They i hecred w hen the f.it
barkeep Iat:t|ues was shot Ihey
booed when drug dealing l.co
threatened to tori h his wife
.And thev said "goodbye1'
when eve-patched Nadine
threatened suicide
More than 100 Ians ot the
hroodinglv (omit AH( set ies
1'win Peaks gathered Wednes
day night in the Nalislt Lodge
I he real-life t oiinterpart ol
the show's (ireat Northern
lodge to watch the season
ending episode
Much of the series was shot
in this small l*ii( itu NorlInvest
logging town about to miles
east ot Seattle
File audiem e sat glued to the
three glow ing si teens in the
basement ballroom o! (he
Salisli. gorging as I list i I \ on
clierrv pie. doughnuts and i ot
tee as any ot the /'it in 1‘e.iks
"It's great It's twisted like
me and all my friends " said
Annie Kaye who i ante dressed
as the i burnt ter Nadine down
to the makeshift patt h ovet her
let! eye
1.01 als say /'it in I'r.iks with
its mat ahrt' death plots and hi
/.arre i harm lets has little to do
w 11Is the real Snoqiinlmie Hut
111.my are atidit led any way
|im Young, who grew up 111
Siio(|uahnie anti lives 111 the Se
utile suburb ol Redmond says
lie s able to call h about the last
half of liif slum after rollout"
night i lassos
llo said tho show is followed
religiously h\ his u ilo |.mr!.
and los mothoi tv ho still lives
in Snotjiialmit' 'i tiling said
I w in l’i\iks is ospt't tally t lost'
to him hot .ttiso siimr ol tho so
i]iifnt t-s in tho Inst episode
wort' shot .it .1 house ho grow
up in
(l.irnot < mss. w ho hakes pit's
lot tho i .ilo immortalized In tho
show tho Mar 1 m nearby
\orth Monti w.is givon .1
front row so.it .11 Wednesday
night s g.ithoring
( rnss w ho Inis linked [nos tin
ill voars. s.ntl tho dom.inil lor
hor .mthontii / it in I'c.iks 1 her
r\ pies has exploded sinco tho
show g.tinoil .1 following She
saitl people int little tho Mai I
on trips to Washington now.
anil she’s flat! requests for pies
to ho mailed from other stales
" 1 like this, she sanl I Ins
is tho host thing that's hap
pout'd to mo
M.li I ow nor Pat ( nkowoll
saitl "We usoil to soli about one
a week \ow wo soil as many
as she makes
Kim Larson saitl every opi
sotlo ol / it 111 I’litiks is a party at
her houso 111 Auburn With
"Nadine" Annie Have she
hosts I hursifay night rounds ol
I ho My story t Hit t iaine
kho s.mi tho game involves
usually a dozen people gath
ored around her TV w ith alt o
liolit drinks livery tune .1 7 it t/t
/’o.iAs 1 har.11 toi oats pie or
thinks coffee all g.11110 players
take a tlrink
Continued from Page 6
otliei publications dispensed .it
llic court house Hut .itt«*r its re
mov.tl, .ill private publii ations
were removed leaving novum
mi'ilt publications
ihc booth 'was never m
tended as a publii forum lie
said "1 think that the det ision
w as appropriate
I ellow i oinmissiuuei fern
Kust. however said (lie censor
ship ot the del is ion will con
11iiut■ tu ret t‘ivi‘ attmititjn
Tin* initial decision to rr
move the magazine was an at
tempt In i!rn\ tun irntimtuit.il
ists a von r in am w a\ possi
hie Rust said Robert's sign
mlilirtl salt in the wounds" of
those already agitated, lie said
laivironmtuitalisni lias po
larized this state to silt h ail e\
tent where the hlootl has gone
to its head and otherwise
t leai thinking people have
made some ei rors. he said
It s not a pretty pit tore
Continued from Page 4
Sin kel s.iid lhe l )S1, plans
to work with tin1 IH when
dealing with next spring’s
funding ri*(|Uf;st bs the
Athlete Department
' \\e i an make tile Millet
ii Department more phvsi
rails responsible.’ she said
"What we're looking to do
is help them get out of the
red and fiat k in the blai k
OS1. suggests the ! hliversi
tv’s Athletic Department as
well as those throughout the
state redut e their costs or find
new revenue and bring in
alumni support
"We want to gel the stu
dents involved and happv of
the Inc t that the\ think their
munes is going to a good
i ause.
Higher Kduc ation
Stu kel said ()S1. ss ill need
a lot more mimes from the
si.lie In i if.ilf linin' tin.mi ml
.ml f.pfi iaH\ Ini minority
students in iuilill thf
mullIi ultural emphasis'
()SI is pushing
1People scf in In llnnk lli.it
(am I pfrsmi on t ainpus
u illi i olor i an get money
saitl Mentha 11\ nf^ assis
taut ilirfi tur tor admissions
"That s mil tin- i asf
I l\ Ilfs s.llll IWlI si lllll.II
ships art' availalilf tm mi
mu il\ si hi If ills in ( begun.
I lif Minority Ai hievemeiil
Si IidI.iiship ami I lf Minin
11v Achievenifill Si liol.it
ship fur juniors base (heir
criteria mi ai ailfinu
ai hil'Vflllf lit 11Vll«'N said
To atliai I minorit) stu
dfnts to thf t'niversity
good tmaiii ml aid programs
are Ihf kfv said Sin kfI
OSl. is also lobbying for
hfltfr disabled ■>' < <'ss ’I11'
1 'diversity
A part ol thf funding ()SI
is seeking tor higher film a
lion would also go toward
f.u nils salaries
Harassment shuts down dorm
By Beth Grace
4s.w<d?«f Press
( ()l.t Mill's, l )hu> I AIM I )hio Suite 1 in
versitv officials who shut ilmvn a dormitory
wing following death threats against two guv
stuiii’iil*' said Thursduv they will seek i riminal
i barges against the people responsible
Officials moved I.! male students from a
third floor wing ot a dormitorv V\ednesda\ at
ter one threat was vv r it ten on a not it e taped to
the door ot the students' room
Ihe words Die l ags" wen* found on the
until e
Ihe uotu e trom the university's (Mine ot
Resident e late had been sent to all students in
the dorm wing luesdav warning thev would
lie reassigned to other dorms d another ai t ol
harassment or intimidation toward the guv stu
dents w as reported
I he threatening note was taped to the i enter
ol the door, surrounded In I t i opies ot the
universitv noth e
"We are ai tivelv invesligaliug this threat as
well as telephone death threats the students re
corn'll before tins said William Mall Oliin
St.itf thmersitv's director id residence and
dinmn halls I can't sav now th.it we have
any solid leads hut wr hope tu i ome up w ill*
sonu* < lliarges w ill hi- till'd
ll.ill said not all of tin* studrnts forced to
mini' wi'll' involvi'd m tin? harassmi'iit hut
that it was lift essarv to niovc tin' toilin' floor
Students Mike Si an e and I old I leti her he
i ami' tin* lanp't id harassment last ( )i tidier
Their names appeared in a i.anipus nevvspa
I>i-i article repurtmn the events of "( oniinn
(hit Week " on i am|nls said M u liael Mi I ad
den oxer olive direi tor ol Stonewall I nion a
lesbian and i>a\ ( ominunit\ service and ailvo
i at v ori’ani/alion
Si an e saui he believes the si hold look too
loni’ to lake action and will seek reimburse
incut tor three quarters of his and Tleti her s
tuition and room and hoard t osls
This is no eiu ironinent to liv e in let alone
to he edm ated in he said
Hall said the school udl negotiate with the
Whoa! It's //it' Killer Hus hum
Planet V Great movie’ I s.iu n
times one night "
rm hi a ii i u v i h / .*
I A M o U NO IlHU Y <UJ ( A N
T H f BUS ( H FJ
PAS’. I AIII I i ) H T M F
MUHIN! I N t i I) t N ! A l
LaneTtansit District