Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1990, Image 1

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    Friday May 25 1990 Eugene. Oregon
Volume 91 Issue 160
Oregon Daily
(irateful Dead fans
The (Ira tel ill Dead arc known
lor their loyal follow ing, hut
some Kugene residents foresee a
had trip ahead when the hand
makes a two-dav appearam e next
See story. Page 7
On Campus
"C.ombatting Disc rimiuatiun:
\tfirming Your \( lion" is the ti
tie o! a speakers foi mil on atlii m
ati\i> at tion and disc rimination.
to he held todav from I to to i
p m .it the Instriu tional Media
' \ frientflx Message on the
Wall Spec ifii Kei ngnition in the
I st.itdishnien! ol a I ungus free
fntlnphtvit Symbiosis" -theli
tie of a presentation to he pre
sented toda\ h\ I )i Ignat io
i hapela trom the the Hintet linol
og\ l.ahoratoix in Basel. Switzer
land file let lure will he given at
! ill m Room lit) Willamette
Brian (aillrn
It was .1 (l.iv of mixed results for
four ()regou tr.K k athletes in last
i ham e qualifying meets in < 'ali
fornia Stephanie Smith threw
the (list us 171-lt in Long He.it h.
to improve on the \( !AA provi
sional list The mark was also
sixth-best in the \b.\A this vear
Also at Long Heat h. Rosie H d
hams and Laurel Roberts were
unsuccessful in their attempts to
meet automatic qualitying stan
dards In the Fresno State meet
pole vaulter Brian (adieu was in
Health center to introduce fee
Costs to make up for
measles vaccinations
By Peter Cogswell
In addition lu a $t> ui
i rc.isr III sluilrnl health lees
tur nt*xt term. the I im ersi
t\ s St 11 tit• nt I le.tlfli ('t• 1111*i
wall also i harm’ S > lor i'ai h
initial \ isil In students next
Health i f n le i d i rtM Im
lames J.it ksim said the S ■ tee
i (lines ax llii- result ol rising
stall salaries as well as
spending Slim.fMIO earlier
this veal Im van: mat lllg
against a measles epidemii
that hit the l-niversitv Be
cause of thf expenses nut1
staff position also will be
eliminated next year
Jai kson said th«’ < enter (ini
not e1 \pee t a e ost i i um h
when it iM\r th«’ trt*«* and
d is< minted vai i mat ions
It just turned out that
u a\ bee a use of the monev
fen fla’ nu*.ish*s and e hanges
in the state’ system he
Students rei eiv mg me.i
sirs shots did si) .it <i i ust of
Si to the i entei lae kson
Students u Ini rt‘< civ •*< I .1
lull Imostri slinl i mil,lining
mil onlv ,i tuiMsIt's \ ,ii i m,i
linn lint rubf’lla .mil mumps
Vill l imit lull', IS w 1*11 ll III SI l
,ii .i i ust ul S 111 tu tin- hisilth
i iMitt-r. i-s m |luiiii;h lhe\
paid ,i $1(1 li i
|.i< ksiiii s.i}11 tin* lic.ilth
ifiller ilill nut i li.ilnr miiri*
tin tin- \ <11 t in.ilmns Im-i .msr
it \\ .Hill'd III l’ III l HI 1.11^1* sill
denis In In' iiini ill.iti'd
Ur untiled tu i;ei sin
drills tu .ivmtl measles ,iud
It did stop tin- rpidrluii sn
IV r Ill’ll' .in i rsslll 1 - |.11 k
sun s.tnl rlir i fiiti’i admin
islrird I. null l .11 I itl.itliills
hr s.ild
\n iik ri'.isr iii I In- pa\
SI ,llr III r mplitl ID’S .it I In
i enter is .dsn i nntiilniling In
111 the
th*’ finaut lal woes
i i-miIh fat ksnn said
Signal employirs al (hi*
t enter had reat.hed then top
salary level hut be< uuse •>!
< tumors in tin* polit irs * >1
tin* stair system, these levels
are mm be my, mi leased
)a» kson stressed that the
S » dollar « bar ye is < mly tot
the first visit i>\ students to
the health * entei eat h term
Subsequent m follow up vis
It Will he tier J,|( k Si m sa If 1
|ac kson said he evpet ts to
rei ei v e a varied response
troin student as a result of
the new < hary»
I hope that students will
not he t hat < one er tied he
< arise other than < utility -.ei
v it es. this was the only solu
tion he said
Corner pocket
I nmpulei st ience niul m.irkelinp juniur Si nil llroun Inki's ,iim iturinif .1 Thursd.n .itlernoon pool p.mir in
tin; I \ 11 Pis re.ihnn I enter ns sophomore business m.ijor It es I \11npbell »nils Ins turn I'he l\\ o have pL<\ ed
pool loi’i'iher rnt h iln\ this yenr
Photo h\ Slovi! (..ml
Court turns down CCDC request
By Daralyn Trappe
Tlic limersitv’s ( Inlil (lure .mil lie
velopment ( cnlcr presented .1 ( hallenge
tn ' ;>■ ASH) ( umstltiilinu ('mill regard
mg the language ot a rei enllv passed
ballot measure, lull (MIX’ did not gel
I lie result tiles hoped lot
l lie (.'<!IK ' requested that the (uitirt
rule on whether the student body had
voted for an increase in funding or a to
tal budget figure tor that program
In April's ASH) elections, liallot
Measure ‘I presented the student body
with the (hone of whether to ini reuse
< ( IK s lot idenlal I ee funding by
S-U -tun I he measure blither stated that
this would raise the total II I funding
toi ( ( IX to S 14K \2 1 lor the ltltlO *) 1
school year Ihe students voted to pass
Ihe measure
The reason the ltd X parent council
dei ided to put the nn leased funding re
quest on the ballot was that the KMt
Hoard, under wliicli (It IX! gets their lit
funding, had suggested to the parent
council ih.it the lit would probably
di'in .1 n*(|iii"-l Ini sui h .1 large inr lease
Hi.- i:\ll ' Hu.ml . 11411 -i•«I to request .111
iidiiiliiui.il St. 'l tti tin t 1 I It mid expei t
nl tin- rest In In- approved \ in 11.1111 it
ShortK before tin- i-li-i Iiiiii look plat i
tin- KMI lln.ml i .mil- bi'lorr tin- lit lor
tin'll l'l'iti'tl budget hearing liiti Ill
voted not to approve tin- $0 'I Hi on rease
lor (.(:!H :
I In' Ii.dlot measure w.is vnti'il on w ilh
S I 4H till .is tin- total amount ol lit
funding that ( t lit would not d tin- stu
di'iits a|)provi'd tin' $44 lilt. 1111 feast'
rli.it total figure retlei ted the Sti.tl il> in
crease < ( IK had expected lull did not
l.ast week the ( ( IK parent council
reipiested that the ( amrt rule on w hether
the students had voted to approve the
$44.4111' increase or the $14H 441 total
rite parent council was hoping the
( ourt would rule that the students had
voted on the total figure, in which case
l ( I H w ould automat 11 allv receive the
iicld■ tii11i.iI St..'I Hi
Hill the ( mill iiilnl ill.* stiuii*iil*i hud
iiulv miIimI mi .mil approved tin* .ulili
I it it 1.1! htndi ng ill $•»Kill
I hr parent i mini il Irlt th.it till' sill
ilrnls miIiiI mi thr tnl.iI figure s.iul
((III .uiininislr.ilut Drums Reynolds
Hut iM' H' bi.isrd VVr u.ml what we
(llllik will hr lirsl Ini thr kills in thr |iin
Hi.mi l lir ( i>ns111utiiin ( .mill is i h.iigcd
W idi lining morn olijm tivr
I hr ( mill i >| > III I) il I. delivered In ill.ill
K.u hrl krill .ilsn liiilllilril ,i return
mrnihiliun ill.it .ill ill budgeting hr
( ompleled .it Ir.isl two ivrrks prior In
thr deadline tm li.tllul measure snhinis
sinus In avoid fuliirn problems
Hue .nisi* nt thr ruling. thr (A I)(
Inulgnl lor next \i*.ii will In* SMI IK".
< onsiderublv less than they hud plannnl
Km nnlds s.ik! tin* M IX program u ill
hair In eliminate nr pnstpnnu plans for
ni'« equipment al the six da\ ( are ( nn
Irrs I’urent funs will also lm raised
slightly to mala* up I he* different r