TRACK Continued from Page 8 end's I’.ii 10 meet \' hump Dan Nelson foi most of the rat e, tint made his move \\ itli about two laps to go and then finished strong i mning over the final water jump to beat Nelson In ,11 most six seconds Kl.ius Wrigeldt sixlh m ihr -luo meters in List weekend s I’.K 10 inert rail the 100 in ■17 t’ hut missed the \( A \ .in ii standard ot In 20 Trai k Notes: I'ole \ .miter Hi i ‘l at Tar poll Springs I hi Tilt* lop tv\o mdi\ itiuals at tin* regional moot also advatue in lhi» loam finale Arizona State enters this vvoi*kenci's »4 hole limin.i meat as the loam to heat 1 ho Sun Devils two time l’a< 10 < humpions are the natinn’s soi.oml iunhod team (lio^on is led b\ Hoavorton senior urn fl\ .11 last month s (ini I \\ rrk Ma^a/int* playor ol th»* month ti 72.1* .ivi'f.igi1 I hr irmaimirr ol the tram rumprtiiu: at Nru Mr\ii o Stair < pai ' ‘ l niv ri sit v I .oil ( Oursr will ( onsist ol seniors ( Inis linl/tiant; ot Bravrrtnn ami loin Smith of Mrtlforil junior Boh Kaiinow ot Liiu oln ( it\ . ami sophumoir ( am Mart In i >t I iugi'iic CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 105 PERSONALS MARTY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY (P S Betcha thought I would forget Huh° WONGH So this means YOU have to go CAMPING' Love. Janet & Kathryn ♦B \.\ ,\ NICOLE TOM Congratulations On Your Pinning! We love you guys' Love Your Sisters AT A Thanks tor a great time Saturday' Let s do it again next year' AZ AT X+ UN There wasn t any sun. hut plenty of fun1 Thanks for the BBO' K A FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM? Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Office of Admissions 103 PERSONALS \ I'1..’ Congratulations wo took 3rci! Thanks tor a ternlk weekend A/. ONLY $1 A LINE!! HOW DO YOU SAY GOODBYE’ IN FRONT OF 16,500 OF YOUR CLOSEST FRIENDS??? With an ODE personal ad ALL personal line ads will be S1 per line in the last two weeks of May NO MINIMUM NO MAXIMUM JUST A GREAT DEAL'!! ' Place your ads on the phone by charging them to your account or your charge card! * Place your ads at the UO Book store EMU Main Desk or our office Room 300 EMU from 0 Spm M F Place your ads today they will atari running during the last two weeks of ONLY A BUCK A LINE! 105 PERSONALS X + AT Bm»m ui up S< ot!y' Mftfft ■» to ‘Uf Fust Plat e at Canoe Fate V\v out?!*: ! have :! ■ , : love KA IAN HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY! Hope it was great! Love, Joanna \rt (to« I 20 PLANNED PARENTHOOD has a preg nancy tost that is 'W!. accurate one (Jay afier a missed period' Includes unbiased counseling Call (44 Mil PLANNING TO RCGISTE R f Oft SUMMER SESSION ’ Don I (orgel lo Ida your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD Stop by 133 Oregon Mall or the Of e of Admissions PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT bQ7 8651 105 PERSONALS HOW ARE WE DOING? Jan, fuwiakl ■ tluO » HI I GROC.i HH S ' fO jilt ..- ' ■ UO BOOK stow SHE, TOONLES, FER, KEN, CHUD, LUKE, T, ANGELA. SQUID, KILLISAN, TAGS, TRACY, MY HEIRONIMUS. RYAN, RICHARD BEN, LAW RENCE, KATIE, TINA, CHERYL, AND ANDY WE ROCK, WE RULE. WE ARE WICKED COOL! Thanks for a great year in office The campus survived ASUO EXEC W 90 The Veep SMOKER -i) i, May .4 F»M it f >g»r iocMr «. ..,rit m PERSONALS c»f l r a n ta I HACI HAPPY BIRTHDAY' .• r I M •• Oftu 'J\ AT Uu* mulit w.ii pumpm ff,« * * • l»»umpin Th i Ih« Wild Said’ 1.0 \\A SELL YOUR: STf REOS DIRTY SOCKS YOUR WORKING CAR AN OLD DESK DOUBLE BED LIFE SIZE 0 ELVIS NON WORKING CARS BICYCLES SKATEBOARDS MILK CRATES BRICKS SHELVING UNOPENED PRESENTS Pi.» «• you* a«l for foot days U il tan I v>l M.n_ Text Scanning S C A N N E R S 747 4589 JO. THE TYPING PRO 663 60*9 HIM WORD PROCESSINGS DlTlNG PAPERS THESES DISSERTATIONS The wono SPECIALISTS “1 ,v ■ ( (itduAir Sa h«M>l Approved ► l>i*ml4l»oni»/lVjiej/P*pctt * IHM Corap*ttblc/l)t*k Convcmons l 4icT f*nnimg/'s Student Discounts Microcomputer Support Lob 202 Computing Center 346-4402 M-F 9om-5pm FOOD VALUE I960 FRANKLIN HI A I). ADJACENT TO CAMPUS ON FRANKLIN BLVD Good through 5-29 90 FRANKLIN STORE ONLY U-BANK NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE HENRY WEINHARD’S 6 12 oz Bottles FOOD VALUE WHEAT OR WHITE BREAD 2 For $1 00 RUFFLES POTATO CHIPS />O0 Potato CrSps , 68 6.5 oz. bag KINGSFORD CHARCOAL • . ' BRIQUETS .R $299 10 lb. Bag ‘ FIRST ONE" 8-PIECE BROASTED t,CHICKEN 4 ■ ■■■ mm mm Ml warn u Coupon mm Mi Dutchess ICECREAM '/? gallon 99 -FIRST TWO — COUpOn