Fund started A s( holarship fund is being established in memory of Kric \\ "Kit h'1 Rasmussen. a I ’niversilv sophomore lulled May 4 in an ac i i dental shooting Rasmussen. 2(1. was wounded m the t hest at ter the pistol his room mate was (leaning dentally disi harged Kas mussen died five hours later in surgery Rasmussen, ot Salem, graduated from South Sa lem I ligh S( hool in l‘IK7 where he lettered in ten nis The si holarship estaf) lished by Rasmussen's family, will he awarded to a South Salem senior tennis player. Donations i an he made at any branch ot the 11 S \a tional Hank 11 m LIV.H • MllMiO KKIOU fHOM II M IHWKK'KN KMHS FROM K • lUSTlITH ft KM l HU\k"KH.»V !■ 1Mill !»J d%3 '* IMJNDCRIANP * GREAT FOR PAR TIE S AND BIRTHDAYS 5^l/|nCn AIL GAME S WORK Vf,ULU witmnickels GAMES admission t so 5IM STRICT PUtLIC MARKET EUGENE • 683 1464 DA SILVA Continued from Page 1 don't behove in mvself is .1 k I'll never vole tor .1 hl.ii k worn,in who looks like me tl.i Silva s.tul Mils is w In the prot ess of h.n mg peo pie elet ting ( undulates who are PARKING Continued from Page 1 two thirds underground, and would not be taller than the height ot the tennis i nulls However, students and tom munitv members attending the meeting were not ven reeep Iive to the proposed site ( hie mail said the old W 01 Id U ar It huiltlmgs on' Agate Street east ol llavvvard I ield would tie a belter site anil then lefl the room in apparent anger Others urged the t'niversitv to look into using the Ant/eii 11'tTisls .md popular i .indid.ites heen t.ik mi; \ e.irs I ).i S11v ,1 s.ud ii is nun h inure cIiI'k nil for .1 person u ho is hl.u k .out a I si > ,i u to lie ele< led She s.ini women imisl he i rfieful to w oi k u it Ii men within the hi.ii k imncmrnt hut not let themselves he ril !>\ the iiii'm Many linn's (a IiI.h k man) repeats thi' oppression hi' re i I'ivi's triim thi' system and lie repeals il against the women she said Uhi'ii vyumi'ii were ornnni/. mu the lirst hlat k \\ mnaii 's l iilllelelH e ill 1‘lltB k men u ho w ere mil i11\ iteil threat ened to im.iilc (In' conterem e 'Kven though they tv ere pisl |okmn .tllil |llst kidding it shows re.illv Hues on in snlr |m■<>p11■ s heads da Silva said Hei ause when you do re spent people von would never say that Stadium parking l*»t .inti possi bl\ having a shutti** bus \i ( Milling to i studv ( on dm tod b\ .j l4)H-I task Inn tin* I'nivrrsitv hits I 't students toi t*r\ parking spat ** on < am pus Sint.i* thru parking r.itos ha\r burn ini.ruasi'd and bam* l'i ansi! I listri< t lias implument rd a IrtM* bus pass program, but I imnsitv tiff if lals sa\ thru* is still a nurd tor more pat king |an ( )livit .issistant vn •* pn sidunt tor institutional rrla turns said tin* bus si huduli* isn't < on\ uniunt tor »*\ rrvoiu* and that it is important to ha\ »• (lllli'I I >[tt II ms Ihe proposed structure v\ 111 < osl Si o million Hour said l hie iili/im responded h\ s,t\ mg U illi mone\ \\ e i oil Id put more busses on tile street tlthei suggestions Iroui the .itiilieni e uete building on top of the parking lot -it 1 till \ve line .nid \gate Street I.iking time to see it the I I I) bus puss .it uoiks or to prohibit Ireshmeu and sopho mores living in the dorms Irom having i ars I hr p 1.111 is still ill (hr t'rs iru |iri» rss ,iml will he prrsrnlrd lu tlir I ‘111\ rrsit\ it ,i l.itn il.itr Mils 11ri>{>iis.iI i .mir nut nl in.111\ planning groups It s not tin- i>iiI\ proposal ( llivri s. uit .hilling .ins proposal t. iki-s ,i lot ol time .uni input hr Imr it is iniplrmrntril I lii'ir will hr .i sn mill infor m.i(liin.iI mrrling primaillv loi I 'nivrrsils l.ii tills sl.itt ami stliilruls who usr thr t.iulilics nrar thr arr.i It w ill hr hrhl Mas 1(1 at i p in in Kiioiii 2 ','t> I aim at ii >n ... ,,*THtK ANU VINYL bKItl-CAM* 'd""n1ZErs and refills dayrunner oRGAcN'z'RfS.AR CAMBR.0«BUS,NE/.K„„Km),l( • Wl) \H >KI' 1TV fountain pens LLQUALITYvEUU>iim^ ALL . . Ml IN I l«.W WJa PORTFOLIOS SM( H\H KiH.lKs -‘rcS« BOSTITCH UO .MPWNTED STAPLI ^ KK, ihil. > > >r. ' uO Bookstore ART & SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPT. 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331