Community Race-related assault reported I'lii* following is .1 11si of campus area i.rum’s taken from ()ffi< • • nl 1’uliln Nafets and Lugene Police Department reports helsveen M,i\ 14 ,iihI Mas IS • ()!’S unestod a siiI>)i*i I I< >i disorderlv i ondtii t .md ( trespass at I msersits Street and Jolmsuii l.ane on Mas !'l A male sul)|e( I who was asked I is an OPS off i( er to lease campus alter the officer suss him urinating in some hushes returned to campus. ( reuled a dislin ham e and shouted ohsienities I he suhjei t arrested and taken to pii 1 Police Beat • A ( a s e nl fill ral intimidation anti assault or (ampus near lath Avenue ami Kim aid Stree was reported to KIM) May 1H A white woman < onfronted a worn an m tin* area, tori* the trout of her dress the! slapped and hit her in the fai e and head Dur mg ttie attack the woman iieard some males < idling her ra< lal epithets \11• *i the woman veiled lor help . < ouple ( time to her aid and took her home Tin' males were wearing green Army )a< k els and boots and had the word “skinhead" shaved into the iiair on the hacks ol their heads • A theft from tfie Mean Complex p.irking lot was reported to OPS on Mas 1 1 An unknown suspect entered a van through a win# window and stole some tools w lm li were used to also steal a stereo, a radar detector, an equalizer and a set of speakers Total loss was $700 • Another theft from the Mean temples park mg lot was reported to T.l’l) on Mat 14 \n on known suspect entered the car through a win dow not i ompleteK rolled up and stole a Satin stereo and a S'>tl pair of speakers In .i possibly related c ase. I I’ll rei cit ed a report of another theft from the Mean Complex parking lot the same dat \n unknown mis pec I removed the car s left side passenger w m dow with .i kitchen knife and stole a set of speakers a speaker grill, .in amplifier and some tools lota! loss was.estimated at S4MI • In addition ()I'S icports three hikes stolen one let o\ ered Packaged right Priced right. I PM PS/2 3.5 inch ditk«U« dfiw f i ltd di*k dnvt Mk no CK«rvn»4 * «rx hil»« tur« SoMwam Modal 30 286 (U21) Modal 50 I (U31) iMt. •• . nt ' MM/. Modal 55 SX (U31J Modal 55 $X (U61) Modal 70 (U61) w - .«< ’ 44Mf , ... • I *> - $2,299 .V -■ .>1- v. .md 4 nlX AVuJoa t Avwk'V.’ • • , .» ■ ! { * i f 'lX ,V > . ,S •»}\ ,vhJ t ». « • M . ' f ' . •; A ' i A $4,899 \>k about tin* IBM PS/2 Loan lor Lfaminji. \\ III' ll IBM IffMlll.ll S\'!l'||| 2* should sou bus alls nl t lir-M* I .it il olio roll if** I rads In pi ss lib f.l aii ISIV M u**f ami i olor di^plas M»ii < an bill/ through I a -1 11111 Ml t« lfim|ia|»ri r«-s i**ioii** \dd Iho**r i slra 'in i ial "lauliu - t *• i sour ssork dour Mm ran l ss uuif ss ith -s lo u**f, [urloadfd Mill ssan PS/2 it! I.Mrl I lull (Ml \ 11« 1 .it '|H » l.l! |»l H I*v I»k« lh« -« | |S J ‘ \| I \ .lllonl.lhl* * I .u I I". \ni| i .ill 11.11 * i K .111* Ml I In \> It limit nil* I Mlllr III .111(1 III II' l|l!|» \*M I I III H IM- I 11« • I 'X J' I l^lll I* II Mill. Sj»v* on th«M three IBM Propnntere, too: *’• •'**•' ‘ a ■ .it »• >4. H‘ <• $349 *’r I*" X.'4t A Cdt-M' ,4. ; $499 f'- i neat Rainbow falls southeast ol Mi ken/ie bridge l he\ said the area was i tear iiit because new wilderness boundarv information some how was not passed along to the ranger distrii I s timber sale planners when the trees were sold and logged Knvironmentalists said the\ lielieve the t' N finest Servile knew about the new boundarv and del ihci atel\ allow ed log ging to take phn e inside the w ilderness Me kenzie Ranger I fist rift Ranger Ranch Dunbar who was llii' ranger when the ills puled logging (recurred, said the utilisation that Forest Ser vice employees deliberately al lowed logging in the wilder lies is "demeaning to a lot of Forest Service people "The Forest Service is an agem v comprised of people who are committed to doing their best in the fa< e of a lot ol conflating advice, legislation that isn't always clear, and budgets that mav not he what tlies should be." Dunbar said The (uti/.ens Task Force on l imber Sale Review, a group that has been reviewing timber sales in the vie initv ol the Three Sisters Wilderness last month disi overed that about 12 ai res ol w ildei ness sever,d miles to the south ol the 11) K a logging had been < loar-i ut in the mid 1'IHOs Paraprofessional Experience Available! Peer Advisors Wanted Exciting opportunity to contrik> ute to your fellow students academic success while gaining valuable paraprofessional experi ence. Credit available. The following departments are now accepting applications for Spring term: Department Computer & Info Science Math Education English Journalism Philosophy Human Service Pick UP application at 145 DES 333 FEN 112E DUC 118 PLC 211A ALL 311 PLC 115 HEN STORE WIDE 15-5CE SALE SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY MAY 26 MAY 27 MAY 28 TABLES PORTFOLIOS AIRBRUSHES PASTELS TECHNICAL PENS PAINTS BRUSHES PAPERS INKS MATBOARDS CANVAS and MORE!!!!!! A V Oregon Supply 0332767 776 Cast 13th, Eugeno Upstairs m Iho Smi'.h Family Building 8 30-7 00 Monday Friday 10 00 5 30 Saturday 12:00-8 30 Sunday ALL SALES AML F.NAL • L MilED TO STOCK ON HAND