Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from Page 4
who vviiut to do il
M(*lod\ 'i usui .m ,irl edu< .1
non major. has had her Vyeai
old son enrolled in (In' co-op
tor .1 year and one term As a
single parent. Vusut s.iid tin
low i list provided one of tlie
biggest initial benefits
By helping w ith art projei Is
at the co-op. Yusut redut es hei
child care costs to S " > per
month Yusuf said the 1 ost is
Only one ol main henelits tor
her and her son ()mar
I real I \ like being a part ol
my son s education. ’ AUsuI
said "When lie comes home
.11111 tel Is me what's going on .it
si bool. I understand « hat he s
talking about bei ailse I ye been
(iurrenth Yusuf puts in hei
time at the i o-op by making al
phabet hooks She and t limit
work on them at home and she
1 an do it at her i onvenieni e
Sometimes Yusut and lie r
son heip i lean the i n op to
make up her lime She said it is
important to her that tier son
see tile work side ot it
(linai understands mu 11
mini nil situation because he s
experienced this here with
me Yusut said \ lot ot par
(’hull* I>v \ tin *• K .1 m i
I'hr IJ t lultlrcii ciutillrd .it tin- i fnlri ilrt iilr lun\ thc\ it ill s/icm/ thru tier timr rithi-i /i/.i i im; onlsidc in tlnini: .lit /im/ci ts in
fills III III", till'll kill s U In-11 !!l(’\
i nine In u i H k
Vlisut s.llll till* sll]l|liut SVS
tfin i if,iti'il In the i u i>11 is ,iu
import.mt Ix’ni’iit lor Ini
I I'lii Hits .mil p.units wink In
ffthi'i In sulvf i li ilil i .iii- pi i ill
Irms ,mil slum1 p.iitmtmu tips
she Saul
Nut onlv lint's lilt' t ii op lifii
on all
• Plus
• SE
• SE/30
mod els
M icrocompu te r
Su pport
20? Computing Center
Mond.iv i rid.iv
9 .1 in to 5 p.ni
The power to he your best.
your dollars
In usinu i oupmts (ruin
' ■ "'fc the (trillion D.iilv l.morald
flit parents hut i Itildren n
i ('He llii- opportunity tu 111,1 ki■
i tlnni‘S tin ihfttlsfI) (■'■ I lit’
i hilitifii have i liuii us .ill flay
11iti)4 HI.mi haul said adding
that they i an he inside doing
ait |iroi»M ts oi outside playing
im tin- play ground
\ \ r let k i<ilift nIf what
tiif y y\ ant Blam hard said
Mils ne k we rt* (iornu whales
and wo'h<‘s and th»n li tie ide
wh.it w fit’ m»im’ to tin with
t he type t >1 ethit at lull \ stem
II- rti at \ 111,1/on IS ■ .11 let 1 lie
\ elopment.dk appropriate
Want hard said
liei ailse nt the tvpe ot tear h
lie... the t imp may tippeai In he
a littlr liiMirtlnh. but l)l,m
i ti.tr* 1 .mil iisut ,iu11■«-iI tli.it
It S lift'll \ f i \ Sill | f still ft II .ill
Will'll I til' It M ik I'll .It tills
(il.il l' I thought It H.IS tolill
i Ii.his 'i nsuf -..in! I u.mti'il
In lift tins 11l.u f nrgnni/cii I \ f
sffii i illiii | i.iH'iils ill. that tin i |
If,Hill'll til If l,l\ ,111(1 Sll (III Mllist
lit tin-1ithfis
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