MONDAYS THROUGH I RI DAYS Luncheon Specials Thai Salad $3.95 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT I jysl.iifs \ti\t to l ot ( ) (ionksti>ft* ($79 I nth $4$-2832 Musique Gourde t Catering to the Discrimmatlna Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC 4 OPERA ON CD 4 CASSETTE CD s FROM S5.95 CLASSIC FILMS ON VIDEO LASERDISC TAPES FROM S2 95 In the Fifthpearl Building ?07 i 'th Avenue 343-9000 OPtN 7 DAYS SUMMER HIGHLIGHTS ln< I title's ( otulit ioninti ■mcl Style MOW ONLY $30 Savr $S with this < oti|>on i oiipnn expires lime I Mh I WM) c' vf/ui/ti’e/vt It AIK • TANNING • NAILS J)9 W. 10th, 1st Floor Atrium, Downtown 345-3491 Eugene's weslside neighborhood cafe, fea turing home baked breads and desserts, Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special — Friday & Saturday Shrimp Creole, green salad, rice, cornbread.$4.50 W 5th at Lawrence /am to 9 p m Mon-Sat / a m to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p m University — ■7 fimf «■■*>••• Photo In \ im «■ K.imin-/ The Amazon ( imperative Chili! Care Crnlrr allow s /larents to reduce their child care hill by teat him;, i leaning, assisting with planning or performing other tasks at the center. Co-op saves money for parents; gives them more time with kids By Alice Thornton I mt '.ilcl Reporter In the middle of Amazon housing complex on Patterson Street. .1 budding hustles with the patter ol little feet and the i hatter ol happ\ voii es The Amazon (Cooperative (Child l Care (Center may appear to he a i liaotii haven for < lid dreii between the ages of two and six but lor laiiversiU stu dents who .ire also parents, the co-op provides a low cost alter native to other i liilei care pro grams H\ working .it the co-op. par ents mas reduce their child's tuition by $J‘> per month for every hour of work during a week Parents mav cook, clean, serve on the board of directors, help plan the curriculum or teat h at the < o-op Not Only does lilts help re dote administrative costs, hut it also benefits both ( hild and parent, said Su/.\ Hlant hard, direi tor of the co-op t • * no I opicbb hiiuwtfu vjirib to a over please * Minimum 5 contestants. Pays 5 places $400.00 CASH * Starts 9pm Sharp Every Tuesday Beginning MAY 8th * Must Register in Advance CALL: 342-2723 or 344-6897 $400 CASH PRIZES CIVEN EVERY WEEK* JIGGLES TAVERM 2165 West 11th ’specific rules obtained at door "financially, it's tilt? best bet." said Blanchard, who has worked at the i o op for seven years "But it also offers so mm h for parents and children. Parents get to fie part of the center's everyday life '' t he i o op .i ! with any other ittet NP/hW ',.'103 Expires June 5, 1990 n OUAftM ilkll minit-lube 2300 West 11th Ave. (in front of Nachos) 687-8837 340 Coburg Rd. 683-4841