University African congress member to speak \i! i: riNi:s Women in ( onimunit aliens u ill hold .m information inert ing tonight .it a p m at University Park at tin corner ot I 'Diversity Street and J4th Avenue l'Diversity Democrats will hold a general interest meeting to elect l'totl ol officers and to plan tall term events The meet ing will he held .it t> to p m in I- Ml' I iedar Room II We want to know Please tell us what you think by fill mg out the reader survey in the Oft1 qon Daily Emerald on Wednesday May 30 -.-Oregon Daily_ v Emerald WJT ROSES '7.99 doz. \!s<* available arranged in a vase with tern \ babies breath $17.99 Doz. In the Parking Strut lute bv Sacred Heart on 13th St. Phone (inters well omr • Drlivvn \\4iUble I IOVVl KS ANDCIi'IS t st\ \ Ksm • i.n t i tth • »h°> pei.’ VNtSl • riDi.ll W1HI KS • 4H > l-».l Circle k International meets tonight at i> 10 m Room 1H0 Straub I’T ()T ( lull vvill hold ,i 1‘lioe nt\ Meeting tonight at V 10 in the 1 All' Fishlxm I Students tor the I thu al treatment ol \niniais meets to night lit t> in 1-All Suite I I ennnist \ctivist Croup will hold a planning meeting to night at 7 in trout ol I Ml Suite I SI’RAkl.RS AM) I I t . I I Rl.s Hr Benito Vivar a dm tor with the lAII.N in I I Salvador will speak today at t 10 p m in the KMC lien lander Room State Sen Crattan kerans will speak toda\ al I.’ 10 p in in thi' 1 Ml lien I intlei Room His topic will he the Held burn ing ballot measure "Mimesis and Alterity is the title til .1 present.itmn to lie giv i'll tinl.u .it -1 |) m liv I’rof Mi t heel I .IIISMK li'iim New Yuri University Fhe hut tire spun sort'll bv the IIumamlles (Center .mil the Kii>> I isli (lepartnienl w ill he held ill the I Mt \\ .li nut Room (.rail u.lies in rhetnrii .mil i ouiimmii ation u ill ilisi u huu they h.lVe used till’ll tie grees today el t p m hi I All (leilar Room (1 Desmond Sniit. member id the \ti n .in National Uongress will speak tonight at 7 in Kooni IIKl Uesi holes Soul lied South Afrit a in Max 1'lHH New Zealand In Hike" the title id a slide lei lure to lie pn seitled by Si oil Him like and hall (libsuli tonisth! at tt in Room inn Willamette I he lei ture is sponsored by the (hit door Program Oregon l)nil\ _ _ Emerald PI) Hot '|W, kltjtriw OTrgtMt ‘TT4H* The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday e*< opt during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing 0<* at the University of Oregon. 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Quails Nest Mini Storage Phone (503) 461-2073 90010 Prnlrle Roncl, Eugene, OR 97404 OHti good Voniigh Jun* 11lh. 1 BEST BUYS THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Helpful hints for the jungle traveler: Never drag your hand in piranha-infested waters