Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    Emerald EdltOFldl
People with AIDS
forgotten by bill
Congress passed broad-reaching legislation Tues
day prohibiting discrimination against people with
disabilities This bill is considered to lx; the strongest
blow to discrimination since the 1904 Civil Rights Act
With George Hush in office, this bill might come as
quite a surprise, even more so when you consider the
Americans with Disabilities Act first passed by the
Senate last year was one of Hush's keynote issues
during the l'IKH presidential campaign His signing the
bill is considered to be a formality
Hut when you look at the fine print, some ‘ human
istic" luster of the bill wears ofl
There is no dispute over how much good the bill
will do. The ADA is a vast improvement over the 197.)
Rehabilitation Act, which, while giving disabled peo
ple some rights, u.is extremely limited in scope.
The ADA will affect an estimated 4.1 million Arner
icaris who suffer at least one form of disability. Hotels,
restaurants and the like will be required to update and
improved disabled access. Private companies with
more than 15 employees will have to hire workers
without discriminating on the basis of either mental or
physical disabilities.
Common sense legislation, but important nonethe
Perhaps lost in some of headiness over the passage
of tin? bill was an amendment which makes the House
version of the ADA different from the Senate's. Known
as the Chapman Amendment, it would let employers
prevent workers with "contagious diseases" — includ
ing AIDS — from taking food-handling jobs
The Chapman Amendment, which barely passed
199- 1H7. is a blatant example of AIDS-induced hyste
ria Several experts have publicly stated their opposi
tion to the amendment, including Secretary of Health
and Human Services Dr Louis Sullivan, on the
grounds that it is unnecessary.
Invoking harsh legislation whenever AIDS is
brought up is not the way to deal with the disease. No
matter how often it is repeated, there are some people
who just refuse to believe AIDS cannot tie spread
through casual contact These people are the same
ones who favor a quarantine for AIDS patients and pro
mote ostracism and irrational tear.
And where is Hush, who lias i ast himself in the
role of the ADA's top advocate7 Curiously silent,
though aides have said he will pass the bill regardless
of the amendment.
Hopefully the members of the joint House-Senate
conference committee, where the bill is headed, will
come to their senses and strike this ridiculous amend
ment from what is otherwise a worthwhile piece of leg
^ ? «y;u. .Am
^ *“«vi Vt"v* i
S v. \ IA
Fans proud to be Ducks this year
I null .1 bowl game in I)ei ember to
events still waiting to untold, the 1'lH'l- l'I'H)
si liool vi’iii was lull ol spoils highlights
I In' tooth,ill tuain 1,11111' into the 1‘lH'l
stmsiiii with high hopes Ten st.triers were
returning on offense, hut most impurtantK
t|uarterha( k Hill Vlusgrave uas Ii,k k Iroin ,i
season-ending shoulder injun the vear he
< o.ii h Kuh Brooks team did not disap
point l he\ capped the veal with a 2 4 2 1
uin mei I ulsa in the Independent e Howi.
the Inst howl appeal,line lol Oregon sinte
While the football team was running
thiough people. Mill I )ellinger s cross conn
tr\ stpiad was running nwa\ trom people
I he men s harriers won the Mat Hit in meet,
swept the top live individual spots at the re
gional meet and finished second behind
Iowa State at the \( A A meet
It was also a sun cssful fall loi (lorn
Oregon's vnllevbul! team as the Dinks re
turned to the \( AA tournament attei a
dow n \ ear in l‘)H8
Ihe biggest surprise of the year un
doubtedly i nine on the basketball court trom
coach Don Munson’s team Led by Ferrell
Brandon the Dm ks went from an 8-21 team
.i year before to la 14 .mil an appearance in
the National Invitational Tournament.
At the same time, the utimcii's I>.tski>t
ball team the WVI I champs a year ht'lorc.
struggled throughout the season aiul failed
to make post-season play
Despite losing dual meets to Washington
and Nebraska. Dellinger's track team dnnu
naletl last weekend's I’ai 10 meet, winning
the team title and (dining away with si\ in
dividual winners At the same time, worn
en's coach Tom ileinonen had possibly his
youngest squad ever, hut lost the I’m 111 title
In oiih l i points to t'( d.A
I he team e\pet ted to do the most, i oai h
land llmwii's softball team, overcame a
mid-season slump and plavei injuries, tin
ishing with a respei table Is 2 ) re(old Al
though they were eliminated from the
N( AA playolfs they finished Kth in the na
tion. a highly i ommendable effort
And before putting an end to this sea
son. the men's golt team received another
\( AA regional tournament bid and tennis
player kumi Nagamoto ( losed out hei careei
n ith the most singles u ins in sc bool history
It s been a great year to be an Oregon
sports fan
RetenlK tile issui’ ot i in prop
it disposal ut ihrmii.il wastes
.it tin' proposed sight ut tin1
Riverfront Keseari h I hi i k lias
i min' tn publit .it l it it in ii riif
i urri'iit I'111 \ itsits tiiliniinstr.i
Inin seems tu In- mure i mi
i it ihtI w itti iliTii.il .mil i m it
lip til.Ill IT'I tllll .it n 111 ut t In*
pillllll'lll It SI'I' Ills tu till' tlll'V
shun lit take .i |> 11‘iim■ regarding
tin ■■ui i.iI and environment'll
i onseqiiiTii us ut their .11 lions
In 1‘lnt I worked fur the
1'iiysn .ii Plant as .i student it11
plovee tur SI H.*i ail hum 1
helped shovel nut tin- three
boilers whit h tllev upiT.ite It
wasn't until I was finished th.it
I was informed tllev disposed
ul low-level riidiuai the sub
strfiu.es 111 the hollers I was
also exposed to (rumbling .is
hestos tor three to six weeks
w (ole i loaning the turbine
before 1 gained know I
lection sii|)|ilii‘ii were paper
t.u <’ masks and t loth gloves
In addition, im i o workers
and 1 were told to dispose
down some drain holes about
JO pounds of trisodiuni-phos
phate that was being used to
clean the turbiiii' room It was
sliorth there,ittei w e found
these drain holes led directlv to
the Millraie I'here was a stor\
on the news soon after report
mg si urn on the canoes and the
death ot mm h marine life in
tin Millrat e
The administration olfit nils I
t ontai ted seemed more con
i ei netl w ith the t niversitv s
public image than ret 11 f\ mg
the problems oi even invesli
gating their e\istent I• It is sit k
filing to me that things haven't
changed min h since then The
administrators look out for one
another, refuse to release criti
cal information, and generalK
don’t t are about students era
they 111.1 ki* their pledge
Will la nr
( hemistrv
Tom Kilic [01)1',Ntav 17), 1
believe you a if oik' of thf most
stereotypical people I have fvi>r
heard In your Iftter, you de
( idl'd to tdkf .i 1>1 ■ ncl swing .it
thf greek system
Ton wrote "The greek
crowd is never there never in
volved I say yon are obvious
1\ looking in the wrong places
Our efforts are not world-en
compassing. hut niui h more lo
Roth fraternities and sorori
ties have raised thousands of
dollars ten local c hardies dur
ing your three years at the I'm
yersity In addition to the hard
work the gn-ek organisations
do for our community mam of
us partake in a myriad of other
Personally I have done vol
unteer work fur <1 local organi
zation fighting hunger and
homelessness And I am not the
only one Many of my fellow
greeks are members of tfie Stu
dent Senate, partii ipale in vol
unteer activities, and attend
meetings concerning world
politii s. plus dozens of other
thankless jobs in an attempt to
benefit the community
ironically, your letter ap
peared on l'niversit\ Day 1
hope you will not he so blind
as to not ,k know ledge all of the
fraternities and sororities out
and about the i ampus doing
volunteer labor so that vou i an
enjoy our beautiful I'niversitv
whir h you and I have the pm i
lege ot attending
I must admit your letter took
me In surprise I am complete
Is stunned that in an area sut h
as I.ugene which seems to
strive for open-mindedness.
dost* minded
Scott Odle
Theta ( hi pledge
Night of tin' hiving Daddies
poster distributed around cam
pus Does this band. The Had
Daddies, have am respect at all
for the dead or even for (ieorge
Romero? This group ot hirsute
hooligans has just gone too hit
this time
As penitent e lot this hoiiihle
at turn, the entire band should
be fort eti to sit through Dau n
nl llw Dent/ Jt tunes without a
toilet break This town has just
about bet nine unbearable to
live in with the thoughtless anil
sheet mat liisuni bravado the
Had Daddies have come to rep
(>arv Malt olm
f ine \r!‘