Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1990, Supplement, Page 8B, Image 19

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9kv uutlv the, Gollex^ o^ /iuAirveAsL ^dhttu4i<itsuAtio*v
General information for struggling business majors
To earn a degree in the l ndergraduau
Si hool ol Business, a student must he
admitted as a major and complete one of
tlie major suhjei t areas offered, these areas are
anountmg, ilei iston siietues, finally c, manage
mint, or marketing. All students extept .mount
me majors must aho i omplete a secondary suh
jt\ t area option.
( ombmed with other elei tive work, e.ii h of
the options may lead n> tin Bat helm of Siietue
(B.S.) or Bai helor of Art - (BA) degree in Bie-i
ties- Administration.
Aelmissjon to the ( ollege of Busjnes- -Vlmuiis
(ration as a major o possible unit alter junior
standing has Been attained Hoyyerer, indents
inti tuling t<> major in Business should dei laie pre
Business as a major until the pie- admission re
quiretnetits have Been met
Pie luisiiuss st at in ii» >i ■ |l(.| gnat antei admi
sion as a major Students m othei majors mas
not i hange their major to pre Business it then
o\ er all grade point u\ erage is less t Iran . c a.
All pre entry rei|iiirements must Be met prior
to final admission. Students may not pre register
for upper division Business courses until the ad
mission ptoiess is completed or londltlonal ad
mission has Been granted. A student will not Be
awarded a degree in Business without hay ing
Been formally admitted as a major.
Petitions for admission as a major when the
oyer all grade point average is Below J. ( S yy ill only
Be anepted from students yy ho have maintained
a . , s ( il'A tor the last three lonsoiutive term
totaling at least it- graded i redit hours.
Business School
• I lu firvr Masters degree was
awarded from the College of Bum
lies'- Administration in RC v
•Tin ile,in of the ( BA with tlu
longest tenure was \ u tor Morris,
who served as dean from RHn t.»
•In i‘M4 the fee' tot attending
t he ( BA were S1s
•Hr. William Robert, professor of
international law, has been in the
( BA longer than any other ai
live faculty member. Hr Robert
joined the ( BA in RCO.
• I hi MBA ill I ore'trs Manage
ttient, established in Mss, was
the only one of its kind for an en
t ire dl l ade.
Map to the Peer Advising Office
\. . in hu'inc" school staff member Alice (.'.arm's,
mans student* arc confused as to where the freer utilising of
In i i loaned If a f>erwn is entering (filbert from the dircs
tin’i of the Hnokstore on l I dh \i< , he or she uould enter
tin building and take the stuns on the right The office is lo
cated >11 tin s>n! of tin luill on the right
Upper Division Course Requirements
I he following ' i n Jn mur^ are required lor .ill
business majors:
lit ON Ans nV level la. on course e\i ept 'll and
I INI 'll Managerial 1 i ononrn s
I INI 'll hnancial Management
NIK IC i 'll Marketing SsMeno and IVmand
M( i.M I M 1 Management .iikI
I 'Si ' n1 lki>uu s!> St at ist u
HSl MS I'rodm turn Operation-.
NIC A! I -iS- Business Bulk ies
Hi a. S -Bnsiiu-s> i. nterprise and !
I oral l l i vin'. 7 7
i Vganizational
>i tal Rei-pon.si
,, -
ake it your business
to find out what’s
working in the 90’s
ou can get a headstart today! Come in,
to the GO Bookstore, and check out
our large business book Selection.
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