On, <7cu4>cJis College of Business Administration claims many local success stories HT he C ollege of Busi ness Administra non c;i n c 1 a 1 m m.mv prominent Business men and women as former students who have situe made names tor themselves professionally. 1 he following is a list of some of the well known, sueeessful graduates in the loeal eommunitv. Darwin Allison Owner Partner Allison Investments • • • Robert Anderson \cu scastci Kl 'ON Radio • • • Gordon hric Andresen 1'rcsulcru and lax ( dnnduint I op C are 1 P mie and 't ai d • • • Alan Dale Babb President 1 Vita Property C . onpany Richard Stanles Boetteher President ( 1:0 SeKo l tedit 1 nion • • • Carols n Chambers President t ’hampers t ommunii anons (, . >rporatu>n 1 imothv Clin^ Prcsiili.ru Bit Bv Bit c imiputers, Itu • • • James Cullop l )u tier T he Bookv ,tse Rev tew • • • Nav arre I)a\ is Courier President Kaufman's • • • Hon Robert Doerr Partner C Copers and I \brand • • • Andrew tames t )u net Artwork-- l hillerv Ronald braedriek President I ,ii e I true Inti , Itis • • • Ann Camille i iruber ( )u tier C ook * ,\i Htk • • • W av ne I lenninjrer <)n tut 1 he Spaghetti \\ arehoui>e lames Morgan 1 I ill ( )u JU'T Spi »rt lull 1 ">a\ k1 I iolloman President Northwest Mminn and Supply, Inc • • • Melanve Johnson {'resident Handcrafted Imports Not work • • • Jon 1 aHranch Owner Rennie's I undine; • • • Sharon Mills ( )u net C \ ijtees, I e.is and I hin^s • • • Steven James Nosier ( )unei Steven I' Alberto Sala:ar t )t<7ier Orn;ou He, iru Statton • • • Carols n Smith Pnudent \en I urt Irneatn >n and Supply Hr. I e.ili /u eie ( hnutr 1 e ihS NX me and i ompam I FOR BUSINESS SCHOOL STUDENTS! CHICKEN nuer SANDWICH NOW C'mort m for the DAIRY QUEEN" Chicken Fillet Sandwich We II serve you up i fumy, tender breast fillet nothing tiut all white meat Our Chicken fillet Sandwich is seasoned tust light and cooked up moist and flavorful served complete with mayonnaise and lettuce Who else :ould make it lor you like DAIRY QUEEN' > Try a Chicken Fillet Sandwich at youi participating DAIRY QUFFN" BRAZIER- stoie today WE TREAT YOU RIGHT i ► brazier Mt V*. >' i»! The STEREO LOFT is having a GIANT GARAGE SALE May 29 through June 2. Here are just a few examples of the tremendous savings: Headphones by AKG, Sennheiser. Signet. Yamaha, and Nakamichi all at 50% OFF list price. Sanus Speaker Star ds Reg Sale S10 pair Nakamichi TA IA Rt?ceiver J5 watts/ch • 1 Nakamichi TA 2A Receiver 50 watts/ch $‘>49 Nakamichi CDP 2A CD Player v < $409 $509 $509 Klipsch KG4 Loudspeakers $ ' • • $299 ea Khpsch Heresey II (Black Finish) $4. . ; $399 ea PSB 20 MK II Loudspeakers $100 ea $80 ea PSB 30 MK II Loudspeakers $150 ea $120 ea PSB 40 MK II Loudspeakers $200 e « $160 ea PSB 50 MK II Loudspeakers $250 ea $200 ea 3‘u Denon DRA 425 Receiver 55/watts/ch $450 $399 — Denon DRA 625 Receiver 70/watts/ch $550 $499 Denon DRA 825 Receiver 95/watts/ch $«00 $749 BAW 201 Loudspeakers $125 ♦-.« $105 ea BA W DM 1600 Loudspeakers $45* • $399 ea B&W DM 1B00 Loudspeaker-, $000 e.i $499 ea Yamaha RX 330 Receiver 40 watts/ch SJJ9 S249 Yamaha RX 530 Receiver 50 watts/ch S !i i $349 Yamaha RX 730 Receiver 70 watts/ch >4 *9 $449 Quantities limited to stock on nand Com*- e.irty for tne t>es» Cash check or bank card only THE STEREO LOFT ot Oregon Typewriter & Recorder Co M F 9-6 Sat 9-5 30 E 11th Eugene 342-2463 RENT COMPUTER SOFTWARE A l$oftwafce Pipeline— \ our complete computer and software store for s\stems printers, and accessories. Titles For: IBM, Macintosh, Atari ST, and C-64. HOT TITLES MAtAds>be SS. PageMaker 3.0. 4th X IHM—Word Perfect 4 I. Timeline 4 0. Inches football. Mac Write II. Mac Quicken ft). Pacemaker, lotus, t'orel brass II. f'llemaker II. Photoshop. brass I I. lltima VI. Iceman Hunt tot The buel. Hunt lor Res! October, and Red October, ami os et bOO more over 400 more Hundreds of titles to choose from. 3131 West 11th Ave. Kuyene. OR 17402 Hours: Mon Sal 10:00-7:00 Sun 12:00-5:00 343-9210 ■ ■■■■■■ *1 ■■■■ *i■■ *1 *i■■■■■■ ■■■■ ( iMIjHtll ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Rent any proijram for three full days and receive the second one absolutely rree.. i( )l equal or U.m'i value) Software Pipeline^