Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1990, Supplement, Page 6B, Image 17

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    Ill I! IIV, IIIIII I!
I MVI KM I '* l!K wen
K.M Kast 13th
• I i )\M S I MKI \KI S W'l W III Kl
• 1*1 RSt IN M I/I I) l*K( >1 I SSION \l sl IU |( I
• I NS I W I I I K Ml l> MSI S
• Ml III M Wl) > ( >1 I II I MU s
• \ M I K \ K
•I \S I ( < iM I’l II KI /1 11 Kl si K\ MU )NS
• l IIMI Nil \ I ( MUM S 1 l K \ I H t\
III )l KS N (Kl III s ((I \1 I >1 IKI ||. | IKI S \ I
$61 E. 13th AVE
(503) 445-4422
Haircuts ONLY
$ 10 o o *cot,POn
* Condition * Haircut
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Oiler Good thru June 1990
Wolff tanning available by appointment
9 Us ^GMsc/ts
Morris helped to foster CBA’s growth
If u follnu: ng is <m cxicrjii
from I hi \ it.ilit\ ot ,i I null
non; A I hstorv of tin- l ni
versttv of Orison (Allege of
Business Administration.
Vu tor Pierpont
Morris' tenure as
dean of the
>t hoof ot Business A.lminis
tr.ition was unusually long
ami tough. Serving .is Jean
tr< in 1l)'( to 11A , , hr served
the l« mgr-.i term of ;mv Jean
in the i < Jlege s historv
Morris I'eg.m ho .nsotia
non with tlx l nivei-m in
ll'll when he enrolled -e a
freshnian. ! le majored in
( ireek hut took elrtflVi •
from hot h h on a \ an. I r. o
nomu s.
1 . onotnis s was his love
"I loin tin fit a tiriu I it :11
an economies class," he said
some vv Years later, "I knew
I hat! tounJ the suhjett lot
II. teat hint.' t areer at the
I tmersitY began in I'h'n.
when he was appointed to
the i't 'la >ma s tat nit \ .
Morris’ spt i i.il fieltls were
labor economies and inter
natlonai ei ■ uwmiu s, hut he
lovetl teat lung the t ourse in
principle' toi sophomores.
"1 le w ante.1 ti - tea. h a
- Ux> many books? \
- moving?
- last terms txxiks? '
- graduating?
sell your books now!
- we buy Ixxiks year-round - one block from campus
- don't wait for the long lines.
sell your books now!
- current textbooks
- literature
- cliff notes
- paperbacks
- hardbacks
- and more ..
two locations
one block from campus:
7(>s H.ist 13th Avenue
('living hours monday triday 9-3.tX)
saturdavs 9-2 :(X)
■ ■ r.i - ... - - i. » u a ai ^
across from the post office
325 Willamette Street
buying hours nxmdav-lriduv
9-1 (X), 2 5:(X)
(.lass in principle1' because
that’s where they got their
start in economics." his wile
t ii a. e re. ailed. "Ansi lie It’ll
that when a student started
out in a licit) that the foun
dation that was laid was one
. it the most important things
t hat w as slone I. u him
\1<irro w as known as a
very personal dean and one
who communicated well
w it 11 hi' student'. He spent
a lot ot time talking to them,
and he did mut h to help
them obtain part-time jobs
when they were in school as
well as job- alter graduation.
His enthusiasm, energy
and leadership were not con
fined to the classroom. I tom
I'M’ to the early I^SOs,
M «rt; inter preted t he inter
ii.it i, iiial e. onomu 'ii aat ion
to Oregonians through his
radio program, tailed " I hi
World in Review " In the
early b'SOs he was the tii't
oi n unlit a tor on tele', is ion.
I Hiring t In deprcssit >ii in
the !l)UV, the SRA, along
with the rest , a t he l nicet si
te, 'uttered a ilrastis do line
in enrollment and faculty
pi .'It it 'll'. V new at 11! ie
dt an ;n 1'> a , Morn- rd
increasing enrollments, vet
money and personnel son
tinucsl to be 'I an e.
Morn* was undaunted,
however In the next feu
ve.irx, enrollment i limbed to
more than 1,000 and the
SBA bei a me the largest pro
tessii mal n. hoi'1 at the l ni
Morris’ passion lor inter
national relations continued
11 keep t he SBA at t he lore
front of international stud
iev 1 le thought the interna
tional si ene was the key to
the modern world,
“\ k tor felt t hat the tu
ture of this whole part of the
world rested in the I’acitii
Rim, Mr*. Morris said.
'AX hat we re talking about
ni ns, t Inn ss ere talking
about then in international
relat hms i onfererKes. I he
seed u as planted then."
Morris worked in the late
BMOs and early 1950s to
build the si bool's faculty- By
RAT, the SBA had grown to
(acuity members and nine
,1'sist antn
However, the l niversitv
, iuildn’t i ompete with other
state in sainric-. tor res riming
la. ult\ I o offset that disad
vantage. Morris used tin
iju iliry . it life in 1 ugene and
the , amptis to help attract
ext eptional lai ultv
: t % OFF
All printed
for our friends
in the College
of Business
We Support You
(next to Dairy Queen)