Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1990, Supplement, Page 4B and 5B, Image 16

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Heidi Von Ravensberg
Blind business student has many career options
cull \ 'Mi Ravensberg will
graduate this summer with
,i bat hclor of science degree
m marketing from the l 'niversitv’s
business sch«'■ >1. Along with the stiff
competition and p.irticuhtrlv trsmg
(.lasses dealt with b\ .ill business m.i
jots, Win Ravensberg fates an addl
nonal i hallenge. Slu' was horn with a
nonet u eyesight disorder and has
been blind all her life.
I he 2s year old ktigeninn has mas
tered efficient study methods with the
help of her mother, classmates,
friends and "some really fantastic pro
lessors," she said. Her mother tapes
assigned readings and students piti It
m with studying for exams.
"I also do a lot on mv own," said
Yon Ravensherg, who tapes lectures
herself in lieu of using I niversitv pro
vided note takers.
Yon Ravensherg transferred to the
l University from Lane Community
College, where she tried studies in
bngli-h, speech and psychology. But
alter a feu business e lasses she knew
right away she had found her niche
She -aid psychology and libera! ait
are field- sterei >t vpiealh designated
(or the blind, but her interest- lie in
business and law.
l orrunatelv, . omputers have made
areas of business and science more ac
cessible to the blind since the early
1AS0-. \ on Raven-berg 1- thankful
fur the braille printer and speec Iv-vn
the-i.'ed computer, which have helped
to make a major in marketing possi
ble lor blind student-.
Yon Ravensberg will continue t, •
successfully follow her pursuit- this
fall, when she starts c lasses in the
JPMBA program. I he II SMB.\ i
conv urrent busme - and law degree,
she said.
Her fir-t year in the program will
be spent in the law school, the nest
one m the business department, and
the last two back m the law school.
Afterward-, \ on Raven-berg -aid
she plans to go into a career in big
business When a-ked what she
think- is her greatest anticipated ob
stacle, Yon Ravensberg said that "just
getting hired in the fir-t place will be
ditth ult bee ause I'm blind."
Many problem- t.n mg blind stu
dents on campus are preventable. Su
Mr (. av ender, a ,i uinsek >r toi st udents
with disabilities, ■'.ik! bicya lists i utting
tti (runt of blind students .ind un
leashed dog- disrupting ( ■ 11id<■ Dogs
arc, unfortunately, all too ummuii
ix current vs Yon Ravensherg
couldn't agree mure
"People who slam doors m my tare
are also in, onsiderate, -he abided
\ on Rayensberg usually makes her
way aioutul y ampin without severe
difficulties, thank to Puma, her
t nude Hoc, Puma has worked tor
\ on Ravensherg lor eight years and is
getting reads to retire soon.
Puma, \ on Ravensherg said, seems
to have grown familiar with the daily
routine ot college > lases. I he doc a!
most immediately goes to sleep attet
getting settles! in a i la--loom, and he
knows when it's time to g.« by pi, l me
up clues from antsy students rustling
papers and ripping h;u kpa, k
W hen \ on Ravensherg begins her
graduate degree requirements in the
tall, she'll probably base a new t unde
Dog along with tier new workload,
she said Despite the stressful atmos
pliere and heavy demands that ai
company life as a business major,
Yon Ravensherg seem- prepared and
grateful lor the opportunity to meet
t he i halienges.
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