Oh, \\ Ho learned a toss haste tei htlii|iK's for makmy a profit as a ath *’! adt! “ I hose tlunes i ailed ‘wai. k\ paekayes, with h had yum and sta lot's inside, ssrro the hot Horn at out si hoid, and people would al was s trade thorn, ho - aid. "Tin vounyor k u I - muldn't ■jo to the store to yet them, -o | won! I y,, i, it t itern, ■‘I’d j>1 pas a dime t> >r i>tu ot these and sell It ior i cuts,” iiy said. " I hat*> boss I learned ah. ".it makmy a profit." I Inim. Sounds like a pret tv kejtonesi|tie stunt. A! svorkmy ayautst him m ho st n lyyle t.» dtspros oh. .; : it- qualities is tIn I,u t that fly is ptslit ii alls i i I! SO I S and >as > he atul his u ite "plan to lias e t Ilf (ss < > p< ‘til! whatever nunilvr ot kwh ev entuallv " But llu teeU that these tent- Jo not a lonsummati viipj te make. I le is ■ imph someone who knows sshat hi’ wants in Ills’ aitJ is sstll itm tii work hard to act it, lie aid But J> -i■- list loo: . ait nurnhet e,l i 'f tt it mill latest ■ it t a l;l>era! i umpii' that seems 1.1 hi- iloimn,iti il In le - it naiKtallv orienisil pursuits "Nt i, t hat , ate ■ -t t hi i|U.titties about this i am pit' there are a lot . >1 differ elit s less point he at.I " I e: .! n Is e etit it led l<1 their iws n >ah. "It somebods eloesfl ! Iiki ... ! ttnilet st .Itlsl," la a-1,1 e. i "But 11 it ierent tint m. til ate different people " Halt la. ■ tot GoLimoRks, V DON’T COME TO US FOR BLUE TOPAZ! I ivcla\ main gems are treated to enhance their beauts we can live with that, but we draw the line at irradiation The blue hue ot most commercial!) available I'opa/ is a product ol exposure to the radiation inside an nuclear reactor We support a Nuclear l ive World and coo/ lewelrv MoihI.is I rul.iv lO.iiii opm ''.Hindus lO.ini rpni 1 SvV \\ dl.mu IU • ’l|s DM■:<)!• I 111 HI ST MI DI \ pkiihi (Tins i'Koi;k nr is mi sok ihwist 'HANDS-ON' PRODUCTION CLASSES OMMUNITY COLLEGE Video Production, 16mm Film Production, T.V. Studio Production, Audio, Sc ripts riling. Computer Video Editing. IT’S NOT TOO EARLY TO PLAN FOR FALL TERM. MASS COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT FOR INFORMATION AND 1990 FALL SCHEDULE CALL 747-4501 EXT. 2473 HELP US i I IMPROVE THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD. I Please tell us what you think by filling out the Reader Sur vey in the Emerald on Wednesday May 30. Your answers will influence the direction we will take in the future. You will also qual ify for valuable prizes! —-^Oregon Duily-m hmeralm 19th & Agate 342-4972 Now Delivering Movies, VCR’s & Nintendo Games 7 Days A Week (Between 6 & 9 pm) * Friendly Service * Special Interest Videos (Instructional Fishing Workout etc ) * Sports Videos (Skateboard Golf B Ball Skiing Wrestling etc ) * Dollar Days Mon & Tues ’ Free Conscience & Educational Video Selection Free Popcorn Free Advice on Life and Movie Selection Free Posters 19th & Agate Locally Owned & Operated 485-3470