Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1990, Supplement, Image 13

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    Advertising Supplement
College of Business only getting better with maturity
tier numerous hardships,
.1 eouple ot mime changes
and 7 s years <>f ups and
clowns, the ( ollege ot Business Ad
ministration o looking healthier than
Ihis year marks the business
school's 7 bt h anniversary on the
University's campus- In its lifetime
the t BA has grown from claiming
only ,i smattering of students to ha\
mg 2,S00 business majors in P’S1).
In addition to the increase in stu
dent interest, the C BAs physical
structure has grown from the still
standing Commerce Hall (renamed
College of Business Administration)
to a conglomerate of impressive
buildings, the most recent being the
Earle A. Chiles Business Center.
In 11>00, the University catalog
announced the addition of a
School of Commerce, which uas
organized by then University prest
dent hrank Strong. However, there
was one small problem in terms of
the validity of the program: the
School of Commerce ecus not recog
nized by the l diversity Board ot Re
gents as an established program.
I herefore, no student could feasible
graduate with a degree in the field
After Strongs tenure as president
of the University, Prince I ucien
C ampbell took over, t ampbell did
much to establish the l niversitc s
curricula as it is today, with us liber
al arts core and excursions into pro
fessional training.
Included in Campbell's vision tor
the University was a detailed plan tor
establishing .1 Department of ('om
mercial .uul liuluvtn.il Vrvn- I In
board accepted l ampBell’s proposal,
hut divided to make this department
one part of an independent Si hool of
( ommerce. I lie si hool was officially
openeil in |une of HM4 ami was 1I1
reited hy Harry B. Miller, who re
ifiveii a yearly salary of SJAOO.
In BUI, after the nation as well as
the University had grown and al
tered its ilireetion, the name of the
Si hool of t ommerce was 1 hanged to
the Sehool of Business Ailmmistra
non. I his change reflected the unde
tuahle faet that the nation was traits
forming from an agriculturally Based
economy to one that was centered
upon indust r\.
C apitalism yy as then in its infancy,
and it soon Became apparent to tw
eryone that adcaiued education in
fields such as finance, aivounting
and foreign trade would Be impera
live tor survival in the modern age
I he l Diversity yy.is one of the first
institutions to recognne this need.
Indeed, the school yy.n one of the
first in the country to offer a com
mere t curric ulum at all.
1 he undergraduate program at the
Si hool of Busines- Administration
was accredited in BU ’, and yy.is one
of the first to rev eive accreditation
from the American A emhiy of t oi
legiate Si hools of Business. I lie grad
uate program and the accounting
program were accredited 111 B*tv and
1AS9, respei lively .
Since its Birth in B*H, the Liillege
of Business Administration has sur
vived hardships and Bouts with dev
_ 'll
t ..uru» I*h,.|.
/»»/>; l he tirsf building /«>r business sehool coltc^ijns u.is L'ommcrcc ll.ill.
lonstruitcJ in 11>2 /.
Ph *«,. b\ Mm lUfUkn
/ /»«.• nn<st null/ .iJJition to business m hool t.ieilities i> the l.irle \. Chiles
business i inter, established in ll>St' .it .1 eost ot > I.-' million.
astation, including two World Wars,
tin- Depression years and a stil'se
cjuent dei line in tinani tal health.
today, however, the (BA is
thriving. Besides the 2,500 students
in the undergraduate program, the
I urn t.. BUSINESS, Page 4B
College of Business Administration
Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence
Liberal Arts major
Business minor
I'hc breadth and bat kground of a
liberal arts ( urriculum. plus knowl
edge of how a business functions, is
a combination recruiters look tor! To
learn about the program and its pre
requisites contai t Don l.ytle.
Director. I 'ndergraduate Programs.
271 (filbert Hall, x t.-Ti2li
The 3/2 Program
A iive-vear B.A. MBA. It's best
to start planning for this program
when you're a Irishman. For
students who have demonstrated
they ( an meet a challenge! For infor
mation ( .ill the (lradn.ite School ol
Management. \ tjSBtOti.
J.D./M.B.A. Program
A four year program in Law and
Business. (Jain perspective on each
field; prepare yourself tor the issue
of the lH‘M)s: environmental choices
and pressures. Information,
(iraduate School of Management,
\ ti-;Lt(M).