CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 115 TYPING SERVICES ! TYPING UNLIMlTEO Barbara Land 48S 0890 125 INSTRUCTION f IN A: ‘ • A FTf • ' )MIN , How lo W'dr* Essay E uiru Fo A 130 FOR SALE MAKE QUICK CASH! Sell your... STUFF!!! ;A;jv«if!■%<* any .««*•• .terns for ■ » = ! Im* Deny Emerald Pay *• - 4 days at; isail i4 day*. ;*n u* and we a - •< ld*r I *«>» 4 nw*>' Single pally •> . Plata ads al Gaily Emerald Room 300 I MU UO Bookstore A The EMU Mam Desk or call us and charge it at 346 4343 jNo R.-'wftd*- N ' VISA MC IT WILL SELL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CA‘,10 CPS 300 Digit Prano bu«?t ' : ■ r, 6 »o»te plus susfi' pedal AC adaptor NfWrond S.’H'.OBO 683*741 COMPLEX SAlTWATIH aquarium 29 g.i. A in stand *.iters EVERYTHING MUST SELL $ I2M)80 346 XMAS 9pm FOR SALE Tull TKxJy m«>'■ s O N»m *at %ud Call Ml t/4? _ HONDA AERO SO runs great fffS Four custom RX 7 whlsistud lire* $ ISO Eclipse solid Oak 42" spkr* Marunt/ 1?0W amp Linear turntable dual cassette deck EQ 1800 686 116S KING $l2f waleft>ml .•«* dim! o '0 Headboard includes mirror 8 shelve*. $ tfiS 00 C'BO 687 9 03 eves [ hi ack/whiTT u Tv $20 sr hxx ■ ■ * ns typewritor 88 $4S blue t>e.r i bag Sts ! m J PAPASAN CHAIR paMel |lrltni P.e- 1 Import* $‘- VOHO 484 4f*V0 Ml u AND JUN» ? »> 1 ‘,yri*f>*• * or new $180 N ten do V«J«n Gar S>‘ tpm W‘2 Games $69 \44 2068 *.-<•,MA MA; 'i '.I wdh nttshr $17S Brc lypt-ante- eie $70 *' SOLID OAK <; offer* table a n •• -d tat contemporary styling, perfect rm>d tion $200 «•.*. h n«w. sell $9t • .* h 344 ISH6 «v«finr»g» SONr 11 COE OH TV 4 n t'f'SOBO Call 68J >•' • after S ;m Y ASMiCA '.A MU MAI *4 ' ■ sale $300*060 Fully automat«. Sl.R 2 d- ublE *■v ••1 n $" t *,VH't*d bike $20 Yamaha A, oust Guitar $1 ts 344 83/8 3rd row MICHELE SHOCKED $18 EACH 346 3712 SUSAN SHOW IS TONIGHT! )30 FOR SALE 135 BUY OR TRADE usCARS-CYCtES-SCOOTERS CASH PAID for cais and trucks run rung o» no! Ken 34 j HONDA PASSPORT Scooter' Great condition1 Just tuned with helmet SiSO'OBO 34.5 6706 SUPIR CfPTOR * .' i-• Radar STEALTH mod«j lealhe* Pvir u4 64 7* me a vf \f’A 7 'itt l ..»«• Tractor !> -V r-iu, ,»nd P12*>X nm- shap* 6? VW FASTRACK Body e.cel coftd A*le needs work (it jumps out ol 4th gear) $6M) JoAnn# 485 6241 ’*> VW VAN >nd ,’U .• | /(V. 4ft#> 5245 R«r>dy f 7*70 VW BUG looks gi**J rt,n% m’» 1 *»Mt rt)lt eng bra new > arb and gas ) sr-.Hhs S 1 400 i lr .V4b H9tth nny 1 *374 VW BUS great interior good mu- tenanr e ? |.«M*n0er SW 344 Oh ‘+4 • »/4 VW SUPfRBUG new fton? end s i «*t*f j brakes tors and starter $1000*000 485-0919 1975 VW BUG looks great fun*. we" Mot- su'UOof H30&OBO 34585/3 19/6 f ’AT 12H COUPt fun Hai..i- a* me* •• aMy $700*080 MS <4961 19 78 BURGUNDY :,AAh few k. mags MU'M-ir runs great $2?(Xi'OB* > at, a?/5 1980 FIAT BRAVA *> S|»«H»d an stereo M>. *>»• 1 l«n.“ e»c«‘i "ij $. . * 4 1 4030 1961 FORD ESCORT Gt runs ercei uni gh. 1 AMAHA ‘. I i A ‘ -1 , great S4>50-O8Q 4H‘> 3424 fr-kers more $ WOO-OBO i 99**8415 Mi N[)A PHff So Must M-i $225 OBO 66/ 917 ar.k U t T.m K • HONDA C UTf Deli;«e U>w -• • f» • . -1.1.on $500-000 19fV HONDA El Of 150 PLX red e» • «m. HONDA 8(i SCOOTER New 196' 1968 BLACK SUZUKI Savage 650 Mint condition 2800 mi $1700‘OBO 346 6221 $T20meg 342 693- . all after 8 68 VW van Runs great new brakes S9SO.OBO 686 5569 * VW •• AMPfR Puns t. s : .* $1550 48‘. ;- Oh *4 VW SUPERBf f Ti £ 11.000 U-.S New fire*- . ms nun h ure Sharp $2300 6696025 -RABBIT Kh CV s batter« o.l analysis Dependable ■ us CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS A ->g $?;>'>". 146 9490 .'9 VW CAMPER S4260'o»ter 344 3934 fif> HONDA tllTf 30 bodily damage $300 unci belmelt K.m 68? 1968 >nqa run 8? SUZUKI SAMURAI $ *. ’SO 060 344 89: ; T AMAH A ' H » .*><• '**r,i J9SOOBO CallJa* iso BICYCLES i HAM< 'Si > HAt K Ap< 1 > I itla* Asking $*00*080 34 MI N S 12 '.pee ' fm yr it- A great t.t**e ! $/*> ! Amv ii 348 8680 MIVATA 1?M*0 melalli. ph,*- <■ * tries 'ra? i,s hike Ii KfyJ ' RAUEGH POINTF min bike improved component* $300 Niihiki 12 »pd $100 M>k« 342 7946 • ARONNI Chfom, .! ' Jk m Stum an > UMtfra Comp A tiro Rims $40Q'OBO J46 6282 am s 10 SPf ( HlKf Mens .v ► $V' -44 , • iMi'l Ask 1 Dubby 10 SPfi D GR£ A f 1 $ 'U.OBO Hike »at k used 2* t>e%1 14#. ;*8MM Am* MS CI NUIRION LfMANS HS ra-.-ng tlike 2 1 Cafeye - ..impute' $260 48‘. .'491 i leave message 68 ‘ 94S9 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS EVE REX 386 4 MfG HAM Mi MAG haftJ d«v« d'nbci monographic*, dis play 101 key Ji.a 346 1186 HP 4 1CX L IK | if* m« wilf St tent*!.: Program Pact Pam $386 asking $200080 N.< * 68? 00S? IBM PCjr ISt.’K ihak lender du.e -5 doves . • fr*-.»-"6ii o*g Perfect plus kits of s Harare Call Ni k 68/006? MA( PLUS Uj MB H(! . S MB RAM MORE $1 600 OBO 7 26 1**01 PA SARD bill sea bo* VRAM 4UM *«• VGA MO.-.'U . 1 ’ 19" Color TV & VCR $300 683 4824 20 MHZ 030 Accelerator MAC Plus SF 726 3601 160 SOUND SYSTEMS ■ ARVEft 900 tm fiver Bose k ’ Vi speaker* YamaRa h/Ve deck Vector research turntable $7 S/O BO Receiveriamp $86’OBO Advent Baby II spfcis $110/080 All il»mj mini' 346 6221 NAD 3140 AMP $’V NAP t>340 tape $ 'S ' -UO-Bookstore TDK WEEK Ihe Bigger. ! t)K Metai M,. TDK SA 90 I 1^"^ M ^ ? k SA T 10 00 6 00 BOOASTORl 346 4331 $1 99 $1 49 160 SOUND SYSTEMS —UO-Bookstore— SPEAKERS 160 INSTRUMENTS UAiun Ai GUITAR Takamm* * r ■ S. $i. we" .*?,t Ne* 'uV Mayhftf, ... M ! . uod'l" ’ Candy apple 'e»i a Id c.v.$ MOO brta'i 34 2 f,89» wo RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen's Encore We pay TOP dollar lor Man % anti Woman * clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 NOW BUYING iso OUTDOOR RECREATION NEW ZEALAND BY BIKE Scott Btschke and *ati Gibson spant a yaat down under a* plortny by bike and will share than a*pananca Thut May 24th at 8pm in 110 Willamette Hall *4365 Free' 195 TRAVEL HEADING FOH EUROPE THIS SUM MtR’ Jet than* anytime from Seattle ' SFO lor no rnorr than *?69 or from tast i oast io< no mote than $160 with AlRHlTCH 'a*. reported m Consumer U- ; ? 15 NY ' wies and Eats if. • Jr.* I til * - ad 212 «64 2000 ONf WAY EUGENE to Rtw. tester NY . a Portland and Detroit leaves June .1) StOG Call /41 3644 8 • 39*it MOO t way !u ket Port lb t< NY leaves . 12 Call 344 fv4t)S 2io OPPORTUNITIES DID YOU KNOW? i Evan though you are e- rotted Spring you need to tile an INTE NT TO PE GISTE R CARD I »ltt ! the JMME R Si .' ON | There rs still time to do it SO stop by (33 Oregon Hall or the OP., a o» Admissions MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. CELEBRATION COMMITTEE Students interested in serving as STUOENT ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE to this committee should pick up ap plication into m the ASUO Office DEADLINE: 5pm, Thursday. May 24 ?io OPPORTUNITIES IT'S NOT TOO LATE INTENT TO REGISTER CARO ’ (Study Abroad ON UO PROGRAMS m HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMf R JOBS Help yourself Help you' school The Uo*0 Teiefund wanls yen. {.if $hhf w n-king f •€► *«t:-i «* clay and evening shift • Can ;u<, u »t o( stop by .’001 F t.tntdm BtvO todtty AMI YOU wo'k study < embed and mtei f ted e working A‘1' 'onego students this Summer*’ ’ a wo'k sti.d. positions a'r open this summer m international So' »-*ces If interested please can Terry or 5a rah .it it. 3206 SVhr DANCERS WANTED ' Oggie- Tav t*rr Oregon s nicest first class club High earnings potential Full or part tune 18 years plus Call J*m or Corma for pe'sonji interview *166 W 11th 344 6897 i XPERlENCEO OEU help wanted Morning shift 8 30 2pm Apply in pe< Sun 207 f 5th A VI KRMA ; .impus Radio is l«• -fc> ng for two hard wo' individual'i to serve as direr tor amt assistant director Positions commanc e immediately and will run thrSpring 91 Must be outspoken personable and willing to administrate all .isp<*t 1S of the ..realitm of KHMA Radio eipeoence nv ommended buf not i'i“ essary Pick up |Ot> desenp !■-. and applu abon* at ASUO offlO Deadline is 6pm 5/2*9 AA-fcOfc FAX SALES OPPORTUNITY If you have sales ability and a real desne to earn an outstanding j income without limitations ■ an us j > immediate!, We have the Facvm. lucrative territory and strong i support Thus is a .nee1 opportu ; ndy for the right person We I ! reward success Call 226 1435 Jani Aden PACIFIC OFFICE AUTOMATION 916 SW nth Portland OR 97205 S?UDf NT MACHINIST WANTED %' t $* h: DOE Met harm .ti fab' abon ma chining pH. h up-de •«- v Mo*'. *' - " and ret.iti-J work E«pe» «-n- • wdh mr mg and taihe machines hand fools, soldering and electronic construction Dovers license required 15 20 hourvweek during school possibly more during bleaks Excellent opportu t> for motivated person who wm t.-e on campus for one to two years Please bring resume to Technical Si ,*'i r Admin Room 15 P 1 ^_ a Rh O’* NEEDED SUMMER TERM • • >•' ' ’ ■ stbie po&ihort tor coming school and Allied Arts 198 Lawrence 22b APTS.-DUPLEXES LOOKING HIGH & LOW Pi? 1331 High Si Campus bv-ng at it ‘> belli Select studios Starting at $250 Can manager at 484 1165 Bennet M<;» r C<, 915 Oak 300 NOW LEASING The Collegian U of O 18th 8 Alder The best m student living1 19 home cooked meals per week • - • ■ Air conditioning . more* Call John or Bob 344 3684 NOW RfNTlNG for summe and f«*>: I jin ! and 2 bdim units near musir bidg Can alter 5pm Ridgewood Apts 688 6769 NOW RENTING Compare and Save 630 t i.trr. 1884 Garden 500 E 18th 1930 Onyx 944 -*4b I 19 1 bdrm 2 A 3bdrm 2 bdrm l & 2 bdrm .,>r Klem Properly Mgt 485 7776 QUADS STUDIOS 1 bedroom 2 bed room available June 8th 34 3 4109 QUIET 2 BDRM town house ''-ear cam pu- Private patio, covered parking laundry pels' Lease $439/$489 1437 High $44 7434 342 8658 Ava> able June 10th covered SEF EOR yourself' Best 1 bdrm turn deal 7 36 \ 17th 344 1583 343 2114 Hurry1 SPACIOUS 2 BDRM apt Utt and Ft ry 5375/mo Open June 15 Sept l Can 68 7 9697 O' 346 8466 SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor I860 Alder Street Can * c r summer ..vatlabiidy Stu di> . t 2 and 3 bedrooms Dor r be caught m the annual Fad crunch1 144 ‘*95 Jennings A Co 683 4219 SUMMER RATES Cedarwood Quads Am atfo'dabte alternative to shared Campus living AM utilities paid Can now for summer availability .144 9291. Jennings & Co 683 4219 SUMMER RATES Blackstone Manor & Umv Manor 1750 Alder 745 E 15th Studio t Bedroom $250 $265 2 Bedroom* $375 $395 Cail tor .ns, 687 0684 TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUM MER AND FALL LOW SUM ME R RATES 144.' E 18th Mgt No 19 344 4 760 taking reservations eqr sum Mf R AN-:! F At i l !•■.*.- gu---1 . bdrm l bik to UG Low low Summer a* SUfWJeck laundry tots f parking 683 8919 15lh & Olive Apts 95 yv T5th Quiet living close to cam pu* and downtown area* StudrOS and ed Covered parking Laundry facilities available F t uti $365 Manage? 484 563 1 Bennett Management Co 915 Oak St 200 Realtor 485 6991 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ANPV, W CHECKING THE CHEN BECOME 1 GO' n^OFf OKAV* ANPY? PIP YOU HEAR ME 7 AM7Y, MU, YOU SKPOmm OUT OH ME * IT'S 5E-A& ANPy7 \ am vouotrr $ - n ee nice._r Second Hand Clothing NEED CASH? We BUY used clothing 'Nfw. 2 yrs old) C all Mornings for Appt 344 7039 10-6 Mon.-Sat 360 E. 11th '-•iw. ...