Thursday. May 24. 1990 Eugene. Oregon Volume 91. Issue 159 Oregon Daily Emerald Briefly The Amazon ( noperatii e ( 'lliId ( !are ( ienter m,i\ appear to be a chaotic haven lor c hildren between the ages of two and six hut lor 1 nivcrsiti students who are also parents, the < o-op pro \ ides a Iowa cist alternative to other t hiId c are programs See stnr\, Page 4 On Campus l eminist/Activist (.roup will hold a planning meeting tonight .it " in front of I All Suite 1 Dr. Benito Vivar a doc tor with the I-All \ m Id Sah adc a . will speak toda\ at t It) p ill in the KMl Ben I iiuler Room Desmond Smit, member ol the \fri( an National (iongress u til speak tonight at 7 in Room 10(1 1 lesc holes Smit fled South Afri c ain Mai 1‘IHH Sports Pern Portei lot a di i\ mg jumper with I7 sec mills remain ing and the Portland Trail Blazers oven ame a 70 point third cjuartei lifti* it to heat the Phoenix Suns 108 107 \\ ednesdai night and take a 7-0 lead 111 the Western ( unterellc e finals Weather BUS ■ STOP Show its dci leasing today 11 (1 partial < tearing I lighs near fie I'arth ( loudv I'lmrsdav night, with increasing i lands and a chance of rain i'ridav Brazilian activist denounces racism Da Silva speaks on color ‘myth' By Pat Malach ()iit■ nt tin1 biggest problems f.itcil In minorities in is tile belief In Hr.i /.11 does not has e .1 1 ,H e priib letli s.iul loselilui d.i Sill .1 .01 ,11 ti\ 1st m the bl.H k .md lenii 111st movements in 1 min tn Dil Sill,1 spoke Wedlirsdal in the f \H fir Room to .1 1 n ml ot t 1111 i‘isitv students and i oinmuniti members Hi,1/1I is knon n ill 011 1 the imrid as a |d.n • where Iliere is no 1,11 ism she said rile I HI is live peat el 111 1 V baud ill hand am! hiai i s and whites are so tilendll tllei el ell go to bed I)n Sill .1 1 ailed tins allilltde tile until ot 1,11 lal detnol \ ' I A en the so 1 ailed priigres sli • people 111 III,i/ll sal that there is no r.ii tstn." she said Hul d,i Silva jh! Iheie .in' many instant es of rat ism ti( t lit in lin- rownfi \ u<* tinnolit I'd I'dcv imou Hi,i /it’s most powerful ton e lor fotmini; pitlilit opinion plavs ,m mlr in iho insti tutionali/ed i.a ism tins important means of i iinuniMnt ation never shows the III,II k CM ept win'll ll l ■■ lo porti.H them .is i riminals or will'll ll is In porll .IV til.1 w nil! nil as ilnmnstu workeis sim In c in plus nii'ii I (la Silva sanl il ,i iil,it k pci son anti i while person an- applying tin ,i joii the while person will alvvavs he hiieil And it two Iil.n k people .ne applying Ini a jot) the lighter skinned per sue will he hired ( tne ol thi' most important mil's ol the hi,it k mm cment in III ,i/.i I is to df non lit e i ,i. ism .mil lot us attention on il I),i Nils a s.iiil tins is a jiriililrm liri ,nlsc wlii'ii ks hi-gin iIim ussuig i,u ism 1111■ \ .Ilf ,li i tisi'il ot m\|< ugni/t w hf n thus ti is f bni'n iIim i mi in,ilfil against it.i Nils,i s.iiil rlif worst suit' ot tin- r,n isin in Hi a/iI is whfii thing. 11kf this hci|ipfii thf hi.ii k |if rson 11 id n't tee I -.In- bft ii (itsi riniiii.ilfil .in,mst it.i Nils ,i s.ud 'i on might lifii' that hint k |n'rson suv that it u as hf i I,mil Many him ks are ashamed ot saving that tiles have heel! disi i iimn.ilfil against I Ins e. ■ ii. ot tin- things wo has.' hffn lining in thf him k move |t»M»Jitt«i da Silva nit-nl is {t» havr p» •<»j»I * * sir it is mi hmmhi to hr •ish.imtui Shr addl'd low sr|| i■ s li'i in iiinuni; Marks also m.ik«*s it iiifiii ult to :;*■ t hi.i< k ( .Inii 1 (i.11«"• rln trd It i (loll t like MlVsrlt it I Turn to DA SILVA,Pago / Peterson’s pride I'.rii I’rttTsun c\ults iiltt'i winning the 1 ,~>()() meter* in I -41 I > to hrr.ik the \( \ \ ,iiitum.itu s'tunthinl <»/ .1 -Unit ,it ll eilnes /V.///>/» Hill ()pen .it llnvw ,irtl liehl See s/on , H Photo l>v Stovi* ( anl Parking plan criticized at discussion By Shen Met/ler U re! ni'sii.i\ mu,111 1111111111.1111111,11 iniiftinn about the I ’imiTsttv s pro pusml parking strut.turi' limit'd min .1 111',lied 111 • 11.111 • nvri wllt'lllfl till' si mi tui" is .11 lu.ilh ni'i'ili'il mill il il is U Ill'll' >1 slliilllil lir plai rd Abiilll id pi'opli' u i'H' pii'snil ,11 llir mrrlltu’ hi'lil .it Kilison I I• • 1111■ 111.1 r\ St hool. In Vi>h i■ tin'll opinions .ilioiit tin- proposi'il structure kmi Kmvc pit's nil nt ol llir Student < oupiT.iiiM' \ssoi i .ituni .said sin' tn■ 1 ii• \ ml .ill llii' opiums mil lii'i'ii tulh explored I would 11ki■ (<> hear a lot more o|i turns Ilian just one site she said I in rent plans < all lot a >H > spat r pai s i 11 -.Iriii tu11 to be built on Alilri Stif***t between tilth and I 'lh avenues llii- iiri'ii is now in nuptial b\ tennis i units I'nivrtsiH plantu-i David Knur pie sentrd two options tor thr struiturr sta• ins; tin- strut birr was not tltr rli tnr solution to tlir t nivrrsilv s parking>I<-1n but tust mu' part of it Our option has all vehicles entering tlir struiturr via IHth Avenue along an ■ a i cs. road between thr Musit Si hool and tlir ( 111111 a] Services building llir ot hr I I alls lor I'lltiani rs on both Aldn SI rrrl and 1 ittli Avenue Rowe said both hit and vrhu salrt\ had hurt! studied in addition to w hat the an i|tialit\ in the area would hr it thr si I'Ui lute w as hit lit I It' said thr all tpialilv on Aldri Street would hr with in allowable standards, while the ait tptaliU on IHth Avenue would hr worse Ini! still w ithin limits I hr '1111(11111' itself would hr hrii k and well lit Rowr said Ur have no desire tin a toniirte biinkri hr said Rowe i ilrd the natural slope ol thr land as thr advantage to this part it trial site Hr said the slope provides thr op portunitv tor thr strut turn to have three levels without building interior ramps l lii strut turn would br built halfwav to Turn to PARKING.Page 7