CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 165 INSTRUMENTS 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION NEW ZEALAND BY BIKE Scot! Bischk© and Kali Gibson spoof a yoai down under e* plortng by bike and will share their experience Thur May 24th at 8pm in 100 Willamette Hall *4365 Tree SKYDIVING An inside look at this unique sport Filmed by skydivei*.' The Ultimate Thrill Wed May 23 at 12 30. Outdoor Program *4365 Free' 195 TRAVEL June 14 $98 60 Contact L>z 48‘ » ‘.9 As6 > • • ■■ $220 000 ONE Way Eugene to t A Us A - D«* ONF WAY Eugene to SF leaving F h in $ 1W Cr..miat ! El'. aheth 683-670 ?io OPPORTUNITIES ASIAN STUDENTS mand al English you could earn $4 lor assistant director ESCAPE Field Stud-es lor the 1990-91 Stipend and upper dues.on • u‘dd included 20 25 h-s. a* flexible OFFICE MANAGER EMU and due by S 2‘> Fo» DID YOU KNOW? • h " c • ire 9 ' you need to file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD ’ ■ . » #tit- i i !» •■ suMME R sE SSiON There is still time to do it so stop by i 333 Oregon Hail 0r the Office of Admissions MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. CELEBRATION COMMITTEE Students interested in serving as STUDENT ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE to this committee should pick up ap plication info in the ASUO Office DEADLINE: 5pm, Thursday, May 24 SWIM 1 SUN BUSINESS ;,HOUP Pleasant moneymaking opportunities Bas. ; business Don Wilson POO 24661 Eugene 9 7 4t *2 210 OPPORTUNITIES IT’S NOT TOO LATE INTENT TO REGISTER CARD • NANNIES Indispensable*. Inc 1 ftOO 3S6 98 7*1 PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERNSHIPS' SECONDARY SPlciAl EDUCATION PROGRAM 215 HELP WANTED AMAZING SUMMER JOBS a •►.'Kj fleviMe lay .«"<5 eve* Shifts Call 346 34.1S of stop t>» f »an»clm R|y;) today_ CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW ' W; .* 1 feet Lotus andor -i DANCERS WANTED High warnings potential Full or part 344 t>ny/ EXPERIENCED DEU hr!;.- wanted M■ g 830 2t>'' Apt i , in per S' • • ’ £ Sth Avt» i ME E m- x )M .n !•-. «- »• ...f, .. UO Soma gardening and . bores Re? ■; Prefer grad student 4rt4 S4?3 KRMA i ,i Radio iS tooling tof two har t work ' j individuals to serve as due tor and assistant director Positions imio" . »• ■mmediately and e run •' uj 91 Must tie ’-..'sti-.-Kw ptV'si t!.t© and willing to atlnuuisl'ale i i fi ts of the . 'r’at ‘ KRMA Radii' enponence re, omineiulsd but nut necessary Pic* up job descnp t •. and applit ationa at ASUO nffi, e Dt-ad "e is Sprr *>-29 AA E OE FAX SALES OPPORTUNITY i* y . . nave sales ability and a 'eat lesue to earn an outstanding - orne wdhout limitation •_» ' aL uS immediately We t'ave trie f a- sirm ! le industry S leading produr t me a lucrative territory and Strong Support This is a career opportu Mi’y • ir the right person We lew jr J success Call 226-1435 Jani Aden PACIFIC OFFICE AUTOMATION 916 SW 11th Poilland, OK 97205 m HELP WANTED QUEERS' The Daily F meraid to know CAN YOU SOLVE THE PUZZLE? ??o WORK STUDY POSITIONS WORK STUDY NT FOLD SUMMER TERM ??5 APTS DUPLEXES ANTIQUE At* • >» " '>pACIOUI studio BSMFNT APT now available summer o» year lease 143 904-1 CHEAP AS DIRT' AMh FEATURING The Millrace Apartments STARRING low Summer Rates ON LOCATION AT 1805 Garden Aye ’ Flowered Courtyards ’ Laundry Facilihes * Friendly Minagement * Bedrooms trorn $3fS Call Gary 345 7275 Jennings & Co 683 2271 i6T29/!5) Harlow Nd (15 (s> t,.u» to UOT Fa. ' !.#**. Ffafrig lau- J» > j.l l.jv« * > aft ' I ■ ketthif ' -op Oh'y j'xnxmu 4rtf ni HUGE 1 BORM 1 . blot,»s to ampus Buj windows parking $»• *'ul huar $ h’S 484 4« 98 NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMER AND F ALL i i. ' Bl'HM apt .1 se to .i r v juiet >rnpie« L g walk - et separate yaruty and half* an'-d'y ..,er«d parking Larry 4«4 4 103 LOOKING HIGH & LOW F’trk 1331 High St Campus living a* 11 s best Seine I Studio* starting at J2‘*C ail manage' at 4rt4 1165 Be' el Mgmt Co 915 Oak 200 NOW LEASING The Collegian U of O 18th. s Alder The best *n student living' 19 home cooked meals pe' week m available June 8th 343 4109 SUMMER RATES Alderwood Manor I860 Alder Slrtfl Jennings 4 Co f>8 1 4219 SUMMER RATES Cedarwood Quads A i" 'll — id*-' ! i i ) . irnpu* living All paid C-iH a' jf summer sivd'hifuiify ui :i,"« Jennings 4 Co 68 J 4*19 SUMMER RATES Blackstone Manor 4 Univ Manor 17S0 Aider MS E I5lh Studio 1 Bedroom I2S0 $265 2 Bedroom* $375 $395 R*"*ervdlions for Summer and Tall TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUM MLR AND TAIL LOW SUMMl R RATES ; . . ' S . t.d ■■■ * .u ' '44. I idtn Mgr N 19 T AKING Rt'.hf MVATi! ,‘N\ F OR SUM MLR AND fAi . large* ■ quiet . f>iJ}m 1 trlh to UO I A A Summer .i’-' N«* a 4f 1*1 : r-nh a .rP'r- ! '»i” ''i i ■.Ir » i . !■ , I t', ,t f eking 683 6919 ?30 QUADS _ I VI t H PARK QUADS *QH Tyler Street l mj»! * finished ;,j «•)•. *dh J ' rate 1 i,f i An utllitie*! pa- : On site lauodry off n!'W»«t park .j r I 'rrt.i 1809 * s«e 122$ Jennings 4 Co 683 4219 WILLOWTREE Quad* 1560 Lincoln Street * Private Baths * Large Shared Common Area* * Quiet Location * Private and Comfortable • 1233 239 Call 343 5087 Jennings 4 Co 683 2271 l"»pu S T A -n. Apts 7 ]•'. { 14th $ 169-month Jumr If- Aug 3’ $200 deposit Share kift hen a !h one drier perst-n .14 3 1009 or 726 ?>4f>9 ?3Q QUADS ALDER STREET QUADS ?3bHOUSES WANT l D ?*o ROOMS suMMt R ROOM -. AVAIL ABl t HALLCD US 4ISS ?50 MOVING SALES WHAT A BARGAIN S' ♦ ?60 ROOMMATES WANTED MM At l ROOMMATE needed for Summer Friendly roommate* large yard S188. mo UJ l NE EO ' F Alt TERM ONLY . FEMALES , u )• >MMA '! -. NC f Dt O 1 i •• u- t.- I ,.r ! Mr ;.»■ hrt# -Ml '• 1 HOMM H< iU'.l WnM •. j’ ) SOO-m.u af'.l $30 utilities /4 ’ ~0 EVENTS TCF MAJORS RESERVATION FOR FALL TERM MAY 23 y 12 SRS. GRADS MAY 24 9 3 ALL TCF MAJORS Latin American Support Committee and Council for Human Rights in L atm America present Atro Brazilian feminist Joselina da Silva Struggles and Strategies ” Black Women Organizing in Brazil TONIGHT! 7:30 p.m. EMU Fir Room S1 students $2 general | Co sponsored t>> CSWS »SA Ml i r> A S A A S( !) t uitu'Jl F - „m ASUO W* . ... Irr ! )ff f At firmatnre A • .c 1 t'm M.stn-y Etfnr Studies ’*•>• • ' 'Jr Roman •• t c Quayes and Women *. '.tudms i Departments 2/5 EVENTS SMOKER 280 ARTS* ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E. 13th • 686-2458 »V < ■ NT V* '"■V. tjk.j) S, A. H '• ~’'irW’il TKTTBNATTffKAN [/JlyOUPNEE OF ymf ANIMATION J Y • * ’ » M NM Th umana ... jgHIKNRY V ■■m-minjKit] flSAl J PAYS a, ?>> «*• IIGHTBREECh irniTTZii I? n fwiTm i s* JiXHAiY PfPP ^ M i JOHN** OiP? Cry-Baby ■■ , * CVSVOI »*■' ^ Pocket Playhouse Presents A GIRLS GUIDE TO CHAOS J play by Cynthia Heimel 5PM THURS, FRI, SAT MAY 24. 25, 26 University Theatre presents KABUKI BACCHAE May 11. 12. 17. 18, 19 25, 26 Robinson Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346 4191 $6 00 General Public S4.00 Students 295 MASSAGE A BODY WORK STOP SHAVING AND TWFEZING' ; Ait» . .• j »■ ,vi often* ioa %futier*! r,*?»--. 5t4»1 you' 1 ! ! • ft f ■ Summer Alv> fa .»! 1 r !y a rk .it i eyeb' *•> Dhapeo ft,.?m,* rf*Si.!tS KifK.l’J St t), AfthiMo Pii> 14*. 5770 300 COUNSELING PROBE I MS .hi the UofO Ost* C«•« let *■ ■ < mn e.lidte persona' ■ Ouhsehny ‘if. tiy • ' !*•• • .11 146 44rtrt 305 SERVICES Episcopal Campus Ministries Wednesday E vening Eucharist hflh 9972 vroaini We ship your stuff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes Packaging Store 2705 Willamette St. 344-3106 NATU R AL F I B E R S C) U A I. I T V CLOTHING affordable P R I C E S I I Banyan 'free ! t K S I I A i h lj.| K A II A A A 1(1 6 M IMA S ;i t I ; I J A s u i* U J \ *■ Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson StARIHG DtA^H m tVit (Att . OUfc IWINK'J iASl H ■ ■ fcR TO 1 ttf 5ACRU KlAV (*U, ; 1 •jU*iU ANO 'iMCXjlHL-i R£>CUtvj (OR 1W. Tiny ^ Mot* HLMjVtK I H lKit> I IH WS 9E.LT • y \ 1 w *U'kH\ j DtOA'.U. I mu: i u. rksut, \K *>'*** h»< v ‘j&MAw ' NOtfOO^ j * VJUA. WtW ■ CALUN «,vft ML TMM KU8W-R HALLO kK*HT M HVJrt I I I SW3 NuwY MME.'