Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 23, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Daily Emerald
Weather may be a
factor in Hill meet
Today 's Ralph Hill ()pen
might not materialize as e\
ervbodv hail hojitnl
Athletes from (Iregon and
other ( ullages will attempt
m toda\'s meet at I la\ ss ard
Field to meet N( \.\ auto
main qualifying standards
lor next week's \t AA
Championships at Durham.
N C.
Hut because ol expei ted
rainy weather. Oregon
coaches Hill Dellinger and
Tom Heinonen might hold
several athletes out ol < uni
petition and wait until this
weekend to take a last
chance at NCAA qualifying
Although the men current
Is have 1(1 automatic qualifi
ers and tile women tour, ses
ernl NCAA veterans have not
vet qualified for a return trip
to nallocals
On the men s side. Brian
( allien | pole vault) and Hri
an U right (4(10 hurdles) s\ ill
he looking fot their sec ond
straight trip to nationals
Ian Peterson a 1 am meter
runner, who went to the
N't A A meet two seasons
ago. is also looking toward
an \< \A ap|)earani e
lor the women sprinter
Rosie Williams is seeking to
return to the N't AA meet in
the 200 while high jumper
Laurel Roberts and disius
thrower Stephanie Smith
will he seeking their first
N( A A appearam e
Hut Heinonen is sending
the trio to the Long Hem h
Invitational in California
this weekend instead, where
weather conditions and
competition will he better
The biggest question is
how many qualifiers on the
NCAA provisional list will
be ai ( epted lor the \( A A
Cullen Peterson. Wil
bains Roberts and Smith all
( urrentlv stand on the
N't A A prov isional list
f ield events begin at t
pm with the women s ills
i us Running events begin at
i to (i in vv ith the women's
toilmeter hurdles
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Athletes honored as students
Oregon seniors 1'errv Obee
.mil Stephanie hasperski. .is
well as sophomore I).in \ ullak
wi'iv honored as the Dniversi
l\ . lop student athletes as part
ol the athletic department's an
mini recognition banquet held
I nesday nllernnon m the K.Mt '
( )hee was named the rei ipi
ent ol the lanernh! Athletic Tro
pin as one ol the school's top
senior student athletes
kasperski was given the jai k
son Award as the Dm ks top le
male si holar. while Vidlak was
aw irded the Higdon I’ropln as
the I adversity s lop sophomore
exhibiting excellence in nthlet
H s. si holarship and i iti/.en
()hee completed his nolle
giate football career as the I’a
i dn HI ( oiiterem e's all time
leader in punt returns and
yardage as well as Oregon’s
career leader m receiving yard
Darning a 2 7 (il’A the sei
ond team all league selection
and two time all ai ndemii pu k
w ill graduate in (line w ith a de
glee in business before attempt
mg to c ontinue Ins football i a
reel as a free agent with the Se
attle Seahaw ks
The Kmerald Trophy, which
orikiin.iti’il in l'i i I is spun
snrutl |iiiilli\ ii\ the I !11iVi'lsi
l\ \ iIfpiirtnu'iit ill .ithlftu s ami
(lit- si himl'i sliult'iil nt'usp.i
pi<r. thr On'tton llul\ l\mrr,ihl
kaspnrski ^r.ldu.iti'tl in
Man Ii u illi a I ‘18 (.1’ \ m liiol
(iy;\ aflrr fslablishiliH till1 I’at
It) t art'fr relxiundniK ret uni
I In- i. font 7 U ust t ,fi man na
live pit'viunsU was naiiifil I In
( , I I willin' ns I task filial I at a
ilfiuu All Aint'rii an ut I lit- \ f.u
in .iilililinn In mi t • i v i 11 n I In
si liular atlilftf tif tIn* srat
aw ml hum the 1 ' S Haskrtball
U i iters ,\ss<k i.ilmn
\ idl*ik finished eighth in tin*
i ountiA m tlir vimi 's \( \ A
w restling i hampionships at
1 I ti pounds to e.n n ail Amrrn a
•a i laim riu* two tinit* \( A \
')uaiitii*i led his tram m vi< to
rirs this siMsnn with a 2H 0 (I
ret ord to hr namrd thr Dinks'
\l\ 1' .is a sophomore
Krt online a ».' 1 » 1 re< ord in
two seasons the (irants Pass
sc lenc e major owns a 2 <M»
Women’s crew wins
I ivr mrmbrrs of Ini' (In-gon
I luh (Irru tram rarnril .1 lri|i hi
thr IVimirn's Natmn.il l lollr
Kiatr Kmvinu ( Ihainpionships
with .1 lirst plat r finish in thr
I’ai 11H ( »mst Kim 111^ ( lliam
pionslnps last wrrkrnil
Kimi'rs Kalhv (Irskr Shan
nun I’mvrll, harm t.n^gs anil
1 lyrilhia Knurl Iramril with
luiswatn Koiht'llr Suzuki fill
thr fust pi,11 r finish in thr
Uumrii’s l.i^htwrigiit Varsiti I
rvrnt 111 thr Sai ranirnlii tnri‘1
last wrrkrniI
I lir u 111 1 ,11 nril thr w 1 mii'ii a
trip In tin- National nirrl jiinr
It 111 Madison \\ is I ranis
hum .ill ti\ t*i Hit' n.ition will
part it ipate m till' I'Vi'iit
I )||ut finishers fin (liripin
I lull Sports List weekend wuri'
till' men's \ nrsit\ ft .it fmirtli in
thi' 1’i'titi' finals, tin1 women's
( )prn Yarsit\ 1 at tilth in the
Hranil finals, the men's l.ij{tit
weight Varsity 1 at tilth in the
Hr.iinl finals, and the women's
\'m ii e H at tilth in the ipialit\
iiiH rat es
I he women's ( )pen Yaisit\ I
team earned a berth in the
ipaiiil finals hv takini; lust in
then ipiallls iiih i.ii e Men's
lightweight \ arsitv I took
thud in the ipialitvinn heat
The Saga Continues
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